Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Map Backgrounds

Frequently asked questions about map data related problems in AWIPS. Maintained by the AWIPS GIS Map Group (AGMG). Last updated: 3/8/00
Questions: [ Click on the text of the question to move to the applicable section of the document. ]
  1. After I download the latest shapefile and localize, why isn't my new map displayed?
  2. Why does the data in an .id file get overwritten when I download a new shapefile?
  3. What is the procedure for changing marine zone headings?
  4. What are these shapefiles that people are talking about?
  5. How do I add maps to AWIPS?
  6. What is the relationship between shapefile names on NOAA1 and my AWIPS?
  7. How can I determine if I have the latest map data on my system?
  8. How do I get D2D to display the label of a user-defined shapefile?
  9. How do I change the legend of a user-defined shapefile in D2D?
  10. Where can I find information on SLS and WarnGen, the SPF Organizer, and VGC Parse?
  11. How do I update my baseline AWIPS shapefiles?

Q. After I download the latest shapefile and localize, why isn't my new map displayed?

Written by Ira Graffman
The new versions of localization use "smart localization" which means that the sofware will not process a new shapefile unless it detects the new shapefile as new. Sometimes when dowloading a shapefile, the creation date or an old date is given to the dowloaded files rather than the download date. So the localization may see the shapefile as being "old" when, in fact, it is not. The best way to ensure that the new shapefile is processed is to use the unix "touch" command. For example after saving an old county shapefile, downloading the new one, renaming it and the old map still appears, run the touch command thusly:

touch uscounty.dbf
touch uscounty.shp.Z
touch uscounty.shx

In fact, a good idea is to always "touch" the new files after renaming, thus insuring that the localization "sees" the new files.
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Q. Why does the data in an .id file get overwritten when I download a new shapefile?

There are two possible causes for this.
The first is the existence of the old .bcd file in one or more directories as outlined in Question 1.
The second is that the data in the new shapefile is missing or erroneous. Be sure you have the latest shapefile listed on the status page. Look at the dates for files in PCMS and determine if you have the latest. If you have the latest, and the problem is not solved by the answer to Question 1, examine the data in the latest shapefile with ArcView or ask the AGMG for assistance to determine if the latest data is accurate.

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Q. What is the procedure for changing marine zone headings?

Local adjustments to marine zone boundaries, (i.e., the editing of shapefiles), must be cleared through Ira Graffman/Joe Ingram of the AGMG, then Richard May in OM/Marine Services. (Even a small change can impact many people.)
Actual changes MUST go to the AGMG to be included in the national data set so that the changes are not lost after the next update.
Minor changes to the wording of descriptors are permitted at the local level. Please notify Ira Graffman/Joe Ingram and Richard May of any such changes so the national data set can be updated.

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Q. What are these shapefiles that people are talking about?

Shapefiles are map files that were designed and created by Environmental Systems Research Institude (ESRI) and are used by ESRI software ArcView GIS, ArcExplorer and ArcInfo GIS.
AWIPS has the capability of reading shapefiles, and many of the maps in AWIPS are shapefiles or shapefile data translated into .bcd/.bcx format. Shapefiles consist of three files: a .shp file, a .shx file, and a .dbf file.
(e.g., for a file named mymap, there are mymap.dbf, mymap.shp, and mymap.dbf.)
Some of the national data files on AWIPS save a compressed version of the .shp portion so in the example there would be mymap.shp.Z. For more information about shapefiles, refer to the ArcView tutorial located on the AGMG web site.
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Q. How do I add maps to AWIPS?

There are three ways to add shapefile maps to AWIPS: 1.) user-defined shapefiles; 2.) custom maps; or 3.) national maps.

User-defined Shapefile Maps Custom and National Maps
The user-defined shapefile capability was implemented as a method to quickly see what a shapefile looks like on AWIPS. It was never intended to be a method of permanantly adding a map to AWIPS.
This type of map appears as options Map1, Map2, Map 3, Map4, and Map5 on the User Shape File submenu of the main map menu.
For more information, see User Shapefiles
The custom map and national map methods are similar in that both appear under the Main Map menu and require the editing of four files to add them to the system.
They can read shapefiles directly, or if the files are large and load slowly, can be converted to .bcd/.bcx format for faster loading.
Maps used as national maps are subject to not surviving an upgrade or a new version.
iustom maps will survive if placed in the proper directory. Only custom maps will survive an upgrade.
General instructions are available here
Instructions for adding road and Highway data is available here

To .BCD or Not to .BCD

Shapefiles can be read directly from AWIPS, there is no need to create a .BCD or .BCX file. {The word from FSL is that if the map loads quickly enough, then there is no need to create the .BCD file}. A .BCD file is for polygon (area) data such as zones or counties. A .BCX file is for line data (rivers, roads, etc). Point data (locations) cannot be converted to .BCD/.BCX format, use a shapefile directly. If you need to create .BCD files, then you need to run /awips/src/dm/shapefile/shp2bcd c/x shapefile bcd_file where c is for a .BCD file, x is for a .BCX file, shapefile is the full path and filename of the shapefile (excluding the .shp extension), and bcd_file is the path and file name of the .BCD/.BCX file to create. Full documentation on the use of shp2bcd can be found on your workstation in localization/documentation/shp2bcd.doc.html. One final step is needed in the custom map instructions: edit the customFiles/localDataKeys.txt or the localization/LLL/LLL-LocalDataKeys.txt file (LLL represents your CWA), and put a .bcd or .bcx in the next to last field (before the menu item field), as appropriate.

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Q. What is the relationship between shapefile names on NOAA1 and my AWIPS?

Shapefiles are named on NOAA1 with a two-character prefix signifying the data type and the remaining six characters representing the latest modification date of the file. D2D uses preset names for shapefiles depending on their data content. Shapefiles must be renamed to D2D specified names. GFE does not require special naming. Instructions for downloading and updating D2D shapefiles can be found in the AWIPS System Manager's Manual, chapter 15. A complete mapping of NOAA1 vs D2D names can be found in the Status page described in the next question.

Q. How can I determine if I have the latest map data on my system?

The AGMG keeps a Status page of the data available on NOAA1. This page has links to the data's metadata where available and to the complete change log of the data. Note that the data on NOAA1 and our public page is the latest data and reflects ALL previous additions and changes to the data.

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Q. How do I get D2D to display the label of a user-defined shapefile?

There has to be a field in the dbase file (.dbf) called "name". By using ArcView or any other dBase edtior (Paradox, dBase, Quattro Pro, etc.), change the name equivalent field to "name". This will bring up your labels using the user-defined method described in the User-Defined section of this page. Once you get your labels to display, you may want to decrease your labeling density.

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Q. How do I change the legend of a user-defined shapefile in D2D?

The file you will need to edit is depictInfo.manual. For the key you have designated for your user-defined shapefile (probably 1311 - 1315), change "User Shapefile Map #" to whatever you want to appear as a legend. Remember that the user-defined shapefile method is not the preferred method to permanantly add shapefiles to D2D and that depictInfo.manual is overwritten at the next upgrade.

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Q. Where can I find information on SLS and WarnGen, the SPF Organizer, and VGC Parse?

Please go to Matt Davis' excellent webpage at

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How do I update my baseline AWIPS shapefiles?/

A. For D2D, follow the instructions in chapter 15 of the AWIPS System Manager's Manual.
For GFE, instructions can be found here.

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