Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

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Department of Invertebrate Zoology

Sapphirina auronitens

A drawing by Giesbrecht (1892) of the Copepoda, Sapphirina auronitens Claus, 1863

A sample from the Invertebrate Zoology Department's collections

Within the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, scientists conduct original research on all 30 major invertebrate animal groups (phyla) of the world (except insects), and are stewards for the 35 million specimens of invertebrates that comprise the U.S. National Collection. The study of invertebrates offers great challenges and opportunities to contribute to the world's knowledge of these organisms.


It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Cynthia Ahearn

Return of Loan and Shipping Service (Jan 1, 2009)

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