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dmp graphic Draft Management Plan / Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Draft Management Plan (Vol. I) (14 MB)
The Draft Management Plan (Volume I) contains information about the Sanctuary's environment, staffing and administration, regulations and boundary, operational and programmatic costs, priority management issues and the actions proposed to address them, and performance measures.  The Draft Management Plan represents a major revision of the original 1983 management plan. 

Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Vol. II) (14 MB)
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Volume II) contains detailed information on the greater Sanctuary region, presents a range of alternatives for modified and new Sanctuary regulations, and provides environmental and socioeconomic impact analyses of those alternatives.

To download PDFs of individual sections of the documents, please use the links below.

Draft Management Plan (Vol. I) (14 MB)

Cover and Front Matter (588 KB ) includes the front cover, information about this document, and acknowledgements.

Executive Summary (176 KB)

Table of Contents (128 KB)

Section I: Introduction (796 KB) is an introduction presenting background information on the national marine sanctuaries and the management plan review process.

Section II: The Sanctuary Setting (3.2 MB) provides context by describing the Sanctuary setting.  This section is divided into four sub-sections:  II-A) The Physical Setting; II-B) The Biological Setting; II-C) The Human Setting; and II-D) The Operational Setting.

Section III: Action Plans (8 MB) contains the action plans, which detail the management actions the Sanctuary will take to address priority issues and meet the purposes and policies of the NMSA.

Section IV: Appendices

Appendix A: Action Plan Summary Tables (288 KB) presents two tables (Appendix A1 and Appendix A2) that provide information on the status, funding source, level of partnership coordination, and levels of implementation for the strategies contained within each action plan, and a summary of the operational and programmatic costs of implementing years one through five of this management plan.

Appendix B: List of Acronyms (96 KB) provides the definitions for acronyms commonly used in the Draft Management Plan.

Appendix C: Existing and Proposed CINMS Regulations (152 KB) is a table displaying the three regulatory alternatives analyzed in the DEIS (Vol. II), with proposed deletions of existing CINMS regulatory text shown in strikethrough, and proposed new regulatory text underlined.

Appendix D: Supporting Information on Boundary Evaluation (768KB) provides supporting information for the Boundary Evaluation Action Plan (Section III).

Appendix E: Sources Consulted (320 KB)

Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Vol. II) (14 MB)

Cover and Front Matter (572 KB) includes the front cover and general information about this document.

Executive Summary (172 KB)

Table of Contents (76 KB)

Section 1: Introduction (3.5 MB) includes background on The National Marine Sanctuary Program, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, the purpose and need for the proposed action, issues within and beyond the scope of this EIS, the public comment process, interagency coordination, other related studies and environmental review processes, and the organization of this EIS.

Section 2: Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives (492 KB) describes various proposed regulatory changes under consideration as part of the CINMS Management Plan Review.

Section 3: Affected Environment (4 MB) describes the study area for this environmental review in terms of geographic location, physical environment, biological environment, maritime heritage resources, and human uses.

Section 4: Environmental Consequences of Alternatives (376 KB) evaluates the environmental impacts (including socioeconomic impacts) of implementing the Sanctuary regulations included in the Proposed Action, Alternative 1, and the No-Action Alternative.

Section 5: Federal and State Law (244 KB) provides a summary of existing federal and state laws and regulations relevant to the activities subject to regulation under the three alternatives.

Section 6: References (160 KB)

Section 7: Persons and Agencies Contacted (64 KB) a list of government officials, agencies, and Sanctuary Advisory Council representatives and working groups whom the sanctuary has contacted for consultation and purposes regarding this EIS and the management plan review.

Section 8: List of Preparers (44 KB) lists individuals, along with their affiliation, years of experience, and education, who were involved in preparing this EIS.

Section 9: Acronyms and Abbreviations (48 KB) provides the definitions for acronyms commonly used in this EIS.

Section 10: Glossary of Terms (148 KB)



Appendix A.1: Notice of Intent (108 KB) a copy of the June 11, 1999 Federal Register notice announcing the initiation of review of the management plan and sanctuary regulations.

Appendix A.2: Documentation of Scoping Process (168 KB) provides information about the Sanctuary’s public scoping meetings held in 1999, as well as summaries of public scoping comments.

Appendix B: National Marine Sanctuaries Act (148 KB) provides the text of 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq., the National Marine Sanctuaries Act.

Appendix C: Biological and Historical/Cultural Resources of the Study Area (2.2 MB)supplements Section 3 (Affected Environment) by providing additional information on the biological and historical/cultural resources within the Study Area.

Appendix D: Proposed Rule (912 KB) The Proposed Rule is the Federal Register document published to notify the public of the amendments NOAA is proposing to the Sanctuary’s regulations, and to request public comment on these proposed amendments.  It contains summaries of the proposed regulatory changes, information about the Sanctuary environment, and the proposed amendments to the Sanctuary’s Designation Document and regulations.  NOAA’s publishing of the entire body of CINMS regulations hereing, showing the proposed changes, is meant to facilitate the reader’s understanding of the regulations and better inform public comments.

Appendix E: Proposed Findings and Determinations (92 KB) describes factors and consultations required by the National Marine Sanctuaries Act in order to make the changes proposed to be made to the Sanctuary’s Designation Document described in this EIS.

Appendix F: Mailing List (132 KB) a list of governmental agencies, Sanctuary Advisory Council representatives and working groups, and organizations on the CINMS management plan review mailing list.

Appendix G: Public Comments and Responses  NOTE: This section will be completed after the public comment period on the DMP/DEIS, and will appear in the Final EIS.


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Revised January 16, 2009 by The CINMS webmaster
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