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Bringing more "good food" to more people.

The Wallace Center has been a key organization in fostering a more sustainable food and agricultural system in the United States since 1983. We’ve employed research, policy analysis and education to drive change that benefits farmers, urban and rural communities, our natural resources and the health of our citizens. In 2000, the Center joined Winrock International, enhancing its potential to foster food systems change and complementing an already extensive program in international development. Our current focus is on developing market-based solutions that link a larger number of people and communities to "good food"- food that is healthy, green, fair, and affordable. Our approach is four-fold:
  • We build links within a diverse and growing network of food and farm innovators with convenings and communications that bring participants together
  • We strengthen this network by gathering, creating and sharing knowledge
  • We prime the pump of change by monitoring the emergence of useful models and helping others adopt or adapt them
  • We work to bring financial resources and other capacity building support to good food innovators

For more information on the Wallace Center, including news, programs, and our latest publications and resources, visit us at

The Winrock Advantage

Developing Regional Models for Market-Based Solutions in the Food System

Image sample to Support Sustainable Systems

  • Exploring and developing new enterprise models and strategies with key partners
  • Supporting the development of sustainable supply chains in the food system
  • Analyzing and convening networks for sharing information in support of regional food systems

Building Capacity and Leadership for Sustainable Food and Farming Systems
Image sample for Promoting Participatory Approaches

  • Implementing a re-granting program that develops capacity of organizations to foster and catalyze market-based solutions
  • Providing technical assistance to farmers, partners and organizations working in social enterprise
  • Developing a clearinghouse of information and resources on building sustainable food and farming systems

Facilitating Expansion of Direct Market Options
Image sample for Engaging Communities

  • Accelerating the growth of farmers' markets and increasing access to them for a diversity of growers and consumers
  • Researching tools and viable options for direct marketers to develop successful marketing and business plans
  • Expanding existing networks of resources and information for direct marketing

Informing Public Policy
Informing Public Policy

  • Catalyzing change through shared learning with educational and government institutions
  • Researching and analyzing solutions that contribute to the development of policy supportive of community-based and sustainable food systems
  • Bringing diverse voices to local and national policy dialogues