iomgarative motility data on 'h'G lines - The accompanying table eummarizes detail3 of a s;lrvey of line3 l-31 par presence and vigor of -0tiiity. Column headings give time elapsed between tineof reading and time of inoculation, plus type and quantity of culture. Those not designated motag were pennaseay broth cultures at 37 G. Those designated met$ag were swarm tests on petris filled with Xward's rrotag. ,411 constitute independent subcultures from refrigerator stock Aants, with the exception of the two columns headed by an arrow andthe word "then". The second column here was a direct subculture from the immediately preceding one. Broth cultures were examined microscopically as follows: i: small drop, ca. 0.05 cc, was hung on a cover-slip over a depression slide and scanned quickly under high power. If no motility cald be observed, observation was more prolonged, If motility- was observed, percent of cells moving was estimated. Lrownian movement was usually easily distinguishable form true motility. Since vigor of motion varies, it is possible that the figures given are more appropriately estimates of vigor, rather than estimates of percent motile cells. Tnformation on motility involvin, no quantitative or pseudo-quantitative data is noted to tke ri.$it. loo s- 7s 6 0 a 0 0 * + 160 75 lb IF per lo go !r /60 0 0 0 0 0 (00 Q 86 (0 go so Q ?a so IO0 I so 0 IO go so 0 6 - 0 i- PO 4-t x0 - co 4-t $6 - 0 - 0 - ma 0 20 0 t 5 20 60 + s- + 0 -