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Dr. Dave Sree

Scientist Finds Ways to Harness Fog Efficiently

Dr. Dave Sree in laboratory

At ORNL, Dr. Dave Sree studies ways to build machines that collect fog while saving energy. Sree’s assignment was sponsored by the ORNL/ORAU HBCU/MEI Faculty Summer Research Participation Program. Dr. Sree teaches at Tuskegee University.

To many, fog conjures moods of mystery and obscures the path ahead. But for Dr. Dave Sree, fog is not so elusive and can be captured, measured, and used for environmental purposes.

As a part of the ORNL/ORAU HBCU/MEI Faculty Summer Research Participation Program at ORNL, Sree helped to develop fog collection systems that are as energy efficient as possible.

Originally from India, Sree now makes his home in Alabama, where he teaches in the mechanical engineering department at Tuskegee University (TU). The university is a member school of the ORAU HBCU/MEI Council. He has taught there since 1990 and was awarded “Professor of the Year” by TU engineering students in 1997 and 2004.

Working with research partner Dr. Peter J. Todd in ORNL’s Chemical Sciences Division, Sree’s research involved evaluating a fog collection system from a fluid dynamics point of view and helping develop it into an energy efficient and cost effective system.

“Fog and smog collection systems have an important bearing on environmental management,” Sree said, adding that fog can also be used as a source of fresh water. Fog collection research is also used in other scientific research areas, such as atmospheric science, and in studies of industrial pollution.

One of the highlights of his experience was presenting to a group of about 20 Tuskegee University students who visited the lab in July, he said. The mostly science majors toured the lab and heard presentations from former Tuskegee students, as well as Sree. The visit was designed to pique the students’ interest in internship opportunities available at ORNL during the summer.