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Initial diagnosis of lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. (2nd Edition)



This is the current release of the guideline.

This guideline updates a previous version: Rivera MP, Detterbeck F, Mehta AC. Diagnosis of lung cancer: the guidelines. Chest 2003 Jan;123(1 Suppl):129S-36S.



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Definitions for the strength of evidence and recommendation grades (1A-2C) follow the recommendations.

  1. In patients suspected of having small cell lung cancer [SCLC] based on the radiographic and clinical findings, it is recommended that the diagnosis be confirmed by the easiest method (e.g., sputum cytology, thoracentesis, fine-needle aspiration [FNA], and bronchoscopy including transbronchial needle aspiration [TBNA], endobronchial ultrasound–needle aspiration (EBUS-NA), and esophageal ultrasound–needle aspiration (EUS-NA), as dictated by the patient's presentation. Grade of recommendation, 1C
  2. In patients suspected of having lung cancer who have an accessible pleural effusion, thoracentesis is recommended to diagnose the cause of the pleural effusion. Grade of recommendation, 1C
  3. In patients suspected of having lung cancer who have an accessible pleural effusion, if the pleural fluid cytology finding is negative (after at least two thoracenteses), thoracoscopy is recommended as the next step if establishing the cause of the pleural effusion is thought to be clinically important. Grade of recommendation, 1C
  4. In patients suspected of having lung cancer who have a solitary extrathoracic site that is suspicious of a metastasis, it is recommended that tissue confirmation of the metastatic site be obtained if an FNA or biopsy of the site is feasible. Grade of recommendation, 1C
  5. In patients suspected of having lung cancer, who have lesions in multiple distant sites that are suspected of metastases but in whom the biopsy of a metastatic site would be technically difficult, it is recommended that diagnosis of the primary lung lesion be obtained by the easiest method (e.g., sputum cytology, bronchoscopy with TBNA or EBUS-NA, EUS-NA, or transthoracic needle aspiration [TTNA]). Grade of recommendation, 1C
  6. In patients suspected of having lung cancer, who have extensive infiltration of the mediastinum based on radiographic studies, it is recommended that the diagnosis of lung cancer be established by the easiest and safest method (e.g., bronchoscopy with TBNA, EBUS-NA, EUS-NA, TTNA, or mediastinoscopy). Grade of recommendation, 1C
  7. In patients suspected of having lung cancer, who present with a central lesion with or without radiographic evidence of metastatic disease, in whom a semi-invasive procedure such as bronchoscopy or TTNA might pose a higher risk, sputum cytology is recommended as an acceptable method of establishing the diagnosis. However, the sensitivity of sputum cytology varies by the location of the lung cancer. It is recommended that further testing be performed with a nondiagnostic sputum cytology finding if suspicion of lung cancer remains. Grade of recommendation, 1C
  8. In patients suspected of having lung cancer who have a central lesion, bronchoscopy is recommended to confirm the diagnosis. However, it is recommended that further testing be performed if bronchoscopy results are nondiagnostic and suspicion of lung cancer remains. Grade of recommendation, 1C
  9. In expert hands, use of radial probe ultrasound (US) device can increase the diagnostic yield of flexible bronchoscopy (FB) while dealing with peripheral lesions of < 20 mm in size. Its use can be considered prior to referring the patient for TTNA. Grade of recommendation, 2B
  10. In patients suspected of having lung cancer who have a small (< 2 cm) peripheral lesion, and who require tissue diagnosis before further management can be planned, TTNA is recommended. However, it is recommended that further testing be performed if TTNA results are nondiagnostic and suspicion of lung cancer remains. Grade of recommendation, 1B
  11. In a patient suspected of having lung cancer, the diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) made on cytology findings (e.g., sputum, TTNA, or bronchoscopic specimens) is highly reliable and can be accepted with a high degree of certainty. Grade of recommendation, 1B
  12. The possibility of an erroneous diagnosis of SCLC in a cytology specimen must be kept in mind if the clinical presentation or clinical course is not consistent with that of SCLC. In such a case, it is recommended that further testing (i.e., biopsy for histologic evaluation) be performed to establish a definitive cell type. Grade of recommendation, 1B


Quality of Evidence Scale

High - Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) without important limitations or overwhelming evidence from observational studies*

Moderate - RCTs with important limitations (inconsistent results, methodologic flaws, indirect, or imprecise) or exceptionally strong evidence from observational studies*

Low or very low - Observational studies or case series

*Although the determination of magnitude of the effect based on observational studies is often a matter of judgment, the guideline developers offer the following suggested rule to assist this decision: a large effect would be a relative risk > 2 (risk ratio < 0.5) [which would justify moving from weak to moderate], and a very large effect is a relative risk > 5 (risk ratio < 0.2) [which would justify moving from weak to strong]. There is some theoretical justification in the statistical literature for these thresholds (the magnitude of effect that is unlikely or very unlikely to be due to residual confounding after adjusted analysis). However, once the decision is made, authors should be explicit in justifying their decisions.

Grade of Recommendations Scale

Grade Recommendation
1A Strong
1B Strong
1C Strong
2A Weak
2B Weak
2C Weak

Relationship of Strength of the Supporting Evidence to the Balance of Benefits to Risks and Burdens

Balance of Benefits to Risks and Burdens
Quality of Evidence Benefits Outweigh Risks/Burdens Risks/Burdens Outweigh Benefits Evenly Balanced Uncertain
High 1A 1A 2A  
Moderate 1B 1B 2B  
Low or very low 1C 1C 2C 2C


None provided



The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for each recommendation (see "Major Recommendations").




Not applicable: The guideline was not adapted from another source.


2003 Jan (revised 2007 Sep)


American College of Chest Physicians - Medical Specialty Society


American College of Chest Physicians


American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) Expert Panel on Lung Cancer Guidelines


Primary Authors: M. Patricia Rivera, MD, FCCP; Atul C. Mehta, MB, FCCP


Funding for both the evidence review and guideline development was supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca LP, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Eli Lilly and Company, Genentech, and Sanofi-Aventis. Representatives from these companies were neither granted the right of review, nor were they allowed participation in any portion of the guideline development process. This precluded participation in either conference calls or conferences. No panel members or ACCP reviewers were paid any honoraria for their participation in the development and review of these guidelines.

The ACCP approach to the issue of potential or perceived conflicts of interest established clear firewalls to ensure that the guideline development process was not influenced by industry sources. This policy is published on the ACCP Web site at www.chestnet.org. All conflicts of interest within the preceding 5 years were required to be disclosed by all panelists, including those who did not have writing responsibilities, at all face-to-face meetings, the final conference, and prior to submission for publication. The most recent of these conflict of interests are documented in this guideline Supplement. Furthermore, the panel was instructed in this matter, verbally and in writing, prior to the deliberations of the final conference. Any disclosed memberships on speaker's bureaus, consultant fees, grants and other research monies, and any fiduciary responsibilities to industry were provided to the full panel in writing at the beginning of the conference and at submission for publication.


American Association for Bronchology - Disease Specific Society
American Association of Thoracic Surgery - Medical Specialty Society
American College of Surgeons - Medical Specialty Society
American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
Asian Pacific Society of Respirology - Disease Specific Society
Oncology Nursing Society - Professional Association
Society of Thoracic Surgeons - Medical Specialty Society
World Association of Bronchology - Disease Specific Society


This is the current release of the guideline.

This guideline updates a previous version: Rivera MP, Detterbeck F, Mehta AC. Diagnosis of lung cancer: the guidelines. Chest 2003 Jan;123(1 Suppl):129S-36S.


Electronic copies: Available to subscribers of Chest - The Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care Journal.

Print copies: Available from the American College of Chest Physicians, Products and Registration Division, 3300 Dundee Road, Northbrook IL 60062-2348.



The following are available:

  • Lung cancer guides: lung cancer...am I at risk? Patient education guide. Northbrook (IL): American College of Chest Physicians, 2004. 12 p.
  • Lung cancer guides: What if I have a spot on my lung? Do I have cancer? Patient education guide. Northbrook (IL): American College of Chest Physicians, 2004. 16 p.
  • Lung cancer guides: living with lung cancer. Patient education guide. Northbrook (IL): American College of Chest Physicians, 2004. 12 p.
  • Lung cancer guides: advanced lung cancer: issues to consider. Patient education guide. Northbrook (IL): American College of Chest Physicians, 2004. 12 p.

Electronic copies: Available in Portable Document Format (PDF) from the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) Web site.

Please note: This patient information is intended to provide health professionals with information to share with their patients to help them better understand their health and their diagnosed disorders. By providing access to this patient information, it is not the intention of NGC to provide specific medical advice for particular patients. Rather we urge patients and their representatives to review this material and then to consult with a licensed health professional for evaluation of treatment options suitable for them as well as for diagnosis and answers to their personal medical questions. This patient information has been derived and prepared from a guideline for health care professionals included on NGC by the authors or publishers of that original guideline. The patient information is not reviewed by NGC to establish whether or not it accurately reflects the original guideline's content.


This NGC summary was completed by ECRI on July 22, 2003. The information was verified by the guideline developer on August 18, 2003. This NGC summary was updated by ECRI Institute on November 8, 2007. The updated information was verified by the guideline developer on December 21, 2007.


This NGC summary is based on the original guideline, which is subject to the guideline developer's copyright restrictions.



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