United States Cancer Statistics (USCS)

1999–2004 Cancer Incidence and Mortality Data
This web based report includes the official federal statistics on cancer incidence from registries that have high-quality data and cancer mortality statistics for each year and 2002–2004 combined. It is produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), in collaboration with the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). Download the complete report for 2004 only (PDF-8.51 MB).

Image of graph State Cancer Data

Click on a state or use the dropdown menu to view cancer information or view a list of states.

United States Map
District of Columbia District of Columbia Maryland Delaware Maryland New Jersey Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska California Oregon Washington Nevada Idaho Arizona Utah Wyoming New Mexico Montana Colorado North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Iowa Minnesota Arkansas Missouri Wisconsin Louisiana Illinois Mississippi Mississippi Indiana Alabama Michigan Kentucky Tennessee Ohio West Virginia Florida South Carolina Pennsylvania Virginia North Carolina New York Maine Georgia Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Vermont Connecticut New Hampshire Rhode Island Massachusetts Maryland Delaware Maryland New Jersey Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Vermont Connecticut New Hampshire Rhode Island Massachusetts

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This information was printed from CDC's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC)'s USCS Website http://www.cdc.gov/npcr/uscs