GLOBE Bulletin

November 27, 1998:
United Kingdom Launches GLOBE Program

On November 26, 1998, the United Kingdom's Minister of the Environment, the Right Honorable Michael Meacher MP, joined The Wildlife Trusts to formally launch GLOBE in the country. The Minister was joined for the event virtually by Sir David Attenborough, a renowned media presence in the United Kingdom.

UK LaunchWith initial support from the Department of Environment Transport and the Regions (DETR), The Wildlife Trusts piloted the GLOBE Program in England to ensure its links to the National Curriculum and to the needs of teachers. With support from the DETR, and matching funds from the ARC Environment Fund and the National Grid Company, The Wildlife Trusts is now developing a new three-year program that will enable schools throughout the United Kingdom to participate in GLOBE.

Dr. Andy Tasker, the Country Coordinator for GLOBE in the United Kingdom expects many schools to be eager to join GLOBE. "Linking the Internet with the local environment in this imaginative way shows how technology can help provide solutions, as well as encouraging more people to find out about environmental issues," Dr. Tasker said.

Learn more by visiting the United Kingdom's GLOBE website at

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