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Safety and Health Articles/Reports

Nanotechnology Oversight: An Agenda for the new Administration VIEW
A Woodrow Wilson International Centers for Scholars publication about ways existing laws can be applied or changed, if necessary, to provide needed oversight of nanoscale materials.

NanoEHS Virtual Journal VIEW

International Council on Nanotechnology nanoEHS Virtual JournalVIEW
A monthly online journal with citations and links to articles on the environment and health impacts of nanotechnology

In Study, Researchers Find Nanotubes May Pose Health Risks Similar to Asbestos VIEW
The New York Times, May 21, 2008

Safe production and Use of Nanomaterials VIEW
Efficiency of fibrous filters and personal protective equipments against nanoaerosols dissemination report.

Safe Nanotechnology in the Workplace VIEW
A National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health brochure that provides an introduction to nanotechnology in the workplace for employers, managers, and safety and health professionals. It addresses the following questions: Are nanoparticles hazardous to workers? How can workers be exposed? Can nanoparticles be measured? Can worker exposures be controlled?

Strategy for Nanotechnology-Related Environmental, Health, and Safety Research VIEW
A National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) publication that outlines the NNI strategy for nanotechnology-related environmental, health and safety research.

Understanding of Risk Assessment of TechnologyVIEW
Article commissioned by the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, date unknown

Cancerous Agents, Air Pollutants in Nanotube By ProductsVIEW
Occupational Hazards, August 2007

Ceramide Liposomes for Penn State University VIEW
Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, February 2007

Progress Toward Safe Nanotechnology in the WorkplaceVIEW
Report of the progress of the NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Center, February 2007

Ethical and Scientific Issues of Nanotechnology in the Workplace VIEW
Environmental Health Perspectives, January 2007

Functionalized Fullerenes for C-Sixty, Inc. VIEW
Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, January 2007

Dendritic Nanotechnologies VIEW
Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, December 2006

Nanoparticles: Health Effects-Pros and ConsVIEW
Environmental Health Perspectives, December 2006

Safe Handling of NanotechnologyVIEW
Nature publication, November 2006

Nanotechnology: The Next Big Thing, or Much Ado about Nothing?VIEW
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, October 14, 2006

A Review of the Potential Occupational Health and Safety Implications of NanotechnologyVIEW
Australian Government Australian Safety and Compensation Council Report, July 2006

Nanotechnology: assessing the risksVIEW
nanotoday. May 2006

Human Subjects Risk in New Nanotechnologies?
DOE Protecting Human Subjects Newsletter, No. 13, Spring 2006
Subscription information – Michael Viola, DOE

Nanotech Raises Worker-Safety Questions view
The Washington Post, April 2006

Nanotechnology Raises Health Questions view
CBS News, April 2006

Nanotechnology and Respirator Use IssuesVIEW
3M Technical Data Bulletin # 171, March 2006

Report Examines Safety of Nanotechnology view
USA Today - Associated Press, January 2006

Nanotechnology and the Need for Risk Governance view
Perspectives, Springer Science, November 2005

Nanotechnology's Big Question: Safety view
The Washington Post, October 23, 2005

Nanotechnology: Looking As We Leap VIEW
Environmental Health Perspectives, September 2004

Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: Opportunities
and Uncertainties
The Royal Society and The Royal Academy of Engineering, July 2004

The Synergist: Small Wonders, Big Questions view
American Industrial Hygiene Association, The Synergist, November 2004

News Updates view

Nano World News view

cover graphic

Media Monitor view

Nano Letters view
