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System Engineering Branch

Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 30 arcsec CONUS [ustopo]

Valid Date DescriptionSize (bytes)
Download Compressed Shapefile N/ACONUS *6,171,840

File Specifications:

Filename Prefix: ustopo.bil/.hdr/.blw/.clr
Shapefile Type: bil image
Source: derived from National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) DTM [30 arcsec] by FSL
Last Modified: Extracted from WFO-Advanced, Jul 97 (sts)

file suffix size (bytes) type description
*.bil 26,438,400 binary*.bil image
*.hdr 73 text header file
*.blw 184 text world file (projection)
*.clr 84,455 text color look up table


# records: na
Field Type Width,dec Description
datuminteger2 bytes, Motorola orderingElevation in meters

Comments: Digital Terrain Map (DTM) image in Geographic (lat/lon) projection.
File ustopo.bil is identical to usTopo.dat on AWIPS. See Loading Instructions.

National Weather Service
Office of Science and Technology
Webmaster: Ira Graffman
Page last modified: 29 August 2002

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