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Full Disk Observations

Big Bear GONG+ intensity image: This solar intensity image in the photospheric 6768Å line was recorded by the Big Bear GONG+ instrument. It shows basically the same features seen in a broadband "white light" image. For additional images from other GONG sites see the GONG Daily Images page. For more information about the GONG see the GONG project. The image was recorded at 23:59:03 (UT) on October 31, 2008.
Big Bear GONG+ magnetogram: This solar magnetic field map was recorded by the Big Bear GONG+ instrument and scaled so that the darkest pixels are -100 gauss and the brightest pixels are +100 gauss. For additional images from other GONG sites see the GONG Daily Images page. For more information about the GONG see the GONG project. The image was recorded at 23:59:03 (UT) on October 31, 2008.
BBSO full disk H-alpha image: The image was recorded with a 12-bit, 2048 x 2048 pixel Pulnix CCD camera. The image was recorded at 19:41:26 (UT) on October 29, 2008. There are also a half-sized image (84 kBytes) and a full-sized BW image (240 kBytes) available.
BBSO contrast enhanced full disk H-alpha image: The image was recorded with a 12-bit, 2048 x 2048 pixel Pulnix CCD camera. This image has been corrected by dark and flat field images, and a limb darkening estimate has been subtracted to enhance the contrast. The image was recorded at 19:41:26 (UT) on October 29, 2008. There are also a half-sized image (148 kBytes) and a full-sized BW image (444 kBytes) available.
BBSO full disk H-alpha Movie: Mpeg movie made from the daily images, with a cadence of 5 minutes. Movie from October 29, 2008. (156 kBytes) Older daily H-alpha full disk movies are available on our FTP Archive.
BBSO contrast enhanced full disk H-alpha Movie: Mpeg movie made from the daily contrast enhanced images, with a cadence of 5 minutes. Movie from October 29, 2008. (808 kBytes) Older daily H-alpha full disk movies are available on our FTP Archive.

BBSO, YNAO (China) and Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory (Austria) are sites of the Global High-Resolution H-alpha Network. , Learmonth Solar Observatory in Western Australia, Culgoora Observatory in Eastern Australia (which both see the sun after it sets at BBSO), and the Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik (which sees the sun at the Observatorio del Teide/Tenerife before it rises at BBSO) also have daily H-alpha full disk images of the Sun.

BBSO's synoptic full disk observations are available on our FTP Archive. The Space Environment Center also has a collection of (daily) images.

© BBSO/NJIT - Automatically generated on October 31, 2008