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Spent Fuel Transportation Images
Selected images related to safe transportation of spent nuclear fuel.

Thumbnail Caption 300dpi image
GA-4 spent fuel truck transportation cask. Hi-res
The NAC-STC cask may be used for storage or rail transportation. Hi-res
A locomotive pulls a rail cask. Hi-res
A specially-trained shipment inspector. Hi-res
Locomotive pushing two rail casks at the Idaho National Laboratory. Hi-res
Pennsylvania State Police walk alongside a rail shipment. Hi-res
Photo illustration of rail and truck shipments. Hi-res
Inspector using a geiger counter at the Idado National Laboratory. Hi-res
Emergency responder training. Hi-res
Illustration showing relative sizes of typical rail and truck casks. Hi-res
Inspecting a rail cask. Hi-res
A rail cask. Hi-res
Illustration depicting satellite tracking of shipments. Hi-res
waste package welding Emergency responder training. Hi-res
waste package welding A truck cask with its lid removed. Hi-res
Last reviewed: 07/08

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  Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
This page last modified on: July 07, 2008  
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