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Home > News > News Releases > Young Scientists to Meet Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany


June 14, 2007

Young Scientists to Meet Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany

OAK RIDGE, TENN.—Forty-nine outstanding graduate research students are attending the 57th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students in Lindau, Germany, from July 1-6, to participate in discussions and lectures on physiology and medicine with Nobel Laureates. 

Continuing a tradition established in 1951 by the late Count Lennart Bernadotte, Nobel Laureates in chemistry, physics or medicine/physiology convene annually in Lindau to conduct open and informal meetings with more than 500 students and young researchers from around the world.

The 49 students are sponsored by Mars, Inc., the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). The DOE/NSF/NIH delegation consists of U.S. doctoral students whose current research is funded by one of the sponsoring agencies.

During the meeting, the Laureates will lecture in the mornings on the topic of their choice related to physiology and medicine and participate in less formal small group discussions with the students in the afternoons and some evenings. The primary purpose of the meeting is to allow participants—most of whom are students—to benefit from informal interaction with the Nobel Prize winners.

During lunches and dinners, Laureates will join participants at local restaurants for informal discussions. Various social events are also on the agenda to allow participants to meet other attendees from around the world.

A Web site has been set up to post information while students are attending the meeting. Photos and a summary of events will be updated at http://www.orau.org/lindau/

The Web site and travel arrangements for these participants are being administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), which is managed by ORAU for DOE.

Sponsor: DOE
Jeffrey Cameron, Washington University in St. Louis
Lisa Carlson, University of Rochester
Carlos Cela, North Carolina State University
Matthew Humbard, University of Florida
Steven Jung, Savannah River National Laboratory
Aaron Livingston, Washington State University
Carolyn Lubner, Pennsylvania State University
Diego Martinez, University of New Mexico
Scott Melton, Tulane University
Eric Steen, University of California at Berkeley

Sponsor: NSF
Sara Andria, University of Cincinnati
Carolyn Bayer, University of Texas
Julianne Chung, Emory University
Megan Daschbach, Washington University in St. Louis
Kathryn Davis, University of Pittsburgh
Joshua Dillon, Purdue University
Amy Ensign, University of Rochester
Jason Ford-Green, Jackson State University
Haley Hill, Northwestern University
Giao Huynh, University of Utah
Patricia Jones, University of Delaware
Joyce Lin, University of North Carolina
Sara Lorenz, University of California, Irvine
Daniel Lutterman, Ohio State University
Carlee McClintock, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Warren Ruder, Carnegie Mellon University
Brian Saar, Harvard University
Chessa Scullin, University of New Mexico
Kandace Thomas, Louisiana State University
Susanna Thon, University of California, Santa Barbara

Sponsor: NIH
Brian Capell, New York University
Kee Chan, Yale University
Gabriel Eichler, Boston University
Jodi Gilman, Brown University

Sponsor: Mars, Inc.
Meredith Barnes, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Steven Karpowicz, University of California, Los Angeles
Jared Minkel, University of Pennsylvania
Jennifer Patterson, Virginia Commonwealth University
Denis Seletskiy, University of New Mexico

Sponsor: ORAU
Melissa Bonner, University of Delaware
Nataliya Gurich, University of Texas, Dallas
Samantha Horvath, Ohio State University
Judy Oakes, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Jessica Osmond, Medical College of Georgia
Jonathan Phipps, University of Tennessee
Beverly Piggott, University of Michigan
Elizabeth Rahn, University of Georgia
Jacqueline Sayyah, University of Florida
Nicholas Whiting, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is a U.S. Department of Energy institute focusing on scientific initiatives to research health risks from occupational hazards, assess environmental cleanup, respond to radiation medical emergencies, support national security and emergency preparedness, and educate the next generation of scientists. ORISE is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

Media Contact:

Pam Bonee
Director, Communications

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