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Oregon Animal Disease Emergency Plan
I. Response to Animal Disease Events - Introduction
II. Purpose and scope
III. Activiation criteria
IV. Response levels
V. Response agency roles and responsibilities
VI. Concept of operations
VII. Authority and policy
VIII. Plan development, review, testing, and maintenance
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This document has been edited and reviewed by:
USDA Brad LeaMaster, ODA-AHID Don Hansen,
Bruce Mueller, Rodger Huffman, Charles Craig, Dan Jemelka,
OSU Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, OEM Laureen Paulson,
FBI Jeff Pritchett, FDA Alan Bennett, FEMA Kieling,
OHS, ACDP Progulske, OSPF&W Carne,
OHS, OMHAS Pollack, DEQ, Ken Lucas,
OSHA-OR Ottoson, ODF&W Gillin, Cooper
ONGB Englet

  1. This plan addresses emergency responses that affect Oregon domestic livestock and poultry species herein addressed as animals, birds or poultry. Response to a disease outbreak that involves wildlife will be coordinated with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODF&W).
  2. Agencies, organizations, and individuals identified in this plan are familiar with it, and will execute their assigned responsibilities, including the timely reporting of disease.
  3. If a Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) is discovered anywhere in the United States, the entire agricultural complex of the country may be at risk.
  4. There is the potential for the state to incur a disease and/or threat of disease as a result of an act of terrorism.
  5. Numerous local, state, federal and volunteer organizations will play a role in eradicating a FAD.
  6. FAD control efforts and large scale disasters quickly require federal involvement.
  7. Oregon Emergency Management (OEM) coordinates assistance to local jurisdictions by state and federal agencies in case of a disaster or animal health emergency.
  8. Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) will use the National Incident Management System (NIMS) to manage the response to a FAD, any other highly contagious disease threat or disaster involving animals within the state.
  9. The Area Veterinarian in Charge (AVIC) for the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services (USDA, APHIS, VS) will assist the State Veterinarian as appropriate in any animal health emergency.
  10. The diagnosis of a FAD in Oregon, the United States, or surrounding countries may significantly restrict the intrastate, interstate, and international movement of animals (especially livestock) and animal products.
  11. The function of and access to public utilities, water, roads, and veterinary medical supplies may be severely restricted or inaccessible after a disaster or in the event of quarantine.
  12. The incursion of FADs, other highly contagious diseases and catastrophic events will necessitate mass culling of livestock (animals and/or birds), carcass removal and disposal.
  13. Response efforts could also encompass culling of non-domesticated populations such as wildlife with coordination and approval of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission and Director's office.
  14. Animal carcasses, unused animal feed manure and other organic matter may create sanitation, pest, and vector control issues.
  15. Widespread bio-security control measures may be implemented. Suspected infected locations and transport vehicles may need to be cleaned and disinfected.
  16. Quarantine of areas may be required where there are confirmed or suspect cases. Special operational procedures within these zones may be required. Law enforcement may be required for quarantine enforcement.
  17. Livestock disease emergencies may lead to long term economic impacts requiring long term federal and state assistance programs for recovery.
  18. Owners losing animals in a disaster or persons responsible for euthanasia and disposal of animals may require psychological counseling and support.
  19. In a multi-state outbreak of a highly contagious disease like Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), USDA, APHIS will coordinate the national response and work with states as outlined in the National Animal Health Emergency Response Plan For An Outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth-Disease or Other Highly Contagious Animal Diseases (NAHERP), draft 9/19/02.

I. Response to Animal Disease Events - Introduction
The agriculture industry in Oregon is a major contributor to the economy of the state and to the nation. The negative impact of an outbreak of disease, could result in economic losses of enormous scale.
Effective disease control and an efficient, well-organized response to a disaster requires full utilization of available resources and cooperation of all local, state, and federal agencies in order to minimize the impact on the agriculture industry.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture is the primary state agency with statutory authority pertaining to animal and animal industry issues. ODA is responsible for, but not limited to, coordinating disease control procedures, disposition of abandoned, disabled, or dead animals, and agro-terrorism. This plan recognizes certain catastrophic events related to animals, animal and production agriculture as events requiring activation of the state emergency operations plan. This plan supports the control efforts of public health agencies in controlling zoonotic diseases and law enforcement in acts of terrorism where animal agriculture is the vehicle for dissemination of a chemical or biologic agent.

II. Purpose and scope
The purpose of the Oregon Animal Disease Emergency Management Plan (OADEMP) is consistent with the National Response Plan (NRP), National Incident Management System (NIMS) with the overall intention of protecting the agricultural resources by providing a guide for a rapid and coordinated response to an FAD or other disaster. This plan coordinates the application of local, state, federal, tribal and volunteer resources in mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery efforts to assist domestic animals and animal agriculture in a livestock/poultry animal health emergency to provide for a seamless integration of county, state, and federal response. Wildlife disease emergency response is described in the ODF&W emergency response plan.
This plan identifies the roles and responsibilities of the OADEMP participants to protect the public health and the agricultural industry of Oregon.

III. Activiation criteria
The Oregon OADEMP will be activated only when the state's routine prevention and response activities and capabilities are exceeded.
An animal disease emergency would occur when a highly contagious, infectious, or economically devastating animal disease or agent is confirmed in Oregon, other states (especially an adjacent state), or a country adjacent to the United States (i.e. Canada and Mexico). A new, "emerging disease" might also cause an emergency situation. Animal diseases categorized as "Foreign Animal Diseases" are those that have either never existed in, or have been eradicated from the United States. Sources of a FAD include, but are not limited to, live animals, insects, animal products, people, or contaminated inanimate objects. The introduction of a FAD could be accidental or intentional (bioterrorism/ agro-terrorism). Any factor causing a substantial impact on the safety and stability of the food supply from animal sources may also be categorized as an animal disease emergency.

IV. Response levels
The OADEMP utilizes emergency response levels (ERLs) to designate which activities will take place in the event of imminent or actual threats affecting the State of Oregon. The State Veterinarian will, on a continuing basis, assimilate information relative to the presence of diseases in other countries, the United States, and Oregon, and shall activate the appropriate ERL to alleviate the threat.
A daily level of preparedness includes routine monitoring and surveillance and will be maintained during the interim.
A. Emergency Response Level 1 (ERL 1). An emergency animal disease or an emerging threat to animal agriculture has been identified in the United States, or contiguous countries, but has not been identified in Oregon or a contiguous state. ERL 1 activities will continue until the threat has been removed from the United States or until the threat has escalated to a threshold requiring greater response.
In the event of an ERL 1, the office of the Oregon State Veterinarian may:
  1. Notify the Office of the Governor, the Director of Department of Agriculture and the Director of Oregon Emergency Management (OEM) that an emergency animal disease is present in the United States or contiguous country. The Director of OEM may be requested to notify all County Emergency Managers of the animal disease outbreak in the United States. The Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS) may be requested to relay the animal disease emergency to state and federal agencies identified in OADEMP.
  2. Notify appropriate industry groups and animal agriculture businesses of the presence of the emergency animal disease threat and request their support to keep infected and exposed animals out of the state.
  3. Identify operational support needs and coordinate with OEM to provide operational and logistical support.
  4. As appropriate, impose animal movement restrictions by emergency order.
  5. Notify the state and federal animal health emergency response team and keep personnel apprised of any changing events.
  6. Implement a public information plan in conjunction with ODA and the Governor's Public Information Officers
  7. Notify the State Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) of the emergency animal disease threat and request their support to keep infected and exposed carcasses out of the state.
ERL 1 will continue until the threat has been eliminated or until ERL 2 is required.
B. Emergency Response Level 2 (ERL 2). An emergency animal disease or a new emerging disease has been confirmed, or a highly-likely case has been discovered in Oregon or a contiguous state, or exposed animals have been imported into the state.
In the event of an ERL 2, the office of the Oregon State Veterinarian may:
  1. Accomplish objectives 1-7 listed for ERL 1.
  2. Notify the County Emergency Directors in the counties affected and adjacent counties. Request OEM to notify the remaining counties and OERS to notify the state and federal agencies in the OADEMP about the animal disease emergency in Oregon and/or contiguous states.
  3. State and federal animal health officials in Oregon will request disease control assistance from the USDA, APHIS, VS, Emergency Program Staff and request activation of a disease control task force.
  4. As appropriate, declare an animal disease emergency and coordinate with OEM to activate the state Emergency Control Center.
  5. As appropriate declare a suspect act of terrorism and notify the Oregon office Homeland Security, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

V. Response agency roles and responsibilities
A. Primary Agency
The Oregon Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health and Identification (ODA, AHID) (location of the office of the State Veterinarian) is the lead agency in any animal health related emergency. ODA, AHID will respond by using the National Incident Management System (NIMS) protocol. The specific components will be under the unified command of the State Veterinarian's office and the USDA Area Veterinarian in Charge (AVIC). Their overall responsibility will encompass command and management of the disease event, overseeing the management and dissemination of resources, establishing a communication and information management system and securing supporting technologies. The State Veterinarian's office and AVIC may use any or all of the following action steps to control and/or eradicate the disease encountered in the event.
  1. Assign the emergency response level to the incident.
  2. In consultation with the AVIC, determine the scope and level of initial response and initiate a task force.
  3. In consultation with the AVIC, determine the location and size of quarantine areas.
  4. Establish quarantine area(s) and issue quarantine orders as needed.
  5. In consultation with the AVIC and other agency personnel, strategically assign duties and areas of responsibility to state, deputy-state and federal veterinarians, members of the Oregon veterinary response team, livestock inspectors and animal health technicians.
  6. Determine appropriate movement restrictions for animals, people, equipment, feeds, commodities, and conveyances.
  7. Prepare information for dissemination to the public, producers, processors and other concerned groups through Joint Information Center.
  8. Notify OEM and allied parties when a livestock disease sample being sent to the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab (FADDL, Plum Island, NY) for analysis is highly likely to be a highly contagious or infectious disease or agent.
  9. Coordinate with OEM, USDA, ODOT, OSP, local jurisdictions, and other agencies as needed in locating staging area(s) outside of the quarantined area.
  10. Conduct livestock disease assessments at the site of the event to determine needs and priorities.
  11. Coordinate state-level livestock disease emergency response and recovery activities.
  12. Prioritize activities and areas of greatest urgency for state response and recovery personnel in the field.
  13. Coordinate with USDA, APHIS, VS, Emergency Programs Staff and provide liaison between other federal, state and local organizations when required.
  14. Direct disease investigations, epidemiological investigations and trace outs to determine source of disease and scope of disease outbreak.
  15. Identify contaminated feed, livestock, and agricultural products that must be destroyed and disposed of or decontaminated.
  16. Identify and approve, with notification to DEQ, animal carcass disposal sites.
  17. Identify and approve, with notification to DEQ, sites for burning animal carcasses, contaminated feed, or other items that are contaminated.
  18. Identify and approve, with notification to DEQ, temporary waste disposal sites for effluent from cleaning and disinfecting stations.
  19. Coordinate with appropriate organizations for the deployment of inspectors and veterinarians for agricultural response and recovery.
  20. Establish and/or coordinate appropriate regulatory controls.
  21. Provide advisories and related public information.
  22. Coordinate with OSP, county and local law enforcement for site security and related issues.
  23. Maintain ongoing animal agriculture surveillance of affected communities in order to rapidly identify and address disease-related problems.
  24. Notify ODF&W of any wildlife disease threat.
B. Support Agencies
1. Local Government
Local emergency management officials will be actively involved in the response and will be utilized. Each county has a comprehensive emergency management plan which provides the framework for the jurisdiction's response to emergencies and disasters. Counties will utilize their resources and provide an additional line of communication with local farmers, industry groups and community.
2. State Agencies
a. Oregon Emergency Management (OEM) may:

  1. Activate the State Emergency Management Plan and Emergency Control Center to support ODA.
  2. Support ODA, AHID by providing statewide coordination for logistical support, security, biosecurity, support personnel, procurement of supplies, equipment, vehicles, food, lodging, and administrative support during livestock disease response and recovery emergencies.
  3. Coordinate with ODA, AHID for the provision of biosecurity training to support agencies and provide biosecurity training to agency personnel designated for operations in the affected area.
b. Oregon State Police (OSP) may:

  1. Provide law enforcement support to conduct traffic checkpoints and roadblocks, and, secure quarantined areas and related sites during livestock disease emergencies.
  2. Coordinate with local law enforcement throughout response and recovery.
  3. Provide law enforcement support for issuing search warrants and other support as needed.
c. Oregon Department of Human Services

  1. Department of Health Services, Acute and Communicable Disease Prevention may:

    a) Coordinate with ODA, AHID if a zoonotic condition exists.

    b) Support public information efforts.

    c) Consult with ODA, AHID/ USDA regarding bio-security training for zoonotic diseases.

    d) Provide veterinary and epizootiologic support to an ODA emergency.
  2. Department of Health Services, Office of Mental Health and Addiction Services may provide or coordinate mental health staff to assist in crisis counseling efforts.
d. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) may:

  1. Assist and coordinate with ODA on subjects such as carcass disposal, cleaning and disinfection and other issues that may influence soil, water, and air quality.
  2. Liaison with Environmental Protection Agency to address issues that may arise.
  3. Provide lab emergency response support.
e. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODF&W) may:

  1. Provide disease surveillance in free-ranging wildlife and wildlife in zoos, parks, and other natural areas.
  2. Survey for and/or dispose of contaminated items and wild animals.
  3. Conduct wild animal inventories in the area of a disease event to identify susceptible species.
  4. In collaboration with the State Veterinarian's office, collect wildlife specimens and samples for disease testing to determine presence of disease or impact of disease on wildlife.
  5. In consultation and cooperation with the State Veterinarian's office, Director's office and Commission, may conduct disease control and elimination activities in wildlife.
  6. Support public information efforts throughout the emergency concerning wildlife.
  7. Provide biosecurity training to personnel designated for operations in the affected area based upon training provided by ODA, AHID and USDA.
  8. Support animal movement restrictions in Oregon throughout the emergency.
  9. Assist ODA, AHID with disease control measures and support as requested.
  10. Assist ODA, AHID with euthanasia procedures for infected livestock.
  11. Assist ODA, AHID with the disposal of infected livestock.
  12. Invoke the Commission and Administration body to evaluate what level of participation is warranted.
f. Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) may:

  1. Assist in the movement of state resources during livestock disease emergencies.
  2. Provide traffic control and routing assistance, barricades, and road monitoring.
  3. Provide equipment and operators to assist with animal disposal.
g. Department of Administrative Services (DAS) may:
Assist in the identification of resource providers and in purchasing of supplies, equipment and services needed during a state-level livestock disease emergency.
h. Oregon National Guard may:Be called upon under the direction of the Governor, for support in the following areas:

  1. Assist with cleaning, disinfection of equipment, facilities and the decontamination of personnel working at the site based upon ODA, AHID and USDA guidance.
  2. Assist with transportation and logistical issues.
  3. Assist with recovery operations.
i. Oregon State University (OSU)

  1. The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) may provide veterinary support and expertise throughout the emergency as requested by ODA, AHID.
  2. CVM-Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory may provide appropriate diagnostic support services as requested by ODA, AHID.
  3. The Cooperative Extension Service may provide reliable coordination, communication, and information dissemination between the EOC, the industry groups and local communities during emergencies.
j. Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation (ODP&R) may:
Be a resource for logistical support, storage and parking. Depending on the location, the state agency may have land that could be utilized to dispose of animals by burial.
k. Oregon OSHA (OR-OSHA) may:
  1. Provide technical assistance on worker safety and health issues.
  2. Liaison with Federal OSHA when worker safety and health issues are coordinated pursuant to OSHA regional and national emergency management plans, or under the National Response Plan.
  3. Assist and coordinate with ODA on subjects such as worker protection related to incident-specific health and safety site plans (HASP), risk (hazard/exposure) assessments, personal protective equipment (PPE) and respiratory protection programs, responder training, and/or decontamination.
  4. Assist and coordinate with ODA on actions such as personal exposure monitoring and laboratory analysis of occupational exposure samples; data collection, interpretation and sharing; and reports and recordkeeping.
  5. Assist and coordinate with ODA on technical information resources to facilitate effective risk management and risk communication.
3. Federal Agencies
a. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) may:

  1. Assist in disease eradication activities including quarantine, evaluation, slaughter, disposal, cleaning and disinfecting, epidemiology, trace-back, vector control and transportation permitting arrangements.
  2. Consult with state and local authorities regarding eradication proceedings.
  3. Collect, analyze, and disseminate technical and logistical information.
  4. Define training requirements for casual employees or support agencies involved in eradication operations.
  5. Issue a declaration of extraordinary emergency.
  6. Coordinate with state and local agencies to define quarantine and buffer zones.
  7. Prepare information for dissemination to the public, producers, processors and other concerned groups through the Joint Information Center.
  8. Allocate funding for compensation to the owner(s) of depopulated animals.
  9. Define restrictions on interstate commerce.
b. USDA, Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS)
The FSIS is charged with protecting the Nation's food supply by providing inspectors and veterinarians in meat, poultry, and egg product plants and at ports-of-entry to prevent, detect, and act in response to food safety emergencies. FSIS has developed the infrastructure needed to confront new biosecurity challenges. FSIS may assist state and local authorities in disease eradication activities and/or food-borne illness emergency investigations.
c. USDA APHIS Plant Protection Quarantine (PPQ)USDA APHIS PPQ safeguards agriculture and natural resources from the risks associated with the entry, establishment or spread of animal and plant pests and noxious weeds. An FAD could enter the US and Oregon on smuggled plants or animal food products. PPQ is an agency that is critical in preventing a FAD from entering the US and Oregon intentionally by agro-terrorists or unintentionally by world travelers.
d. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)The Federal Emergency Management Agency may recommend implementation of the NRP if conditions are warranted. The conditions required for FEMA involvement are usually large-scale natural disasters, eg., flooding, earthquake, etc. The NRP provides a mechanism for organizing, coordinating, and mobilizing federal resources to augment state and local resources.
e. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)One of FDA's mandates is to protect the public health by assuring the safety of our nation's food supply. FDA also has an important role in prevention and control of contaminated animal feed. FDA may assist state and local authorities in disease eradication activities and/or food-borne illness emergency investigations.
f. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) The FBI is the agency responsible for investigating cases of bio-terrorism or agro-terrorism. When food animals are the target of a terrorists attack and evidence suggests a foreign animal disease may have been intentionally introduced or threatened, ODA will notify the FBI.
g. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)The federal agency that may collaborate with the state DEQ on decisions of carcass disposal, cleaning and disinfection and their effect on soil, air and water.
h. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)In an agro/bio-terrorism event, specific agencies that ODA may be involved with that are under DHS are, US Customs, Immigration and Naturalization Services, Customs Border Protection, FAD Diagnostic Lab at Plum Island and other agencies noted above such as FEMA and OEM.
4. Tribal Relations
A representative from Tribal governments may assist in the coordination of response activities in areas that may potentially impact Tribal lands.
5. Volunteer and Industry Groups
The Oregon livestock industry groups (i.e. producer organizations, livestock markets, slaughtering establishments, renderers and other allied groups) may, upon request from the ODA, AHID:
  1. Act as liaison on matters relating to livestock industries affected by an animal disease outbreak such as participate as members of state and local jurisdiction planning teams and assist state and local jurisdictions in the response and recovery phases of emergencies.
  2. Provide assistance to families affected by quarantine, euthanasia, and disposal activities during the emergency.
  3. Provide support for disease control and eradication activities.
  4. Provide appropriate information for dissemination to industries and the public.
  5. Identify individuals who may be qualified to assist with disease control efforts.
  6. Develop a list of qualified appraisers.
  7. Support exercises and drills as a participant during the exercise and design period and conduct of the event. Include state and local jurisdictions in business and industry activities.

VI. Concept of operations
When ERL 2 is activated, the NIMS Incident Command System (ICS) will be used to manage the response at the county or local jurisdiction where the incident occurred and at the state and federal level. Unified Command would be utilized at all levels since the event would involve multi-jurisdictional or multi-agencies. The State Veterinarian, in conjunction with the AVIC, will direct all animal disease investigation, surveillance, diagnostic, bio-security, animal depopulation, carcass disposal, cleaning/disinfection and recovery activities. Primary and support agencies will coordinate through the State Veterinarian, OEM and County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). An ICS will be established at the outbreak area(s) to ensure the most effective response and use of personnel and equipment. An Area Command Center will be instituted at the state Emergency Operations center (EOC) or the Oregon Department of Agriculture, when an incident occurs in more than one location and the span of control exceeds the capability of the initial ICS. Graphic examples of the organizational charts are shown below.
A. One incident of a FAD in a county.
incident org chart

B. Two or more incidents in the County or multiple Counties affected by the same incident.
incident flow chart

C. Mitigation and Preparedness.
  1. The State Veterinarian's office may:
  • Develop Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) agreements with government agencies, professional associations and private agencies and organizations.
  • Provide for surveillance for foreign animal disease or an animal disease, syndrome, chemical, poison or toxin that may pose a substantial threat to the animal industries, economy or public health of the state.
  • Conduct training sessions and workshops to assist local communities and support agencies and organizations.
  • Assist County Emergency Management offices identify domestic animal friendly shelter sites near approved emergency shelters.
  • Participate in and/or conduct exercises and tests.
  • Work to develop county and local plans and resources.
D. Response and Recovery.
  1. The State Veterinarian's office will:
  • Serve as the primary agency and fulfill all associated responsibilities including, but not limited to, the restriction of livestock animal movement; coordinate local emergency response teams with the statewide support network and support both intrastate and interstate mutual aid agreements.
  • Manage and direct evacuation of animals from risk areas and provide technical assistance to prevent animal injury and disease dissemination.
  • Requisition personnel and equipment to triage and shelter facilities.
  • Secure supplies, equipment, personnel and technical assistance from support agencies, organizations and other resources to carry out the response plans associated with animal health emergency management or any act of agro-terrorism that may pose a substantial threat to the state.
  • Provide and augment services to affect a rapid recovery.
  • Restore equipment and supplies to normal state of readiness.
  • Resume day-to-day operations.

VII. Authority and policy
The Oregon Department of Agriculture, in accordance with Oregon State law, specifically Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 596 (Disease Control Generally) and Oregon Administrative Rules 603 Division 11, has the authority to:
  1. Declare an animal health emergency.
  2. Impose restrictions on importations of animals, articles, and means of conveyance.
  3. Quarantine animals, herds, parts of the state, the entire state, and create quarantine areas.
  4. Stop the movement of animals.
  5. Require the destruction of animals, animal products, and materials.
  6. Specify the method for destruction and disposal of animals, products and materials.
  7. Indemnify owners for animals destroyed.
  8. Employ deputy state veterinarians and livestock inspectors.
The legal authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's response procedures identified in this plan may be found in U.S. Code Title 21, Chapter 4, Subchapter III.
Acts of terrorism may be directed to the nation's food supply, either as the target or as a vehicle of chemical, radiological and biologic weapons of mass destruction. Acts of terrorism are a federal crime and the response to such events are authorized and outlined in the National Response Plan (NRP). The Secretary of Homeland Security is the principal federal official responsible for domestic incidents. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the primary federal agency that would be notified when an act of terrorism is suspected. All other activities will proceed as consequences of such an event as described in the NRP. The event will proceed according to the NRP, the extraordinary state of emergency and the state emergency operations plans.
Recognizing that the ability to respond to and recover from emergency events is a result of mitigation, planning, training and exercise, all primary and support agencies will participate in such activities to maintain a state of readiness.

VIII. Plan development, review, testing, and maintenance
The Oregon Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the USDA APHIS Veterinary Services is responsible for the development of this plan. ODA and USDA APHIS VS will be responsible for plan updates and other ongoing maintenance. ODA, under the direction of the State Veterinarian's office, will play a central role in ensuring that the plan continues to reflect the latest generally accepted veterinary principles and is maintained at a level to protect the health of Oregon's animal populations and citizens of Oregon.
The maintenance and updating of this plan may be timed in accordance with the processes of changes in government structure, exercises performed, critiques of actual emergency situations, or guidance from state and federal government.
Periodic plan testing is essential for determining the ongoing effectiveness of the plan as the legal environment, technology, livestock industry, the field of veterinary medicine, disease threats and other key parameters change over time. The ODA will work in partnership with other state and federal agencies to ensure that adequate testing and maintenance of this plan occurs.

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Page updated: September 19, 2007

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