Press Room


May 6, 2004

Treasury Department Issues Information on May G-7 Meetings

The meeting of the Group of 7 Finance Ministers will take place May 22-23, 2004 at the Waldorf=Astoria Hotel, 301 Park Avenue, New York, NY. The following is a preliminary schedule of events; a final schedule will be released the week of May 17th:

Saturday, May 22

Dinner, Location TBA
Time, TBA
* Pool photo at top of event with pool reporter

Sunday, May 23

G-7 meetings, group photo, and working lunch, Waldorf=Astoria Hotel
8:00 am – mid-afternoon
* Pool coverage for meetings and lunch; national photographers as requested by country
* Group photo is open photo with pool reporter

U.S. press conference, Waldorf=Astoria Hotel
* Open to all media, pre-set time TBA

** There are no bilateral meetings expected at this time.

** The Treasury Department will not issue G-7 accreditation badges to the media. Members of the media should wear the press credentials issued to them by their media organization. Members of the media participating in press pools will be given temporary badges to wear while performing that duty.
