Executive Summary

Section 1
CINMS Management Plan

Section 2
The Sanctuary Setting

Section 3
Action Plan

Section 4

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Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

Management Plan

About the plan...

This management plan is designed to inform sanctuary users and the general public about the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and the various activities that are planned for the site over time. The final Environmental Impact Statement and final regulations established the sanctuary boundary and regulatory controls, with the sanctuary formally being designated in September 1980. This plan serves to guide the agencies responsible for sanctuary management in implementing the goals and objectives stated in the Final Environmental Impact Statement.

The National Marine Sanctuary Program is responsible for review and periodic update of this plan so that it reflects the information and experience gained through sanctuary operations. Readers are invited to contribute their comments and suggestions to this process.




Revised September 22, 2003 by The CINMS webmaster
National Ocean Service | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | U.S. Department of Commerce
channelislands.noaa.gov /marineres/mphome.html