other relevant factors7 EPA'S a.ir pollution limit has an implied lifetime estimated risk of about 1 in 3,000. These three examples demonstrate the lack of overall interagency consensus on how much radiation risk to the public is acceptable. Table 1: Differing Federal Limits on Public Radiation Exposure Standard or guideline/agency General public !irnit/NRC Low-level waste/NRC Indoor radon/EPA Uranium miii tailings/EPA Radium Radon Estimated lifetime risk of Limit premature cancer death. 0.1 remiyr. 1 in 300 0.025 remiyr. 1 in 1,000 4 picocuries per liter 1 in40 concefxration limitb 5 picocuries per gram 1 in 50' 20 picocuries per square 1 in 14,000d meter per second release rate Uranium fuel cycle/EPA 0.025 rem/yr. Spent fuel, transuranic waste disposal/EPA All pathway 0.015 rem/yr. 1 in 1,000 1 in 2,000 Groundwater Containment Air pollution/EPA 0.004 rem/yr. 1 in 7,000 1,000 deaths in 10,000 1 in 36,000e years 0.01 rem/yr. 1 in 3,000 - Drinking water/EPA (proposed) Radium Radon Beta/photon' 20 picocuries liter per concentration limit 300 picocuries liter per concentration limit 0.004 rem/yr. 1 in 14,000 1 in 5,000 1 in 7,000 Superfund cleanup/EPA Risk range goals of lOA to 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 1,500,OOO lo-6Q aFor purposes of comparison, the estimated risks in the table are derived from commonly used assumptions (e.g., a cancer death risk of 5~10.~ per rem to an individual continuously exposed over a 70-year lifetime). The estimated risks may differ from those derived by agencies, which used various assumptions in setting standards. Some estimated risks are to individuals, and others are to larger defined populations. Risks are rounded. bA picocurie is one-trillionth of a curie. A curie is a unit of radioactivity equal to 3.7~10~~ radioactive disintegrations per second. `According to EPA's draft guidance on general public exposure to radiation, limits on single sources of radiation should logically be a fraction of general public protection limits. Page 5 GAOIRCED-94-190 Lack of Consensus on Public Radiation Risk