Environmental Chemistry
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change Home Page (NOAA/OAR/ERL/PMEL)
- Atmospheric Composition Data and Resources (NASA/DAAC)
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Halogen Occulation Experiment (HALOE) Home Page (NASA/HALOE)
- Ozone and Water Vapor Group (NOAA/ERL/CMDL/OWV)
- The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC,
- The NOAA/EPA UV Index Home Page (NOAA/NCEP/NWS)
- Ocean Atmosphere Carbon Exchange Study (NOAA/PMEL/AOML/OACES)
- Ocean Chemistry Division (OCD) Home Page (NOAA/AOML/OCD)
- Stable Isotope Laboratory (Oceanography Dept, University of Washington)
Data Links:
- NOAA Ozone Data sets (Solar backscattered Ultraviolet Radiometer/Version 2 SBUV/2 and TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder TOVS data, NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD/IPD)
- The Toms (Total Ozone Mapping) Home Page(Goddard Space Flight Center, Data from Adeos, Earth Probe, Meteor-3, and Nimbus-7, NASA/GSFC)
- TOVS Total Ozone Analysis (Ozone Images- current and archived, Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/CDC)
Educational links:
- FAQ List, Glossary of Terms (NASA/GSFC Chemistry and Dynamics Branch)
- Our Ozone Shield (Reports to the Nation, NOAA)
Reference Materials:
- C02 FAQs (CDIAC)
- WebElements: Periodic Table (Mark Winter, University of Sheffield England)