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Portland, Oregon
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Local Climate Data from Portland Airport

Local Climate Data from Portland Airport

......Created and updated by Clinton Rockey, NWS Portland
Data is currently being updated (October 2007). I expect to be finished in December 2007

Updated files denoted by a new icon
Portland Station Background Data and History
  • new iconClimatic Summary and Station History (text)
  • Major Holiday Weather Statistics
  • Rose Parade/Festival Weather Statistics
  • Condensed Climate Statistics

  • Portland Temperature Data and Tidbits
    1. new iconMonthly Extremes or Monthly Normals
    2. new iconDaily Normals and Records, by Month:
      Jan-Dec | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

    3. new iconDays Per Month/Year of Highs/Lows 90, 32 and 15 degrees
    4. new iconTemperature Frequency Tables
    5. new iconHeat Waves and Cold Snaps
    6. new iconMonthly MAX Temperatures (1871-2007)
    7. new iconMonthly MIN Temperatures (1871-2007)
    8. Monthly MEAN Temperatures (1871-2000)
    9. Warmest/Coldest Months/Years (1871-2000)
    10. Extreme MAX Temperatures, by month (1871-2000)
    11. Extreme MIN Temperatures, by month (1871-2000)
    12. First & Last Days to reach 70, 80, 90 degrees
    13. Heating Degree Days, by season/month (1941-2000)
    14. Daily Cumulative Heating Degree Days (normals)
    15. Cooling Degree Days, by season/month (1941-2000)
    16. Daily Cumulative Cooling Degree Days (normals)
    17. Freeze Data, with First and Last Freeze Dates

    Portland Precipitation Data and Tidbits
    1. Graph of Monthly Rainfall or Monthly Extreme/Normals (both graphics)
    2. Daily Normals and Records, by Month:
      Jan & Feb | Mar & Apr | May & Jun | Jul & Aug | Sep & Oct | Nov & Dec

    3. Monthly and Annual Rainfall Totals (1871-2000)
    4. Wettest and Driest 5 Months/Years (1871-2000)
    5. Water Year Totals & Normals (1871-2000)
    6. Short Term Rainfall Records (1953-2000)
    7. 24-Hour Rainfall Records (1871-2000)
    8. Days in Month with 0.01, 0.10, 0.50, 1.00 inch of rain
    9. Rainy Streaks with Trace, 0.01 and 0.10 inch of rain
    10. Normal Days in Month with 0.01+, Trace, or no Rain
    11. Top 20 Wettest Days per month and All-time
    12. Days in Month with Trace or less, and Absolutely No rain
    13. Dry Streaks with Trace, or NO Rain
    14. Monthly Total of Days with 0.01 inch or more (by day)
    15. Daily Chance of Rain (graphic)
    16. Daily Chance of Rain (text)

    17. Snowfall Records and Christmas Snow
    18. Snowy Streaks and Snowiest Days
    19. Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Totals (1871-2000>

    Portland Fog, Pressure, Wind and other Tidbits
    1. Days in Month with Dense Fog and Foggy Streaks
    2. Atmospheric Pressure: Normal and Extremes
    3. By Month, Hourly Relative Humidity, by time of day
    4. Graph of Hourly Relative Humidity (graphic)
    5. Wind: Normal and Extremes
    6. Wind: Frequency of Direction, based on time of day
    7. Wind: Frequency of Speed, based on direction and time of day

    8. Days per Month: Clear, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy
    9. Sky Cover Frequency: January through June
    10. Sky Cover Frequency: July through December, and Annual
    11. Major Holiday Weather Statistics
    12. Rose Parade/Festival Weather Statistics
    13. Condensed Climate Statistics

    NOAA's National Weather Service
          5241 NE 122nd Avenue
          Portland, OR 97230
    Phone: 503.326.2340
    Weather Line: 503.261-9246, -9247

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