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R01 HL075824
Effect of Lipid Modification on P.A.D. after Endovascular Intervention

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Principal Investigator: Alan B. Lumsden, M.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX

Individuals with P.A.D. who are having an endovascular procedure such as angioplasty (balloon dilation) or stent placement to open a blockage of an artery located between the hip and knee may be eligible. In this study, patients will be randomly assigned (as by the flip of a coin) to one of 2 treatment arms: 1) Standard of care including cholesterol management with one drug, or 2) More intensive care with a combination of 3 drugs to reduce "bad" cholesterol to even lower levels and raise levels of "good" cholesterol. Several tests including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound scans, treadmill walking tests, physical exams, and blood tests will be done at the beginning of the trial and every 6 months for 2 years. Patients will also be asked to answer questions about their quality of life. This trial is called Effect of Lipid Modification on P.A.D. after Endovascular Intervention or, for short, the ELIMIT Trial. Sites of the trial include The Methodist Hospital, Ben Taub General Hospital, Veteran's Administration Medical Center and St. Luke's in the Houston Medical Center.

Contact Shawna Johnson, R.N., B.S.N. at 713-798-2301 or