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R01 HL075803
Clinical MRI of Peripheral Arterial Disease

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Principal Investigator: Dwight Nishimura, Ph.D.
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA

Dr. Nishimura will be testing newly developed, noninvasive, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods to see if they are better than standard imaging methods for patients with P.A.D.. This research uses magnetic resonance in various ways to look for structural problems such as atherosclerotic blockages in blood vessels of the legs (angiography), total blood flow to the legs (global flow), and blood flow to specific muscles (regional flow). These MRI methods must be confirmed in studies like this one before they can replace current tests, such as X-ray angiography with contrast dye. If confirmed, the MRI scans will be safer and more comfortable for future patients with P.A.D.

Contact Dwight Nishimura, Ph.D. at 650-723-4533 or