The Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association (OEFFA) was formed in 1979 and is a membership-based, grassroots organization, dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable, ecological, and healthful food systems.

The OEFFA membership is very diverse. It includes farmers, consumers, gardeners, chefs, political activists, teachers, researchers, retailers, and students. What members have in common is an interest in creating and maintaining a food system that is good for people, good for the earth, and good for the future. By coming together for the annual conference, farm tours, and workshops, and attending chapter meetings, members help each other do this in their daily lives.

To help our members network and stay informed, OEFFA provides to its members a consumer guide to organic and ecological farms and gardens, a membership directory, and a bimonthly newsletter that includes updates on OEFFA doings, regional and national news of particular interest, farm profiles, practical tips, book reviews, resources, events, opportunities, and more. In addition, OEFFA provides organic certification services for growers, and an apprenticeship program to help students gain hands-on experience. OEFFA is also involved in research and development, farm and farmer preservation, policy making, and product promotion.


Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association 
41 Croswell Rd.
Columbus OH 43214

Phone: 614.421.2022   Fax: 614.421.2011

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