Video Conferencing

at Brookhaven

Video Conferencing Overview
H.323: Desktop Video Conferencing
Video Conferencing Rooms
Scheduling a Video Conference
Charges for Video Conferencing
Cancellation Policy
Technical Support
Additional Information

Overview of Video Conferencing Service

Video conferencing is a cost effective way to collaborate face-to-face with colleagues who are remotely located. Video conferencing can save you travel time and costs when working with off site personnel. Most users find that they can accomplish in a one to two hour video conference what would take many hours via other means.

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H.323: Desktop Video Conferencing

ITD now offers point-to-point video conferencing via your personal desktop or laptop computer. For more information please click here.

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Video Conferencing Rooms

Video conferencing is available at BNL in the Information Technology Division  (Building 515). The main video conferencing system is located on the second floor in room 2-52. The second system is  in building 510 on the second floor in room 2-111. Both of the BNL systems are ISDN based capable of connecting to most other video conferencing networks in the USA, Europe and the Far East.

Room 2-52 has the capacity for approximately 12 people. This system is capable of placing and receiving video calls from 128kbps to 384kbps. The system consists of the following local equipment:

  • Polycom VSX 7000s ISDN/IP based videoconferencing system ( this is the CPU for the system)
  • 42" HD local monitor (used to show what you are transmitting to the remote site)
  • 42" HD remote monitor (shows incoming video signal from remote site)
  • Main camera (main camera is controllable via the remote control)
  • Document camera (used for showing plain paper documents)
  • Visual Concert VSX (used for Internet connections and displaying your PC/files)
  • Remote control  (used for system control)
  • Speaker Phone (for placing or receiving audio calls x3224)

Room 2-111 has the capacity for approximately 20 people. This system is capable of placing and receiving video calls from 128kbps to 384kbps only. The system consists of the following local equipment:

  • Polycom VSX 7000s ISDN/IP based videoconferencing system ( this is the CPU for the system)
  • 42" HD local monitor (used to show what you are transmitting to the remote site)
  • 42" HD remote monitor (shows incoming video signal from remote site)
  • Main camera (main camera is controllable via the remote control)
  • Document camera (used for showing plain paper documents)
  • Visual Concert VSX (used for Internet connections and displaying your PC/files)
  • Remote control  (used for system control)
  • Speaker Phone (for placing or receiving audio calls x5961)

BNL can connect to the networks and sites listed below. In addition, connection via direct dialup is available. This is not a complete list. Call (631)-344-8100 for information on whether a connection can be made to the site you are interested in. Hyperlinks to the sites listed below will be established when video conferencing web servers are developed for them.

ERVN / ESnet: Energy Resources Video Network (DOE National Laboratories)

  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Dept. of Energy @ Germantown
  • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
  • Harvard University
  • Japanese High Energy Physics Lab (Japan)
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • National Center for Nuclear Physics (Pisa, Italy)
  • Oak Ridge National Lab
  • Rockefeller University
  • Stanford Linear Accelerator
  • University of California at Irvine
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Rochester
  • University of Wisconsin

GBVS: Global Business Video Service (AT&T) provides gateways to other networks.

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Scheduling a Video Conference

To schedule a conference you can complete the online request form or you can send E-mail to video-conf-l@bnl.gov You can also call (631) 344-8100 to setup a conference or ask questions about the video system or to get conference information. To simplify conference setup and reduce cost please request your remote collaborators to contact the technical staff at their location to obtain room availability, equipment type, and type of access.

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Charges for Video Conferencing

The only charge for video conferencing is when BNL connects to another site via ISDN (phone).  In that case, phone charges will be billed back to the user.

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Technical Support

If you need technical support during your video conference, call:

  • Richard Horwitz x8100 - If Richard is not available, call:
  • Louie Nieves x4897 (cell phone (631) 316-0498).  If Louie is not available call:
  • Aimee Sumereau X4401 (cell phone 631-804-7505). If Aimee is not available, call:
  • Alexa McGill X5555 (cell phone 631-495-4273). If Alexa is not available, call:
  • X5522. Tell that person you need help with a video conference and she/he will page a video technician to assist you.

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Additional Information

For additional information about video conference scheduling or technical information contact BNL Video Conference Coordinator (video-conf-l@bnl.gov) or call (631)344-8100

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Last Modified: February 1, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Web Services