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Technology & Response
Ken Keim, Technology and Response Section Director
503-378-2911, x22242
The Technology and Response Section Director is responsible for the day to day supervision of all functions of the agency's statewide role in emergency communications, management of the State's Emergency Operations Center capability, management of the Oregon Emergency Response Section, implementation and operation of Enhanced 9-1-1 emergency telephone system throughout the state, and the Search and Rescue coordination of ground, air and marine throughout the State. This includes development of program goals and monitoring the progress made to reach these goals. Ken develops budget and program priorities and administers the same throughout the section. Ken advises the Director and Department on issues critical to the state including wireless services, telephone priority service, radio warning systems, and new telecommunication competition issues. Ken is responsible for the enforcement of Oregon Revised Statutes and preparation and enforcement of Oregon Administrative Rule regarding all section programs and their operations. Ken is responsible for negotiating statewide contracts and pricing agreements.  Nationally, Ken is viewed as an authority on issues surrounding the 9-1-1 Community. He is frequently invited to participate on panels and lead discussion groups on various topics related to 9-1-1.   Ken serves on the Oregon APCO/NENA Executive committee as the APCO treasurer.
Shannon Marheine, 9-1-1 and Technology Section Lead
503-378-2911, x22230
The 9-1-1 & Technology Section Lead provides direction for the 9-1-1 Program, including facilitating a collaborative process for developing the Program mission and goals under the direct supervision of the Section Director.  This position is responsible for providing leadership and guidance to the 9-1-1 program staff and fostering a productive and customer service oriented work environment.    This position is the statewide technical expert on the integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into the existing PSAP environment,  Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) build and maintenance, and the research and recommendation of emerging technologies for 9-1-1. Shannon is responsible for lead duties as assigned by the Section Director and is the primary contact for the Section in his absence.   She currently serves as the Oregon APCO/NENA Nominations Chair.
Gillien Duvall, 9-1-1 GIS Analyst
503-378-2911, x22250
This position is the Statewide GIS Coordinator for the E9-1-1 Program.  The 9-1-1 GIS Analyst coordinates spatial data development, maintenance and acquisition. In this position, Gillien reviews GIS data for PSAP use, trains PSAP personnel in the use of various GIS software, and coordinates the maintenance of GIS data sets throughout the state.  Gillien provides customer service and support in the use of GIS mapping tools to public safety agencies and organizations both familiar and unfamiliar with the technology.  She is the first point of contact at the State 9-1-1 Program for PSAP, Responder, and Local government 9-1-1 Mapping End Users questions.  Gillien also serves as the Chair of the Oregon APCO/NENA Membership committee.
Mark Tennyson, 9-1-1 Program Analyst
503-378-2911, x22265
The 9-1-1 Program Analyst is responsible for coordinating the continued statewide approach in the upgrade and development of Enhanced 9-1-1 systems throughout Oregon.  This position is responsible for researching and planning the integration of emerging technologies into the current PSAP environment to allow for network growth and evolution.  This position is also responsible for facilitating the development of PSAP budget reporting, 9-1-1 call reporting systems, and PSAP disaster recovery plans.  This position works closely with PSAP Managers and Local Exchange Carriers to ensure statewide efficiency, including coordination of costs and payment schedules for LEC services. Mark is currently a member of the Oregon APCO/NENA Technical Committee and serves on the Board of the State of Oregon 211 initiative. 
Jeanie Stark, 9-1-1 Program Assistant
503-378-2911, x22224
This position oversees and provides direct administrative and fiscal support for the Division's Technology and Response Services Section.  Acts as Administrative Assistant to the Section Director of the Technology and Response Services Section.
Sher Kholer, 9-1-1 Office Specialist
503-378-2911, x22274
The purpose of this position is to provide a variety of support functions for the Technology and Response Section such as typing, filing, word processing, telephone answering, computer data entry and information retrieval.  The position requires a detailed understanding of the 9-1-1 and Search and Rescue (SAR) Program areas to be able to answer routine questions and route calls to the appropriate individual or program area.
Georges Kleinbaum, Search and Rescue Coordinator
503-378-2911, x22238
The purpose of this position is to coordinate or direct air, ground and marine search and rescue functions statewide; maintains liaison with Oregon State Sheriff’s Association, Civil Air Patrol, active and reserve military components, FAA and other interested organizations, and provides rescue coordination upon request. Upon request, locates, coordinates and directs available resources in support of search and rescue operations.  Gathers, analyses, reports and disseminates statistics on search and rescue activities within the state.  Maintains a library of SAR Plans from all counties and assists counties with development of plans if necessary. Assist in the development, coordination, implementation and certification of appropriate training. Coordinates state level activities related to the allocation and assignment of volunteers who are managed at the local level.
Marty Mckillip, State Communications Officer
503-378-2911, x22241
The purpose of this position is to provide functional direction, coordination, and overall monitoring of a statewide communication and warning system networks; research and evaluate program regulations and operations; make oral and written recommendations to executive staff to facilitate informed decision making; represent OEM to various public, private, and legislative groups; and actively participate in the development of program administrative rules and operating policies. The position also serves as the Communications Training Officer for staff and Local Emergency Managers.       
Phil Peacock, CSEPP Systems Analyst
503-378-2911, x22228
This Systems Analyst is responsible for shared management of all CSEPP automation activities at all levels that affect the State of Oregon.  This position is the primary IT position that supports OEM’s entire infrastructure. 
Steve Ollis, System Analyst
503-378-2911, x22289
This Systems Analyst is responsible for the upgrade, maintenance, and integration of emergency management information systems and distributed databases.

Page updated: May 22, 2008

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