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Open Door Forum on Health Initiatives

October 24, 2006 Open Door Forum

October 24, 2006 Open Door Forum transcript (click to view transcript) WORD - 169K

Agenda October 24, 2006

On October 24, 2006 at 2PM EDT, please join the Indian Health Service (IHS) for our first quarterly teleconference Open Door Forum focusing on the Director’s Health Initiatives. This is part of a national effort to foster communication, discussion, and sharing of health care ideas among all IHS heath care providers, Tribal health care programs, Urban health care programs (I/T/U), Area and Headquarters (HQ) staff. All IHS, Tribal, and Urban Health staff are invited to participate in this first Open Door Forum. The first discussion topic will provide general background and an update on the Director’s three health initiatives in Chronic Disease Management, Behavioral Health, and Health Promotion/Disease Prevention.

The quarterly Open Door Forum provides an opportunity for direct communication on topics of critical importance for all Indian Health System staff. We will use the Forum calls to share the latest information about the Director’s Initiatives, to share information about the excellent work being done in all of the IHS Areas, and to answer your questions. Together we will explore how the three Director’s Initiatives must work together to improve the health of American Indian and Alaska Native people.

What is the Format for these Forums?

IHS Director, Dr. Charles Grim, will initiate the October Open Door Forum with a brief overview of the Director’s Initiatives. After Dr. Grim’s introduction, IHS staff leads for the three initiatives will provide 15 minute summaries of Initiative activities to date. Following the summaries, questions from callers throughout the Indian Health system will commence with a dialogue. Following the teleconference call, a summary will be posted on the IHS three initiatives website as an archived summary and available for those who miss this event.

Agenda October 24, 2006

1. Dr. Douglas Peter, IHS/HQ/CMO-Moderator and summary of today’s process

2. Dr. Charles W. Grim, IHS Director- will provide an overall summary of his three health Initiatives

3. 15 minute update summaries from three Initiatives leads

  • Behavioral Health lead Gary Quinn
  • Chronic Disease lead Dr. Ty Reidhead
  • Health Promotion/Disease Prevention lead Alberta Becenti

4. Questions from the field - your opportunity to call in questions - moderator - Dr. Bruce Finke

5. Closing - Dr. Douglas Peter

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This file last modified: Friday September 26, 2008  7:17 AM