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R01 HL075649
MRI Correlates of Limb Ischemia in PVD

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Principal Investigator: Thomas Floyd, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

We will use a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique to see blood flow at the level of small blood vessels (the microvasculature) in patients with peripheral arterial disease (P.A.D.). Subjects with various disease states, early through late and mild to severe, will undergo noninvasive MRI of blood flow within the legs and feet. The results will be compared with those of more standard methods for diagnosing large vessel (macrovascular) disease such as Doppler ultrasound and angiography. In addition, a group of subjects at the earliest stages of P.A.D. will be followed for a period of one year using both macrovascular and the new MRI microvascular approaches to measure rates of disease progression.

Contact Dr. Thomas Floyd at 215-662-3729 or