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HRI Grant Application

Since 1962, the Horticultural Research Institute has directed over $5.3 million of industry funds to research projects covering the full range of production, environmental and business issues important to trade.

Important Information about HRI Grants

HRI strives to fund research that specifically deals with green industry related issues. HRI-supported projects focus on significant problems, regulatory issues or emerging opportunities in the nursery and landscape industry, encourage environmentally responsible management practices, increase nursery crop producers' business or financial expertise or improve and expand the market for plant material. HRI seeks to support research that has definable outcomes and represents a return on investment for the green industry.

HRI research focuses on the propagation, production, distribution, marketing and sale of woody ornamental plants and perennials. We do not fund research related to annual floral crops, bedding plants and turf and educational programs with the exception of scholarships.

Many grant applications that HRI receives do not meet these basic criteria. We encourage you to review the listings of HRI funded research and the research priorities listing before applying for a research grant.


The HRI competitive grants program is closed for 2008. Please check back in February for the 2009 application.

Submitting the Application

  • The HRI application is due each year on May 15th. This year, the application must be received on Tuesday, May 15 by 11:59 p.m.

  • Completed proposals must be sent to:

  • Applications must be received in Microsoft Word format by email. You MUST use the 2008 HRI application found on the website.

  • We do not need a hard copy of your proposal.

Completing the Application

  • If you need to explain or provide greater detail for an item (budget, investigators etc…) you may include an attachment or add the information to the section provided.

  • Graphics can be included in your proposal.

  • Complete the header section of the application. Input the project’s category letter as well as the title. The application number will be completed by staff.

  • You may include as an attachment your curriculum vitae (CV). However, it is not a requirement.

  • A reference listing of literature cited can be completed as the last page of your proposal.

  • HRI does not provide funding for over-head costs.

The Review Process

  • You will receive an email confirmation in response to your submitted proposal. You shall receive the confirmation no later than June 6th. This confirmation will state your submission has been received and a confirmation number for your application will be provided. If you do not receive a confirmation from HRI by this date, please contact the HRI office!

  • HRI has a three phase review process. The final selection of applications takes place in mid-November. HRI will contact you in late December regarding the status of your proposal.

Grant Recipients

  • Research Reports are due October 1, of your grant year. (MS Word File — 81KB)

Many of the above documents are available in PDF format. Please click here for more information on Adobe PDF files.

If you have a question regarding funding please e-mail:

American Nursery & Landscape Association, 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC  20005-4914  USA, Tel:202/789-2900, Fax: 202/789-1893