Global Hydrology and Climate Center Satellite Weather Pictures

Interactive Global Composite Weather Satellite Images

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[Global Composite Water Vapor Imagery]

Note: By international agreement, we are only allowed to show Meteosat data once every six hours. Meteosat provides coverage for Europe and Africa.

Current Available Image on 16 Sep 2008 14:15 UTC

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Output Image (pixels):     Width 800 600     Height 600 400
Quality:   Zoom Factor:
Map:   Map Color:   Color Enhancement: Yes No
  (choose image loop length above)

Previous 56 km resolution images.
16 Sep 2008 13:45 UTC || 16 Sep 2008 13:15 UTC || 16 Sep 2008 12:45 UTC
16 Sep 2008 12:15 UTC || 16 Sep 2008 11:45 UTC ||

Data courtesy of the NCEP Aviation Weather Center located in Kansas City, Missouri, United States.

More about these images

Click a point in the image above to have a 600 x 400 pixel region of interest image (at higher resolution) returned. For a historical subsection, choose a previous slot from the selection button below (the image above will not change) then click on the image above, or fill in the X, Y form below.
  Previous Image  

Alternatively: If you would like to consistently receive the same area, enter a center X, Y coordinate, and choose a time from the buttons. The origin (0,0) is in the upper left hand corner of the image. Form spaces must be clear if you wish to click on the map.

Enter X location (0-713): Enter Y location (0-388):

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Responsible Official: Dr. Steven Goodman (
Page Curator: Paul J. Meyer (

Last Updated: Tue Sep 16 09:51:01 CDT 2008