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Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Page Contents

Mission Statement
The Oregon Department of Transportation is committed to equal opportunity in employment and contracting. The agency is dedicated to the principles of equal employment opportunity with its workforce and with the workforce of the contracting employers who deliver services on behalf of the agency.

What is the EEO Program?
The Equal Employment Opportunity Program is a federally required affirmative action program that must be implemented by contractors and subcontractors with contracts and subcontracts of $10,000 and more on all federal-aid construction projects. Under the program, all affected contractors are required to provide equal employment opportunities to presumed socially and economically disadvantaged groups. The program also sets forth goals for minority and female participation, which are expressed in terms of the contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in a covered area.

What is Discrimination?
Discrimination is treating someone unfairly or harassing them because they belong to or are associated with a particular group. It is against the law for an employer to discriminate against a job applicant or employee because of their race, age, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. Allegations of discrimination are handled professionally and with fairness to all parties.

Who Benefits from EEO?
EMPLOYEES benefit by working in an environment which is free from discrimination and harassment. Applicants and employees have equal access to jobs, training and other development opportunities. Fair processes exist to deal with work-related issues, complaints and grievances.

EMPLOYERS benefit by having cooperative workplace relations, reduced workplace conflict; increased employee job satisfaction and morale; and increased productivity and the ability to meet business goals.

THE PUBLIC benefits from services and products that are responsive to the needs of a diverse community.

Resource Documents
  • Oregon Plan of Action:
    Objectives and Action Steps for Recruiting, Training, Hiring, Retaining and Advancing Youth of Color and Women in the Highway construction Trades in Oregon
    Select to view

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Forms
    Select to view

  • FHWA 1273 Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts
    Select to view

EEO Resource Links

EEO Program Contact
For more information about the EEO Program, contact our EEO/OJT Compliance Officer

Page updated: September 07, 2007

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