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Bicyclist Safety Program
Program Manager
Program Introduction
Brochures and Posters
News & Information
Program Links
Program Manager
Sue Riehl
Phone: 503 986-4197
FAX:  503 986-3143
ODOT - Transportation Safety Division
235 Union Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-1054

Program Introduction
Lighten Up
"Reduce bicyclists killed and injured in motor vehicle crashes from 708, the 5 year average from 2003 to 2007 to 555, a 3 % reduction per year by 2015".
Bicyclist Safety: Encourages bicyclist safety through:
  • Public information program
  • Information and education programs for targeted audiences
  • School presentations
  • Law Enforcement Training
Performance Measures
  • Reduce bicyclists injured in motor vehicle crashes from the 2004-2007 average level of 700 to 658.  A reduction of 3% per year by December 31, 2009.  This includes all reported bicyclists injured where an age was not stated.
  • Reduce the number of bicyclists age 0-19 injured in motor vehicle crashes from 2007 level of 166 to 156. A reduction of 6% or fewer by December 31, 2009.
  • Reduce bicyclists age 20+ injured in motor vehicle crashes from the 2007 level of 395 to 371. A reduction of 6% or fewer by December 31, 2009.

Brochures and Posters
The following products (except theater slides) may be requested by contacting the Program Manager by email ( Susan.J.RIEHL@odot.state.or.us ) or by phone (503) 986-4197.
Click on the links below to view our latest publications.

2006 Oregon Bicyclist Manual
Bike Poster
Helmet Poster
Theater Slides
A Perfectly Fitted Bicycle Helmet- 7 Easy Steps/English
A Perfectly Fitted Bicycle Helmet- 7 East Steps/Spanish
Easy Steps to Properly Fit a Bicycle Helmet- English
Kids and Bicycle Safety- English (NHTSA)
Kids and Bicycle Safety- Spanish  (NHTSA)

News & Information
City Cyclist
2007 Legislative Session ( bills passed relating to bicyclist safety.)
  • SB 108-- Crossview Mirrors/Passing Bicyclist Safely (ORS 811.065)
SB 108 requires commercial delivery trucks over 10,000 pounds gross weight to be equipped with "crossview" mirrors. 
Crossview mirrors enable the driver to see people and objects directly in front of the vehicle.  In addition SB 108 allows a driver to pass a bicyclist only on the left and at a safe distance from the cyclist.  A safe distance is a distance sufficient to prevent contact between the vehicle and the cyclist if the cyclist were to fall into the driver's lane of travel.  This rule does not apply when the driver is traveling in a lane adjacent to a designated bicycle lane, on roads with speed greater than 35mph, or when the cyclist is turning left.
  • HB 3314--Careless Driving Penalties (ORS 811.135)
HB 3314 enhances the penalties associated with careless driving when the person convicted of this offense also contributed to the serious physical injury or death of a "vulnerable user of the public way."
Under the bill, a "vulnerable user" includes a pedestrian, a highway worker, a person riding an animal, the operator or user of a farm tractor, a skateboard, roller skates, in-line skates, a scooter or a bicycle.  HB 3314 requires a court to sentence a person convicted of this offense to complete a traffic safety course, perform 100 to 200 hours of community service, pay a fine up to $12,500, and suspension of driving privileges for one year.  Payment of the fine and suspension of driving privileges may be waived by the court upon completion of the traffic safety course and the community service.
Bicyclist Safety Event Calendar
Program Links
(click on title to open)
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
Bicycle Transportation Alliance
Bikes belong coalition
FHWA Fact Sheet
FHWA Safety Page
National Center for Bicycling and Walking
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
NW Bicycle Safety Council
UNC Highway Safety Research Center
Washington County Bicycle Safety Campaign
ODOT Highway Division Bicycle & Pedestrian Program
Legal Information for Bicyclists by Swanson, Thomas & Coon

Page updated: September 12, 2008

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