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  Operations Support





Deputy marshals carry out hundreds of special missions each year that are related to the Marshals Service's broad federal law enforcement and judicial security responsibilities. They respond to national emergencies as well as crises involving homeland security. The agency’s Operations Support Division oversees such efforts. The division directs, coordinates, manages and supports the following
Marshals Service entities: the Special Operations Group (SOG); Office of Emergency Management (OEM); Office of Inspection; Emergency Operations
Center; and the Marshals Service Communications Center. The division serves as the primary point of contact between the Office of the Director and the districts, headquarters divisions and other agencies in regards to operational matters. Whenever the Marshals Service’s director authorizes a special assignment or
special security mission, it is the Operations Support Division that carries out those orders.

Special Operations Group

The Special Operations Group (SOG) is a specially trained and highly disciplined tactical unit. It is a self-supporting response team capable of responding to emergencies anywhere in the United States or its territories. Most of the deputy marshals who have volunteered to be SOG members serve as full-time deputies in Marshals Service offices throughout the nation, and they remain on call 24 hours a day for SOG missions.

The SOG also maintains a small, full-time operational cadre stationed at the Marshals Service Tactical Operations Center at Camp Beauregard, LA. There, all SOG deputies undergo extensive, specialized training in tactics and weaponry. These deputies must meet rigorous physical and mental standards.

The group's missions include: apprehending fugitives; protecting dignitaries; providing court security; transporting high-profile and dangerous prisoners; providing witness security; and seizing assets.

Office of Emergency Management

The OEM is the primary point of contact when the Marshals Service is involved in sensitive and classified missions. It has primary responsibility over the agency’s actions involving homeland security, national emergencies and domestic crises. The OEM supervises: the Marshals Service Canine Program; Emergency Response Teams; Marshals Service Communications Center; Emergency Operations
Center; and the headquarters security force.

Special Assignments

The Office of District Affairs was created to assist Marshals Service district offices experiencing administrative and operational problems during extraordinary circumstances. The office also coordinates special assignments for high-threat trials and SOG deployments. It temporarily assigns deputy marshals when a district's permanently assigned deputies need assistance in carrying out their missions.

For example, hundreds of deputies from across the country augmented the manpower of districts hit hard by hurricanes. These mobilization orders come from the U.S. attorney general.

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