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The United States Marshals Service has a long history of protecting and supporting the United States Federal courts to make sure individuals conducting judicial business are safe and can perform their duties fairly.
 The federal judicial process has procedures that deputy marshals must follow. For example, a court official gives warrants (written orders) directing deputy marshals to:
Star Bullet search (a place)
Star Bullet seize (take possession)
Star Bullet arrest (hold a person for court)
Star Bullet execute a judgment (deliver a court’s final decision)
Deputy marshals also:
Star Bullet secure (keep safe) all places where federal judicial business is conducted
Star Bullet protect judges, jurors, witnesses and other persons whose safety may be threatened (danger of being hurt) because of their duties
Star Bullet safely move prisoners to and from court, make sure they are fed, receive medical treatment and are confined (jailed)
The Marshals Service has various programs to help protect everyone involved in the different stages of the judicial process. The larger programs include:
Star Bullet Fugitive Investigations
Star Bullet Judicial Security
Star Bullet Witness Security
Star Bullet Prisoner Services
Star Bullet Asset Forfeiture
Star Bullet Special Operations Support