Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, Inc.


In the News

Comments to MDE on the Draft General Permit and Regulations for Animal Feeding Operations

Letter to Queen Anne's County Planning Commission


Events and Activities

So. Maryland, So Good brings you the Farms for the Holidays 2008 Guide

Future Harvest - CASA 10th Annual Conference "Connect Locally: Food, Farms, and Communities"

Chesapeake Green 2009 Horticulture Symposium


New Research

Supporting Sustainable Use of Land Through Tax Policy

Investigation of Mechanisms to Initiate the Creation and Expansion of Markets for Products made from Wood Residues, By-Products, and Wastes


General Information

Latest Newsletter is now available

Recommendations to Governor's BayStat Workgroup

Hughes Endowed Fellowship Program

For more information, contact Jean Hopkins

Last updated: 12/23/2008

Managing Money in Tough Times Chat
Dr. Liz Gorham, South Dakota State University will serve as moderator. Drs. Michael Gutter, University of Florida; Nancy Porter, Clemson University; and Barbara O’Neill, Rutgers University will serve as content experts. You do not need to register to participate - posted Jan 16, 2009

Human Sciences Update ~ "Every Day, the Healthy Way"
4-H Awards and Recognition: Out-of-State Trips for 2009, 4-H Fashion Workshop/ Fabric Available, Health Rocks!, Upcoming 4-H Communications Events, 4-H Presents Workshop - posted Jan 16, 2009

Avian Bowl
Maryland 4-H is invited to compete in an Avian Bowl on March 7, 2009 in Harrington, DE during the Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show. - posted Jan 16, 2009

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