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R01 HL075721
Clinical Implications of Peripheral Plaque Morphology

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Principal Investigator: Kenneth Ouriel, M.D.
The Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH

P.A.D. involves a buildup of fatty deposits (plaque) within blood vessels that can restrict blood flow. Patients who have P.A.D. and claudication (pain in legs during exercise due to poor blood circulation) may be eligible for this clinical trial. Patients will be randomly assigned to one of two treatment arms: 1) a low dose of a cholesterol-lowering medication (a statin), or 2) a higher dose of the statin. Patients will have angiograms at the beginning of the study (baseline) and after 2 years. An angiogram is an X-ray picture of blood vessels taken after an injection of contrast dye. In this study, a small ultrasound camera will also be threaded into the blood vessels during the angiographic procedures to more directly measure the amount of plaque buildup. Changes in plaque volume from baseline to the 2 year time point will be the basis for comparing the two treatment groups.

Contact Cindy Gioia, RN at 216-444-0922 or