NAT tOHAL SC If WE FOWOAT IoN OtOLOQtCAL AND KOICAL SCIWcES PROPOSAL LVAUJAT ION StffCT #d, TITLC B-7092 Detection of Microorganisms W Vishnioc on other Planets: Suitable Instruments Ilk3 1TUT IOP) Yale u CONWNTS (II fbnh SPACC Is RCWIRCB Prr~c 0~s AOO~T~ONAI. Plrap) I m nOt altogether an objective bystander on this proposal, having played some p&rt in instigating the discussions at &If, o d sane corresponding ones here. I a hopeful that there will be udditlonai proposals of a simlisr nature relative to scheduled contact probas, especially to Mars, about 3 years from now. it is important to get mfcrobiologtstr of VtshniacOs (high) crrlibre bn- terested in these questions, and without inordinate delay if the most efficient use 1 f to be m&e of the early probes. Dr. Vishniac is certainly asking for a modest sun- perhaps unreaiistlcaliy so- and the main virtue of his preliminary work may bo to discover the kinds of design probians that will be encountered in optimization of the detector. it is possible (though not ltiiately evident) that similar automatic devices may play a useful role in other types of research. However, in viw of the limitations of funds available to NSF, and the liberal support given to NASA, it seems quite piauslble that rerponsibiiity for the pro- i ect should be acceptad by HASA. There are two reservations on thls statament: 1) it should not be used as an excuse to deflect or defer supportfor the project, M&C particu&rly if NASA is still at an orgwtrational stage where it may not be making grants of this type, and (2) that fund-ntal work in space- related scienoes, as opposed to the development of payload hardware, should certainly not be the special responsibility of NASA. Certainly I can see no sound objection to NSF devoting small m for preliminary work if NSF is the most mqmdItlous source. if NSF is to administer fuqds on the llkeiy scale required, for cuurtpie to build actual M prototypes of the paylo& detectors, it would need8 additioncli funds w in no mean measure to ensure adequate support for other basic progrenro. If Vishniac had lass integrity or ability as a scientist, the `hardware' srgurasnt might be more compel 1 lng en argument agalnst the pro-i. At the moment, the `hardware' has to be developed as the means,to answer some very pervasive questions and if the NSF, for any reason, cannot support the project itself, it should be cartri n that prompt support is avai lable elstiere. 1 / I ,/ Scot?i I : f ;: : ,- ~ :. s t QNATURE 1 FROM 1 (H,ON) TO.5 (Low) / ' (1 - HIOHLV Mrn,Ton,ous OIST ~?uTloN Stanford University (2 - Ckn,ron,ous 8 - ACCf2PTAtll.C ENVIRON~f'fffd!? MoGY - QUEstioM4nLc (5 L DCCLlUC NSF FORM PA.2 PLEASE RETWI TO THE Ricvt sco Juwc 199