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September 10 - 11, 2008
NanoRisk Analysis Workshop will be held in Washington, DC.

September 15 - 16, 2008
3rd International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials will be held in Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

September 16-17, 2008
4th International NanoRegulation Conference 2008 will be held in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

September 23-25, 2008
Nanotech Northern Europe 2008 will be held in Bella Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark.

October 2-3 , 2008
nanoTX '07 International Conference and Expo will be held in Dallas, Texas.

October 21-23, 2008
Nano Risk Conference 2008 will be held in Paris, France.
