.__ _. _ _ _. I : Drz%%iId Oken . .- . Clinical Research -Branch . - National Institute of Mental Health 5454 Wisconsin Avenue .chevy Chase, Maryland j ,-.! .I. COORDINATED RESEARCH IN PSYCHOTHERAPY: A Critical Review of Issues, Trends, and Evidencel' **' 1 bY . . ;, SOME EMPIRICAL-AND CONCEPTUAL BASES FOR Hans H. Strupp Vanderbilt University and Allen E. Bergin T& 4. ~t.fcJ Thus far, Teachers College, Columbia research in psychotherapy has'failed to make a deep ce and technique. Presumably, this is due to the fact pact on practi --.--------- I_--.- -.-..-. --_-_ that the results of most investigations have not had substantial practiDeP2rtment of b&tics School of Medicine kal significance. Reasons for this include the relatively short periodSf2nford University : , Palo Alto, Wifornb of time systematic research has been focused on the problems of therapy, deficiences in techniques available to the researcher, practical difficulties in designing and carrying out adequately o trolled studies. psycho- @ A II Liz) and P con- Q Most researchers have been faced with serious limitations in col- =c rr\ letting and analyzing data from representative samples of patients and therapists; follow-up studies have been difficult to carry out; the cru- cial requirement of enlisting the full cooperationof therapists, pa- t tients, and institutions has been a continual stumbling blodk, and in general rigorous designs have been difficult to impose upon the thera- - Feutic phenomena themselves. Researchers who have attacked problems in the area through experimental analogues and similar techniques frequently have been unable to relate their findings to actual therapy situations. ';OTE: This document is a draft, subject to revisions before publication. Several persons have already sent comments and suggestions to the authors; their assistance is greatly appreciated and will be properly acknowledged in the final version.