Currents and Eddies play important roles in the transport and distribution of nutrients and biota (Brodeur et al, 1996; Hermann et al, 1996).
Click on the links for maps of the major currents of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea.
Data Links:
- Worldwide Ocean Current Data (Japan Oceanographic Data Center JODC, Online Service)
Educational Links:
- Bering Sea Eddies (James Schumacher, Rev. Geophys. Vol. 33 Suppl. American Geophysical Union (AGU))
- Some advances in understanding of the general circulation of the Pacific Ocean, with emphasis on recent U.S. contributions (American Geophysical Union, Lynne D. Talley, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA)
- Tracking Drifter Buoys (Athena Earth and Space Science for K-12 , Oceans Curriculum)
For Kids
PMEL Publications on currents and eddies:
Listed below are direct links to abstracts of PMEL articles relating to currents and eddies beginning 1968 to the present, using PMEL's Publication Information Search Engine: