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Home > News > News Releases > 2006 News Releases > Poster Sessions and Graduate School Fair Offers Young Scientists the Opportunity to Showcase Summer Research


Aug. 10, 2006

Poster Sessions and Graduate School Fair Offer Young Scientists the Opportunity to Showcase Summer Research

OAK RIDGE, Tenn.—More than 100 students from 13 scientific and technical research participation programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) gathered to present a culmination of their summer research projects at a student poster session on Wednesday. Later that evening, they met with graduate school representatives from 19 universities at the 7th Annual Graduate School Fair.

ORNL Poster Session

University of Tennessee sophomore Max Trent was one of more than 100 students who presented their research at the ORNL poster session.

High-resolution version

The day-long poster session, hosted by ORNL, offered students participating in summer research programs the opportunity to showcase their projects to fellow students, ORNL scientists and university representatives. Students discussed research topics ranging from cyber security to x-ray technology at the annual event coordinated by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). After the poster session, many students attended the graduate school fair, sponsored by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), which was held at the Doubletree Hotel in Oak Ridge.

Max Trent, a participant with the Higher Education Research Experiences at ORNL program and a sophomore at the University of Tennessee (UT), explained that the poster session offered a number of unique research opportunities. “The scientists and facilities of ORNL have really reinforced my research in materials science,” said Trent. “The experience has certainly encouraged me to continue my studies beyond a four-year degree.”

Jarett Collins, a participant in ORNL’s Research Alliance in Math and Science program, attended the graduate fair after presenting his research on optimizing data transfer speeds within computer networks at the poster session. A senior in computer science at Dillard University in New Orleans, La., Collins discussed his options for post-graduate study with several universities attending the fair. “The Graduate School Fair has been very beneficial,” Collins said. “I definitely plan to attend graduate school, and the fair offered me a unique opportunity to discuss computer science programs with a variety of university representatives.”

7th Annual Grad School Fair

Dillard University senior Jarett Collins spoke with a Vanderbilt University representative about graduate programs in computer science at the 7th Annual Graduate School Fair.

High-resolution version

The 19 universities that attended the graduate school fair included Arkansas State University, Auburn University, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State University, New Mexico State University, North Carolina State University, Rutgers University, Southern Illinois University, Tennessee Technological University, University of Arkansas, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, University of North Texas, University of Oklahoma, University of Pittsburgh, University of Tennessee, University of Virginia, Vanderbilt University, and West Virginia University.

For information about other educational opportunities through ORISE, visit http://see.orau.org/. For more information on programs through ORNL, visit http://www.orau.gov/orise/edu/ornl/.

ORAU is a university consortium leveraging the scientific strength of 96 major research institutions to advance science and education by partnering with national laboratories, government agencies, and private industry. ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Media Contact:

Pam Bonee
Director, Communications

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