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The Agriculture Quarterly
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Issue 364, Winter 2006/2007 Biennial Report
Biennial Report
State of the Agriculture Industry Report
State Board of Agriculture
Organization and budget
Interview with the ODA director
Administration and Support Services
Agricultural Development and Marketing Division
Animal Health and Identification Division
Commodity Inspection Division
Food Safety Division
Measurement Standards Division
Natural Resources Division
Pesticides Division
Plant Division
Performance Measures
ODA directory
Alternative file formats
Biennial Report
Cover photo
"Ag at rest," photo courtesy of Ellen Hammond, ODA
Honesty, integrity, and fairness. Technical and professional competence. Respect for people and property. Practical approaches to problem solving. Service oriented.
These are the core values of the Oregon Department of Agriculture and its staff. While the many issues and challenges facing the agency and the agriculture industry may change, the core values remain constant.
ODA continues to promote and advocate for Oregon agriculture while, at the same time, regulate the industry. It is a unique responsibility among state agencies that requires us to be responsive and to care about the people we deal with. Our diversity of customers ranges from agricultural producers to food processors, from licensed retailers to everyday consumers. We continue to serve Oregon with vision, hard work, and accountability.
The 2005-2007 Biennial Report explains the many and varied programs of the Oregon Department of Agriculture. It also describes our accomplishments of the past two years as well as our goals for the upcoming biennium. As you read this report, keep in mind that we are an agency of people, determined to meet the important needs of Oregonians, now and in the future.

State of the Agriculture Industry Report
Photo of tractor and barn
Editor’s note: The following is an introduction to the 2006 State of the Industry report from the State Board of Agriculture. Comments are provided by Board Chair Bernie Faber. A complete copy of the report is available from the ODA Information Office, 503-986-4550.
The 2005 Oregon Legislature passed HB 2196, requiring the State Board of Agriculture to prepare a biennial report to the governor and legislative assembly regarding the status of the agriculture industry. This document is a comprehensive overview of the many topics and issues related to, impacting, and affected by agriculture. A few highlights of the report appear below.
Each issue noted in the top 20 challenges presents opportunities for private-public partnerships; points out areas where innovative research is imperative; and demonstrates the need for connections between higher education, the high tech industry, and natural-resource based industries.
This report serves as a starting point for important policy dialogue and collaboration.
Oregon’s agricultural roots
More than 1,000 family farms and ranches in Oregon are designated as “century farms,” having ownership in the same family for over 100 years. No other segment of Oregon’s economy can claim such a feat!
Agricultural security
Agricultural and food security, like other national security interests, deserve high priority attention at all levels of government.State of the industry
The Oregon weather in early 2006 was very wet, causing delays in fieldwork, planting, and crop development. The high price of fuels and fertilizers is a challenge for the industry. A record heat surge in June scorched berry crops. Shortages of field workers made harvest more difficult. Prices were moderate for most commodities. Agricultural production is expected to continue an upward trend, but net farm income will be lower than in 2005. On the whole, it was an average year for the industry, but some sectors fared better than others.
Agriculture diversity
More than 220 different commodities are produced commercially, presenting both opportunities and challenges for growers. Finding equipment suppliers, crop protection materials, and markets for niche crops is very difficult, but the diversity of production broadens grower options and levels farm income, overall.
Oregon’s farm structure
Roughly 40,000 farms exist in Oregon. Over 98 percent of these are family owned and operated, with about 10 percent organized as partnerships or family corporations. Approximately 1 percent of Oregon’s farms are non-family corporate operations. The number of small operations (less than $10,000 in annual sales) is increasing and accounts for about 70 percent of Oregon’s farms and ranches. This group generates less than 2 percent of total agricultural output/sales for the state, yet owns 13 percent of agricultural lands. The mid-sized grower category ($10,000 to $250,000 in annual sales), is shrinking, at less than 25 percent of all farms, and generates 19 percent of total farm value on 45 percent of total acreage. Full-time larger commercial family operations number about 2,250, or less than 6 percent of all farms in Oregon. Yet, this group of operators produces nearly 80 percent of total sales on 42 percent of the land in farm use.
Contributions to Oregon’s economy
More than 150,000 jobs in Oregon are derived from a connection to agriculture. Farm production value now tops $4 billion annually. Farmers purchase over $3.5 billion in goods and inputs to grow their crops and livestock—providing a huge stimulus to Oregon’s economy. Value-added processing contributes another $1.5 billion to $2 billion in revenue to the state economy. Nearly $2.5 billion in salary and wages is tied to agriculture. Agriculture is a key traded sector, ranking first in volume of exported products and third in value of exported products. Total agriculture-related activities account for 10 percent of Oregon’s gross state product.
Contributions to Oregon’s environment
Farmers and ranchers in Oregon are committed to an industry that is economically and environmentally sustainable. In addition to producing crops and livestock, Oregon farmers and ranchers provide food and habitat to over 70 percent of the state’s wildlife. Erosion on cropland and rangeland has been reduced by more than 35 percent in the past decade. Oregon farmers and ranchers have nearly 600,000 acres enrolled in conservation programs. Oregon leads the nation in the number of water transfers and the amount of water used for conservation and wildlife. Many growers are participating in voluntary programs that certify their products are sustainably grown.
Change has been dramatic constant
Growers are responding to dramatic changes in global trade, segmented consumer markets, population shifts and increased competition over land and water use. Certification programs are increasingly important in production and processing to ensure food safety, traceability, biosecurity, and specific management practices.
Oregon moves over 80 percent of its agricultural products out of state, with half of those products going overseas. A reliable and affordable transportation infrastructure and adequate energy/fuel resources are required to move products from here to there. Ports, trucks, rail, intermodal, and air transportation all play a part. The deepening of the Columbia River is imperative for larger carriers to call on Portland for delivery and export.
Agricultural labor
Adequate farm and food processing labor is a critical issue for Oregon’s diverse production. The cost of labor in a world economy is a challenging issue. While on-farm compensation in Oregon, averaging above $10 per hour, is among the highest in the nation, it is pushed higher every year due to minimum wage indexing. Lack of a labor bargaining law in Oregon creates an uncertain environment for all parties and remains a critical issue for resolution by the Oregon Legislature.
Land resources and issues
Oregon’s land use laws, enacted in the 1970s, established exclusive farm use zones with the intent of protecting farm operations from urbanization pressures and speculative buying. While this system has slowed farmland loss in Oregon, it has not been without controversy. The passage of Ballot Measure 37 in 2005 set back the clock on farmland use to all development allowed prior to the land use laws taking effect. More than two-thirds of the 2,000 plus Measure 37 claims filed with state and local government entities are for development on farmland. Members of the agriculture industry have differing opinions on Measure 37. Those subject to urbanization pressures, primarily in the Willamette Valley and other urban areas, have generally supported strong land use laws to protect farmland from conversion. Growers in Eastern Oregon, with little pressure from urbanization and marginal farm income returns, are looking for alternative uses of their property, or at least some flexibility that would allow other income-generating prospects.
Water issues—quality and quantity
Landowners are making great strides incorporating water quality protection into their operations. On-going education and monitoring programs will assist growers and demonstrate the contributions of these efforts. Water storage, delivery, and efficiency are key to future agricultural development and viability in Oregon. Some scientists predict that global warming will result in less snowfall and earlier snow melt, emphasizing the need to develop water storage for agricultural and non-agricultural uses. Multiple options are available such as aquifer recharge (groundwater injection), expanded use of farm storage ponds, off-stream diverted storage, and desalinization of seawater. These options take time to develop and require urgent attention.
New technologies
Over the past century, the adoption of technology, mechanization, high yielding seeds, commercial fertilizers and plant pest and weed control products have multiplied output, reduced labor needs, and allowed 99 percent of the US public to spend their time and resources in pursuits other than food production. High-tech farming techniques include the use of GIS and GPS guided-tractors, laser land leveling, sophisticated center-pivot irrigation, radio controlled weather monitoring and soil testing, field mapping that directs spot application of soil nutrients and chemicals, high-tech harvesters and sorting equipment, bio-technology, and seeds adapted to resist plant pests.
New regulatory regimes
Regulatory challenges that present uncertainty for growers include the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Wild and Scenic Rivers System, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Federal Power Act. The complexity and rigidity of these laws often result in frustration in assessments and regulatory options that growers feel are inappropriate, unrealistic, difficult to understand and implement, and may even conflict with state law. Permitting processes are lengthy and costly. Projects may be stalled, due to ongoing study and analysis.
In some instances, growers are using a permit, or certificate of compliance, as evidence of certain production practices or to meet a niche-market demand. More needs to be done to connect regulatory requirements with market opportunities.
On the other hand, regulatory compliance may be a key driver of farm consolidation, leading to larger farms with the resources to address compliance costs.
Top 20 issues facing the industry
In no order of importance or rank…
  • Labor availability and cost (immigration reform, minimum wage indexing and its impacts, and resolution of farm worker bargaining law).
  • Federal farm bill legislation and how Oregon growers participate or benefit.
  • Plant protection research, material availability, and cost in a state that produces mostly “specialty” crops.
  • Availability, storage, and distribution of water, with impending pressure from climate change.
  • Land use. Preservation of farmland. Balance development pressures, private property rights, and regional opportunities and needs.
  • Transportation infrastructure, fuel cost, and movement of products to market.
  • Need for more locally-based, value-added processing infrastructure (due to loss of a significant portion of the local processing industry in over past decade).
  • Bio-technology in agricultural crops, assessing benefits and risks for Oregon producers.
  • Development of new technology and its adaptation to agriculture; critical need to develop links with higher education and the high tech industry with focus on nanotechnology, laser and infrared technology, precision agriculture, mechanization, and energy and water conservation.
  • Renewable energy development, in which local producers can participate and benefit.
  • Access to foreign markets and development of stateside markets. Resources to address non-tariff barriers, market development, and product introduction.
  • Resources to combat invasive species and their impacts on local agriculture and ecosystems.
  • Regulatory challenges and the continually tightening environmental standards (costs) in Oregon and the US versus other nations.
  • Aging of farmers and pending land turnover with few younger people choosing to farm; need for tax structures, financing programs and succession planning assistance to ensure a local, dynamic and viable farm infrastructure and farm population.
  • Global animal disease prevention and response to maintain a viable and healthy livestock industry. Reduce disease potential for humans and animals.
  • Direct marketing, certification, and access to local food markets for smaller growers.
  • Public sector research funding for Oregon State University and other institutions that develop and improve agriculture production, new crops, management systems, and value-added processing.
  • Public education and policy that support economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable agricultural production.
  • Wildlife damage and mitigation assistance for agricultural and timber production.
  • Grower access to financing and business models in order to adopt new technologies, crops, and production methods.

State Board of Agriculture
  • Successfully implemented HB 2196, which creates a new structure for the Board of Agriculture and transitioned from an advisory board to a policy making board.Established four sub-committees to focus on critical issues facing the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the industry (see sidebar). Sub-committees met between quarterly meetings of the full Board of Agriculture.As directed by HB 2196, produced a biennial report of Oregon’s agriculture industry to be presented to the 2007 legislative session. The document provides lawmakers with information on the current state of the industry and is designed to provide assistance as the legislature makes decisions that affect agriculture.
  • Individual board members met with key legislators, prior to, and during the 2005 session of the Oregon Legislature. These meetings provided important background and established relationships important in support of the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the agriculture industry. Board members also provided key testimony at selected bill hearings, and provided support for ODA’s budget.
  • Completed review and approval of all 39 area Agricultural Water Quality Management Plans and Rules (SB 1010) throughout Oregon, including several biennial reviews for previously adopted plans.
  • Provided input to the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) that helped direct grant funding for on-the-ground projects beneficial to agricultural operators. A member of the Board of Agriculture represents the industry on the OWEB board.
  • Two Board of Agriculture members represented agriculture as part of the Oregon Biopharming Ad Hoc Committee, which was formed by ODA and the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) in response to requests from the governor and state legislature for scientific review, analysis, and recommendations. The committee met on a regular basis to develop a consensus policy recommendation for consideration by the governor and the 2007 Legislature regarding biopharmaceuticals produced in human food or animal feed crops.
  • Board Member Ken Bailey represented agriculture on the 10-member Oregon Task Force on land use planning, known as the “Big Look Committee.” The committee’s mission is to chart the future of the state’s 30-year-old land use planning system. Providing an agricultural perspective for the committee will be important to the industry’s future.
  • Met in conjunction with the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission to discuss issues of common concern including water and air quality.
  • Continued to advise the state’s Soil and Water Conservation Commission (SWCC) and soil and water conservation districts, as one Board of Agriculture position is filled by the chair of the SWCC.
  • Established a stronger connection with farm direct marketing sector by adding, to the board, a public member with farmers’ market experience.
  • Collaborated with a governor-appointed statewide food policy council. This council develops urban-rural partnerships to: improve access to an adequate food supply, eliminate hunger in Oregon, increase local purchase of regional foods, enhance agricultural viability, and expand food-related businesses and jobs.
  • Endorsed by resolution, the concept of the Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Resource Center (OSARC), recognizing the rapidly growing prevalence of standards and certification requirements for agriculture and food products in the global market place.
  • Supported by resolution, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s proposed Cougar Management Plan.
  • Provided input to the Oregon Department of Agriculture on a number of key and controversial issues including production of canola in the Willamette Valley, water storage and use by agriculture, and Brand Oregon activities involving ODA.
  • Established a Web site that includes board member profiles, announcements, meeting agendas, board meeting minutes, and other information regarding the State Board of Agriculture. http://oregon.gov/ODA/boardoverview.shtml
Sub-committees and key issues 
Government relations
  • Biennial Report to the Legislature
  • Labor/minimum wage
  • Farm Bill
  • Legislative contacts and issues
  • Governor’s Office
  • Pesticide Use Reporting System (PURS)
Land and water use
  • Land use policy
  • Interim review of land use system
  • Water availability
  • Long-term water strategy
  • Senate Bill 1010 (agricultural water quality plans)
  • Brand Oregon
  • Transportation
  • Sustainability
  • Food policy councils
  • Farmer’s markets
  • Agricultural business development
  • Bio-pharmaceuticals
  • Control districts
  • Links with higher education
  • Technology development
  • Renewable energy

Organization and budget
Budget history
Budget history

Department organization chart

Interview with the ODA director
Photo of Katy Coba
ODA director, Katy Coba
What makes ODA a successful agency?
The answer for me is pretty easy and straightforward. It's the people. Without a doubt, the staff of the Oregon Department of Agriculture have expertise and professionalism. The way our people approach issues, with a problem-solving attitude, and their ability to work with industry really does make ODA a good state agency, a good partner for our customers.
How does ODA measure its success?
Probably the first way we measure success is the feedback we get from industry and all other customers. Obviously, every two years we go before the state legislature with a budget request and deal with key issues. How we are received by the legislature and how those key issues are resolved is another important measure of success. We are constantly working with the Governor's Office and policy staff on important issues, and they also let us know how well we are doing. Finally, as we focus in state government around efficient and effective service delivery, we, like other state agencies, have performance measures that our programs constantly review. Those performance measures provide quantitative results that allow us to see if we are getting the results that we expect from ourselves.
How has the agency changed, if at all, to meet new demands and issues as well as expectations from the public?
We have absolutely taken steps to address emerging issues. You look at our agency and see that we have been around for a long time. Some of the programs within ODA were established when the agency was created, but they are certainly run differently than they were then. We've also had growth within the agency, changes in structure based on the critical issues facing the industry. Probably the most recent example is the growth in our Natural Resources Division. As a result of the implementation of Senate Bill 1010, the Confined Animal Feeding Operation Program, and many other programs within that division, our agency has responded to Oregon's needs to help agriculture properly manage its resources. That's just one example.
Also, in the last five years of state government, we have seen some severe budget restrictions that have demanded all agencies to undertake some streamlining. When you go through that process, you constantly look at your programs and ask whether we still need to have some of them, are they meeting the needs of the industry, are we taking advantage of technology so that those programs run even better? We work with many industry advisory groups that are constantly looking at the costs of those programs and ways to reduce those costs so that it is not as much of a burden on the industry. So we are constantly looking at what we do and figuring out ways to deliver services more efficiently, at less cost, but still at a level that meets the needs of our customers.
We have structured our divisions and the agency administration in a way that promotes more of a team approach in conducting our business. Programs are encouraged to work together in a cross-functional process that takes advantage of the agency's overall expertise and abilities. The result, I believe, is an Oregon Department of Agriculture better suited to handle the complex issues now facing our constituency.
How will ODA meet its challenges over the next biennium?
I'm the eternal optimist and I'm very excited about the future-and the opportunities for the industry and the department in the next two years. At the state level, the first that comes to mind is the governor's focus on renewable energy and the opportunities that will be available for agriculture. At the federal level, there will be opportunities presented by the 2007 Farm Bill-whether they center on conservation programs, marketing, insurance, or specialty crops.
As the Oregon Department of Agriculture continues to operate, we are blessed with a terrific staff. Some of our folks have been at ODA for a long time, and have an incredible history and knowledge within the agency. But we also have new employees who bring new ideas and energy that help ODA become a better agency. We will continue to use professionalism, honesty, and integrity in the way we deliver services. I'm confident that whatever challenge comes our way, we will be more than prepared to handle it.

Administration and Support Services
“It is important, both externally and internally, for ODA to have a sound infrastructure and support system that allows the agency to conduct business with all its customers.”
—Katy Coba, ODA director
To provide all ODA divisions and programs administrative support and services for agency operations, and to provide external assistance and services to agency customers.
In Salem, the Director's Office/Information Office has 10 employees, and Administrative Services section has 31 employees. In Portland, ODA's laboratory services are provided by 17 employees based at the Food Innovation Center.
What we do
  • Administration and Support Services provide the core infrastructure for ODA's daily business operations:
  • The Director's Office provides oversight of all functions of the department while working with the Governor's Office, legislature, other state and federal agencies, and agricultural and consumer groups to carry out the state's agricultural policy. This includes administration of the State Board of Agriculture and the department's Farm Mediation Program, supervision of price negotiations for the state's grass seed and seafood industries, and liaison for the agriculture industry on renewable energy issues.
  • The Information Office is responsible for media relations, publications, Web site coordination, and various special projects. Also serves as the first point of contact for many ODA customers.
  • The Administrative Services Section provides internal support for ODA in the areas of financial management, personnel, licensing, purchasing, and computer information systems. This support includes payment on all agency bills and accounts; development and management of ODA's biennial budget; monitoring of agency spending; job recruitment, hiring, and staff training; coordination of agency purchases and building maintenance; and information systems, project management, and systems development.
  • The Laboratory Services Section provides laboratory chemistry, and microbiology analysis for ODA. Analyses are provided for food, dairy, shellfish, foliage, soil, fertilizer, water, and various products destined for export/import.
Major accomplishments
Director's Office
  • Coordinated various emergency response plans for the agency including a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) that ensures the agency's basic critical functions remain active in the event of an emergency.
  • Coordinated the Salmon Assistance Program, which distributed $1 million of state disaster relief funds to Oregon commercial troll salmon fishermen along the coast. Assistance was directed by an emergency declaration from the governor following harvest restrictions in 2006.
  • Spearheaded and coordinated ODA's multi-division response to a major pesticide misuse incident in Oregon and Idaho onions, including the implementation of a voluntary market assurance testing program. Working with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, efforts to sample and test onions for the detection of Furadan assured that the product was safe for distribution and consumption.
  • Working with Oregon State University and the Oregon Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA), developed state-wide economic analysis of the agricultural industry, developed white papers on specific topics and trends impacting the industry, and assisted in policy development based on scientifically-sound data analysis.
  • Served as the lead contact and liaison with industry and other agencies on renewable energy issues. More than 80 inquiries were provided assistance regarding potential agricultural feedstocks for biofuels. Multiple presentations were made to grower groups and other venues regarding agriculture's connection to renewable energy. Also, a web-based resource page for growers and others interested in renewable energy was developed and maintained. See: http://oregon.gov/ODA/energy.shtml
  • Developed and currently maintains a Web page featuring financial resources, grants, technical assistance, and direct marketing information for growers. See: http://oregon.gov/ODA/grants.shtml
  • Collaborated with ODA's Agricultural Development and Marketing Division to provide supervised price negotiations between grass seed growers and fishermen with buyers of their products. This is a unique process that affords the participants anti-trust immunity in pricing, ensures that the interests of all the parties are represented, and provides a balanced perspective to the price of these farm and ocean products.
  • During 2005-2006 the Oregon Farm Mediation Program handled dozens of calls and provided counseling and assistance to parties in dispute regarding agricultural issues (contracts, nuisance complaints, farm labor, etc.). A total of 17 cases went on to mediation. Three cases settled before mediation began, 12 cases proceeded through mediation, and two cases remain open. Of the 12 mediation cases, 92 percent settled in agreement (11 of 12). Of the 17 cases, 15 were labor related while two were nuisance situations. See: http://oregon.gov/ODA/mediation.shtml
Information Office
  • Responded to more than 5,000 e-mail inquiries, providing general information or referring customers to appropriate program personnel.
  • Provided representation on the state e-governance committee and administers, facilitates, and coordinates overall Web development activities for the entire department.
  • During 2005-06, produced 104 issues of the Oregon Department of Agriculture's "Story of the Week," 78 news releases, eight issues of the Agriculture Quarterly, the Oregon Farmers' Handbook, and annual editions of the Oregon Agricultural Resources Directory and Agricultural and Fisheries Statistics Bulletin.
  • In addition to responding to more than 500 interview requests from media during the past two years, organized and conducted two highly attended media events involving the director-a tour and demonstration at a poultry operation to assure the public of safeguards against avian influenza, and an Oregon Noxious Weed Awareness Week event that featured the use of biological control agents on weeds.
  • Worked cooperatively with other agencies and industry groups on numerous issues and initiatives, including the Century Farm and Ranch Program, avian influenza communications planning, West Nile Virus public outreach efforts, and development of a statewide crisis communications plan.
Administrative Services
  • Developed and implemented a backup strategy for the agency's data in a centralized management environment, providing for disaster recovery on key network servers and services. With the implementation of both an onsite and offsite backup strategy, continuity of operations can be maintained.
  • Completed security assessment on ODA's information systems by using a third party consultant. The assessment provided an operational plan for securing existing servers and enhancing the security preparations for future ODA computer servers.
  • Rewrote the Food Safety Division Inspection Program for electronic reporting of inspections and put into production for sanitarians in the field. This will serve as a template for future inspection programs that will be created for other divisions in the agency.
  • Completed development of the Web-based Pesticide Use Reporting System. This system, which will collect electronic reporting of pesticide usage, will be online in January 2007.
  • Implemented a series of good practices to improve and provide uniformity in ODA's business, human resources, and information technology sections. This included development of an improved contracts and agreements tracking system, migration of agency staff from using paper work orders to an online "copy center" order process for photocopying needs, participation in the Designated Procurement Officer Council, and improved interface between accounting, accounts receivable, and accounts payable sections.
  • Continued leadership of the Fleet Management Advisory Council for state agency automotive fleets.
  • Human Resources personnel successfully processed the 2006 open enrollment for PEBB (Public Employees Benefits Board) and received training and certification in human resource management and ergonomics assessment. Staff also provided training to ODA managers and employees on preventing and dealing with harassment/sexual harassment, arranged for all agency diversity training, and initiated a series of "Managing Hostile Situations" training for divisions.
  • Began implementation of the first phase of the Customer Information Relationship Management System (CRIMS) by processing Pesticide Division license renewals. CRIMS allows communications of common information to division specific systems. Reviewed and conducted testing on all remaining license types for implementation. Developed system requirements for the new accounting module component of CRIMS.
  • Received the fiscal year 2005 Gold Star Certificate from the State Controller's Office for achieving statewide accounting goals and for excellence in financial reporting. The agency has a long-standing history of financial excellence and has received this certificate annually, for more than a decade.
Laboratory Services
  • Provided testing and analysis of numerous samples provided by ODA divisions, including food samples for general bacteria and pathogens, finished dairy products, shellfish for marine biotoxins, and various samples for pesticide residues
  • Continued the formalization of the quality assurance/control plan to meet accreditation program requirements of FDA, USDA and EPA.
  • Over a four week period, processed and tested 615 market assurance onion samples in response to pesticide misuse. Additionally tested several hundred enforcement samples in following months for misuse investigations. (Normally scheduled for 100 samples per year from the enforcement program)
  • Increased involvement in FERN (Food Emergency Response Network) by participating in meetings and trainings.
  • Implemented various new test methods that provide faster and more accurate results, such as testing for Vibrio parahaemolyticus by PCR (polymerase chain reaction).
  • Continue to define and develop emergency response preparedness with internal and external partners.
  • Assist in the development of policy proposals for the 2007 Farm Bill based on the interests and needs of Oregon's agricultural industry, natural resources, and Oregon's sustainability goals.
  • Work with growers interested in renewable energy projects, identify resources and continue to provide liaison assistance between biofuel processing facilities and growers. Work with OSU and growers to ensure that biofuel crops don't impose harm to specialty vegetable seed growers.
  • Continue a collaborative process with grass seed industry and seafood industry to reach successful price negotiations.
  • Ensure that all potential parties to agricultural disputes have a forum for addressing their disputes through the Farm Mediation Program, with a goal of an 80 percent settlement rate.
  • Provide "Message Mapping" communications training for ODA staff most likely to respond to media and public inquiries during a crisis.
  • Continue refining to improve the ODA Web site to meet increasing demand for information and services.
  • Reinstate group orientation sessions for new employees, finalize and distribute a new employee handbook, and continue to obtain and present training opportunities for ODA staff.
  • Information Systems to streamline various inspection records data programs used by each division.
  • Consolidate and streamline various functions and systems used by ODA including invoicing systems, business programs, and the electronic-reporting of divisions' inspection programs.
  • Complete the migration of information for all divisions from Agriculture Information System to License 2000, which will allow ODA customers to renew and pay for their licenses online via the Web.
  • Continue the effort to centralize ODA data sources to the Customer Relations Information Management System (CRIMS).
  • Continue to develop analyst cross-functional abilities in the ODA laboratory by identifying specific test and instrument training needs.
  • Develop a fiscally responsible instrument replacement strategy for the laboratory that is responsive to current and future client program needs, and considers technological advances and staff training needs.
  • Explore the implementation of ISO 17025 quality assurance program to assist client programs in the area of certification locally and globally.
  • Work with other departmental lab groups to further enhance departmental laboratory/analytical capabilities and responsiveness.
  • Assure that ODA's export program is current with changing foreign requirements and assess its role in the department's overall certification initiative.
New challenges
  • The amount of interest in renewable energy is growing exponentially, yet ODA lacks the resources to respond to all issues. Those issues include producer interest in growing potential feedstock crops and any associated conflicts; the need for more research into cropping and crop management; and the need for technical assistance, project development, and financial resources.
  • The interest in biofuels is also creating policy and management issues with respect to product distribution systems-the public demand for biodiesel and ethanol is growing, but distribution points are limited and fuel pumps that weren't designed for these new fuels are affecting distributor warranty and consumer protection issues related to correct measurement of dispensing. The Director's Office will continue working with the Measurement Standards Division and industry interests to ensure distribution options are available, while protecting consumer and retailer interests.
  • A new automated employee recruitment system is being developed by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) that will significantly impact all agency recruiting practices.
  • Succession planning, recruiting, and retaining quality employees with expertise and experience in ODA program areas will continue to be a challenge that must be met due to retirements and vacancies created as employees leave the agency.

Agricultural Development and Marketing Division
Photo of Gary Roth
ADMD administrator, Gary Roth
“Quite simply, Oregon agriculture must be diligent in maintaining existing markets and seeking access to new ones, whether they are located within the state, in the US, or abroad.”
—Gary Roth, Administrator

To foster a sustainable Oregon economy through the development and retention of production and processing capacity, and the promotion and marketing of the state's agricultural and food products.
The division has a staff of 10 based in Portland at the Food Innovation Center.
What we do
The Agricultural Development and Marketing Division (ADMD) finds solutions and creates marketing opportunities for Oregon's food and agricultural industry. The program works with targeted industry clusters and, at the same time, provides individualized one-on-one services for small to medium sized Oregon companies. The program brings extensive technical and scientific expertise drawn from in-depth cross-divisional integration with other ODA divisions and a partnership with Oregon State University at the Food Innovation Center, the first facility of its kind in the Pacific Northwest.
ADMD's internationally-recognized programs develop new export opportunities for Oregon producers that provide millions of dollars of new income for rural and urban enterprises alike. Within the state, ADMD collaborates closely with its partners to retain and expand agriculture processing infrastructure. This can mean working with local producers to develop or support direct marketing opportunities like farmer's markets and roadside stands, or working with processors to enhance or expand existing processing capacity.
The ADMD program integrates three components into a successful suite of services for Oregon agriculture:
  • industry and cluster development
  • market development and product promotion
  • Commodity Commission oversight.

ADMD works in an integrated approach with many partners to deliver world-class services to producers, processors, and consumers. These partners include a variety of port and municipal based economic development organizations throughout the state, the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department (OECDD), the Governor's Economic Revitalization Teams (GERT), and 28 producer-funded commodity commissions. 
Major accomplishments
Industry and cluster development
  • Spearheaded collaborative efforts to incorporate food products into Brand Oregon programs, increasing the sales of many Oregon products while highlighting the state's quality of life for the purpose of stimulating the overall economy. Efforts included but are not limited to:
  • a statewide Oregon Bounty program in the fall of 2005 promoted Oregon pears, cheese, hazelnuts and wine, with the Fall 2006 Oregon Bounty program adding beer, seafood, and other local products.
  • a promotion with 12 Thriftway stores featuring Oregon berries and value-added berry products. Oregon suppliers reported first time store placements as well as increased sales over the promotion period.
  • Teamed up with the Oregon Annual Ryegrass Commission to lead a domestic week long trade mission to Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri. The mission introduced key Midwest agricultural educators, media, government officials, and buyers to the economic and environmental benefits of annual ryegrass as a cover crop for soybeans and corn. The mission resulted in positive publicity, as well as Oregon ryegrass orders for the coming season.
  • Coordinated state efforts to secure USDA funding for a Senior and WIC Farm Direct Nutrition Program (FDNP) that resulted in $2 million in increased revenue to Oregon's farmers' markets and roadside stands. The program was expanded to serve 40,000 eligible seniors with redemption rates reaching 98 percent, at 600 participating Oregon farm stands and farmers' markets. An outreach program introduced 32 "farmer friendly" banks and credit unions statewide to accept FDNP checks without charging processing fees.
  • Hosted a school lunch food purchasing workshop for Oregon food producers to learn about wellness policies and purchasing programs for schools. This is part of an effort to connect more Oregon producers with buyers to increase the amount of Oregon products served in local schools.
  • Coordinated with McDonald's restaurants in the Northwest to celebrate Grower Appreciation Days. More than 180 Oregon restaurants participated, highlighting the local production and consumption of Oregon-grown wheat, onions, potatoes, blueberries, cucumbers and dairy products.
  • Led the collaborative efforts of eleven different organizations in the Nexus Project to commercialize a new value-added pear product, benefiting both growers and processors. In the project's first year, the product and the processing line were developed. That created 37 seasonal jobs utilizing 2,000 tons of Comice pears for 1,500 cases distributed in Harry & David stores. Based on the successful sales of this gourmet product at $12.95 per jar, an additional 30,000 cases have been ordered.
  • Provided critical support in the successful grand opening of the new $12 million wheat segregation facility near Arlington in Gilliam County. ADMD assisted with the project feasibility study and the creation of a business plan. The facility gives the region's wheat producers a competitive advantage in the marketplace and, at the same time, provides 25 new full-time jobs.
  • Facilitated a series of meetings for stakeholders from throughout Oregon to find a solution to the loss of rendering options in Oregon. Steps have been taken to initiate the Oregon Solutions Project, which would provide rendering alternatives for businesses ranging from cattle and dairy producers to grocery store and restaurant owners.
  • Through its partnership with OSU at the Food Innovation Center (FIC), ADMD worked to extend the center's services beyond smaller, start-up companies to include the bulk of food companies in Oregon that fall in the medium size range. In addition, ADMD is working with the industry cluster efforts of the Northwest Food Processors Association to secure funding and implement the Vision Impact and Productivity (VIP) Center. This will compliment the efforts of the FIC in bringing greater competitiveness to the food processing industry, thereby improving Oregon's economy and creating jobs.
  • Participated on local, national and international levels, advocating for transportation efficiencies that keep Oregon agricultural products competitive in the marketplace. As an example, ADMD worked closely with the Oregon Freight Advisory Committee to improve the passage of trucks on Highway 140 in Southern Oregon so producers of the region can avoid traveling 200 miles out-of-route. As a result, efforts are underway at the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to investigate and implement safe, inexpensive short-term solutions and more comprehensive long-term answers.
  • Continued market exploration and expansion efforts for Oregon nursery stock in China. Key efforts included a trial shipment of plant material to the Shanghai Botanic Garden, a trade development mission to Beijing, Jinan, and Shanghai, and hosting two inbound buying missions from Shanghai (November 2005 and August 2006).
International market development
  • Launched a direct marketing campaign in Japan this biennium, with similar efforts to begin soon in Korea and Taiwan. This marketing medium, specifically internet retailers and home shopping networks, is proving to be a highly effective means of promoting and merchandising high value and value-added agricultural products. This project is the first of its kind to be executed by any state or federal agricultural promotion agency and initial sales of specialty products have been very encouraging.
  • Signed a Letter of Intent on Marketing Cooperation with top ranking officials from the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). CCPIT has 700 offices responsible for imports and exports. The agreement is the only one of its kind with a U.S. state and creates a marketing partnership to increase agricultural exports from Oregon to China.
  • Hosted 20 international buying missions from countries representing the bulk of Asia's buying power, introducing the buyers to nearly 100 Oregon companies.
  • Over the course of the biennium, ADMD led the participation of numerous Oregon companies in trade shows, trade missions, product showcases, and technical seminars in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan for a range of products including seafood, wine, soups, sauces, dried fruits, and nuts. One product showcase series alone featured products from 10 Oregon companies in Taiwan and China. In Tokyo, 15 Oregon company principals participated in a product tasting and seminar attended by more than 200 importers, distributors and key opinion leaders.
  • Total economic benefit as a result of ongoing trade activities with Oregon producers resulted in $51 million in 2005. Results for 2006 were not available at the time this publication went to print.
Board, committee and task force participation
  • Represented ODA on the nine Governor's Economic Revitalization Teams. This participation brought invaluable agricultural perspective to these local development bodies.
  • Represented ODA on the Oregon Freight Advisory Committee.
  • Represented ODA on the Oregon Developmental Fisheries Board. This board provides policy guidance to the ODFW.
  • Represented the ODA on the Portland Public Market Board and the Oregon Farmers Markets Association Board.
  • Represented the ODA on the Northwest Food Processors Association Cluster Initiative Leadership Group.
  • Represented the ODA on the Interagency Coordinating Council on Hunger.
  • Represented the ODA on the State Sustainability Coordinators Committee.
Commodity Commission activities
  • Played a key role in facilitating the continued operations of Oregon's 28 commodity commissions that have combined budgets of approximately $14 million. With staff support and oversight of the commissions' annual operational plans, contracting, budgeting and financial reporting, the commissions assess producers to conduct and fund research, generic marketing, and educational activities.
  • Supervised the annual appointment of more than 70 volunteer commissioners.
  • Developed a legislative concept, continuing ODA oversight functions of 25 commissions, and requiring public membership on those commission boards.
  • Provided staff support to the Salmon Commission as it responded to the severely curtailed commercial salmon fishing season with relief programs for the most economically hard hit fishers.
  • Create sustainable benefits and wealth for all of Oregon through meaningful agricultural development and marketing programs.
  • Plan and deliver high-quality, cost effective activities that meet the development and marketing needs of Oregon agriculture and food processing companies in domestic and overseas markets.
  • Become the center of new product development and innovative food through an active partnership with OSU at the Food Innovation Center.
  • Ensure the efficient operation of Oregon's 28 commodity commissions.
  • Expand direct marketing opportunities for Oregon agricultural producers.
  • Increase offshore trading opportunities for Oregon exporters in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan.
  • Collaborate with other state agencies and local development organizations to leverage state developmental efforts, increase efficiencies, and avoid duplication of service.
New challenges
  • Continued increased costs for labor, insurance, and fuel, along with other present challenges, make it more difficult for Oregon producers to cost effectively provide a value packed product in the marketplace. The challenge for Oregon agriculture will be to find and develop new market niches that are sustainable. It is in these niches we see current and projected prosperity for Oregon agriculture.
  • With 80 percent of Oregon agriculture's production needing to leave the state to find a market, the growing popularity of "buy local" and "sustainability" present both opportunities and challenges. Oregon's ability to address these by capitalizing on diverse and high-quality product offerings, while paying attention to health concerns, gourmet trends, and the "natural" movement will help determine the success of Oregon products both at home and in the necessary markets beyond the state's borders.

Major issue
Access to foreign markets and development of stateside markets. Resources to address non-tariff barriers, market development, and product introduction.
ODA response
Retention and expansion of Oregon’s considerable market share for the bounty it produces cannot be taken for granted. Targeted markets include, but are not limited to, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and North America. In addition, development of international economies that present new market opportunities for Oregon agricultural products are constantly under the watchful eye of ODA. This includes China. ADMD has worked to help introduce Oregon’s top valued agricultural commodity—nursery stock—to the emerging market of China.
ADMD’s connections with the nursery industry, USDA’s Animal Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS), and the Chinese government have allowed the introduction of Oregon nursery stock into a very difficult but potentially lucrative market. Oregon nurseries have primarily focused on domestic sales but the industry’s continued growth has created an interest and need to look at international markets. Key efforts in bringing the nursery cluster together with China over the biennium included a trial shipment of plant material to the Shanghai Botanic Garden, a trade development mission to Beijing, Jinan, and Shanghai, and hosting two inbound buying missions from Shanghai (November 2005 and August 2006). As a result of these and other activities, Oregon nursery stock has an opportunity to play an even larger role in the beautification of Beijing in preparation of the 2008 Olympics.

Animal Health and Identification Division
Photo of Don Hansen
AHID administrator, Don Hansen
“The threat of foreign animal diseases makes it imperative that we monitor the livestock industry closely and be ready to respond to an outbreak.”
—Don Hansen, Administrator

To enhance economic production of livestock by working to: control and eradicate animal diseases, including those transmissible to humans; prevent livestock theft by denying a market for stolen animals through recording of brands and inspection of animals, and ensure animal feeds meet nutritional and labeling standards.
The Animal Health and Identification Division has a staff of 16 people based in Salem. There are two field veterinarians, an investigator, seven clerks and 62 brand inspectors stationed around the state. About 1,300 private veterinarians act on behalf of the department to help control animal diseases.
What we do
The Animal Health and Identification Division (AHID) creates and enhances an environment where livestock production can thrive by controlling and eradicating animal diseases introduced either accidentally or through an act of agroterrorism.
Division programs record livestock ownership brands, inspect cattle and horses for proof of ownership, and monitor the production of animal feed. These actions ensure proper ownership of livestock, deny a market for stolen animals, and ensure animal food safety. AHID also participates in cooperative efforts to reduce wildlife predation of livestock and crops.
Major accomplishments
Animal Health Program
  • Continued with emergency response preparedness activities by refining ODA's Animal Disease Emergency Management Plan to now be integrated into the Oregon Emergency Response Plan.
  • Conducted a full-scale emergency disease management exercise involving five counties to assess the effectiveness of the Emergency Management Plan.
  • Continued to train ODA veterinarians, and a corps of deputy state veterinarians, enhancing their abilities to respond in an animal emergency.
  • Sent ODA veterinarians to foreign animal disease diagnostician training at Plum Island, NY and Ames, Iowa.
  • Worked with the public health veterinarian on a statewide campaign to inform Oregon citizens about ways to protect themselves and their horses against West Nile virus.
  • Completed an emergency response plan for avian influenza (AI) in preparation for the possibility of its occurrence in Oregon.
  • Worked with state and federal agencies to develop a multi-agency response plan to be used in the event of a highly pathogenic AI emergency.
  • Conducted outreach to bird owners, advising them on how to counter the threat of AI to their flocks.
  • Established an online Web site for backyard bird owners to list the location and number of birds they own. If well developed, bird owners could be quickly located, in the event of an outbreak of AI.
  • Collected surveillance samples for AI testing from domestic birds throughout the state.
  • Continued to liaison with county officials, as they developed their county emergency response management plans, and to advise them about inclusion of animal health issues.
  • Worked in a cooperative effort with Oregon State University Extension faculty to educate producers about the National Animal Identification System.
  • Promoted a cost-sharing program with producers that allowed them to purchase livestock identification devices and the equipment to read and/or record ID data.
  • Sustained outreach and education efforts for producers to enhance animal health by promoting a Johne's disease control management model for producers to use.
  • Assisted ODA and the Oregon Department of Human Services Biopharm Ad Hoc Committee to develop a consensus policy recommendation to the governor regarding biopharmaceuticals produced in human food or animal feed crops.
Livestock Identification Program
  • 100 percent of all livestock theft reports by Oregon producers were investigated, many resulting in restitution and/or criminal convictions.
  • Worked with an industry advisory group to address fee structure in light of increasing costs and a decline in statewide cow herd numbers. An immediate small inspection fee increase has been proposed. This advisory group has also been actively working, along with major industry organizations, toward a proposal for legislative consideration to adopt a long-term program direction and adequate funding. A current major proposal is to remove the mandatory inspection of horses at traditional inspection points.
Feed Program
  • Contracted with FDA to perform BSE (mad cow disease) feeding ban inspections at every feed ingredient manufacturer in the state, along with several dairies and trucking firms. Completed 90 inspections in fiscal year 2005 and contracted to do 85 in Fiscal Year 2006.
  • Staff completed advanced inspector training sponsored by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). This should result in consistent state-to-state inspection and enforcement for the industry.
  • Completed animal protein handling inspections at 20 dairies and 10 trucking firms to verify the BSE firewall is in place.
  • Attended fall 2005 ODFA (dairy farmers) meetings around the state to inform them of record keeping obligations under the BSE prevention rules.
  • Decreased feed sample violation rate from 28 percent in 2004 to 23 percent as of November 1, 2006. Violations per analyte are also down.
  • Performed data analysis of all 2005 samples to identify patterns of violations and learned 67 percent of the violations were due to low protein at eight manufacturing plants. Intensely focused outreach was done to reduce protein violations.
  • Assisted in multi-state investigations of feed contaminants that caused animal health problems. Contamination materials included Monensin in horse feed, excess magnesium oxide in horse feed, and excess salt in bagged poultry feed.
Predator Control Program
  • Executed work plans with USDA Wildlife Services to limit loss endured by agricultural producers, due to wildlife depredation. This includes providing funds as part of a cooperative program to control predators.
Animal Health Program
  • Ensure control of large-scale animal diseases and diseases transmissible between animals and humans. Plan and prepare to prevent and eradicate exotic and emerging animal diseases.
  • Continue upgrading services of the Animal Health Laboratory with new testing technologies to improve accuracy and efficiency. Cost containment coupled with quality service is a priority goal of the laboratory.
  • Maintain Oregon's disease-free status in state-federal cooperative disease control programs.
  • Continue vigilance for the threat of bioterrorism and agroterrorism by training and coordinating with other state, federal, and industry animal health and emergency preparedness programs.
Livestock Identification Program
  • Maintain a high degree of professionalism and expertise that helps identify stolen or misplaced livestock and assists traditional law enforcement in prosecution of those who commit theft of livestock, primarily cattle.
  • Enhance traceability of livestock animals by encouraging more branding and documenting movements more thoroughly at saleyards and country inspections.
Feed Program
  • Ensure that all mills pass annual BSE inspections and handle restricted animal proteins lawfully.
  • Continue to build concept of "feed safety is food safety" with industry. Effectiveness will be demonstrated by fewer violations on samples and decreased levels of potentially harmful ingredients in animal feed.
  • Raise dairy industry awareness of the need to keep feed records, as a way to document BSE firewalls.
New challenges
Animal Health Program
  • Maintaining an appropriate level of surveillance for emerging and foreign animal diseases, especially avian influenza, will be a high priority.
  • Enhancing the ability to locate animals that pose a disease risk to Oregon's livestock enterprises will be a challenge for the program.
Livestock Identification Program
  • Investigate methods of incorporating new technologies into the existing program to enhance recovery of animal information. Adoption of such methods may also satisfy some of the requirements of a national animal identification system directed at controlling animal disease outbreaks.
  • The biggest challenge facing the inspection program is secure and ongoing funding. This looming financial crisis will increase the burden on remaining producers as numbers decline due to loss of grazing land and high travel costs. Essentially, this is a shrinking industry that will continue to have statewide service demands.
Feed Program
  • The price of rendered fat and meat and bone meal has decreased, making rendering economically inviable. Three of four Oregon rendering plants have closed. This has resulted in a shift in feed ingredients and has increased the cost of protein in feeds. Additional financial burden is placed on livestock producers as they try to find safe disposal of on-farm dead animals.
  • The Washington cow found positive for BSE has driven home the need for 100 percent compliance with the 1997 ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban. The division has been required to inspect more facilities and farms, in search of feed by-products in waste streams. The program will also have to spend more time looking at how feed is moved and how transportation vehicles are cleaned.

Major issue
Global animal disease prevention and response to maintain a viable and healthy livestock industry. Reduce disease potential for humans and animals.
ODA response
The public and livestock industries have both expressed heightened concern over such issues as BSE, earlier this decade, and more recently, avian influenza. One of the best ways for ODA to respond has been to show that a great deal of planning and preparation has been undertaken to protect both the producer and the consumer.
In order to improve the ability to respond to animal diseases of concern, the State Veterinarian and staff veterinarians have gone to special training. In addition, AHID has assembled and is providing training for a cadre of 160 deputy-state veterinarians. As part of the Oregon Veterinary Emergency Response Team (OVERT) training is provided on all aspects of controlling a highly contagious fast spreading animal disease that may involve dozens of locations in several counties before it is eradicated. Team members are instructed on proper diagnostic methods, sample collection, biosecurity, personal safety, animal depopulation, and many other relevant topics.
As a means of assuring a uniform, rapid and competent response, AHID has developed an Oregon Animal Disease Emergency Management Plan. The plan outlines, in general, the steps AHID would take in an actual animal disease emergency event. For more specific disease response guidelines, AHID developed response plans for specific diseases such as an Avian Influenza Surveillance and Response Plan and the Multi-Agency Response to a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Animal Emergency Plan. Full scale and/or tabletop exercises for all plans have been conducted to test their completeness and effectiveness.

Commodity Inspection Division
Photo of Jim Cramer
CID administrator, Jim Cramer
“The marketplace is more demanding in its specifications for Oregon agricultural products. The industry is responding by asking for inspection, certification, and verification of their products and processes to meet those demands.”
—Jim Cramer, Administrator

To provide services to the agriculture industry that assist in the movement of Oregon products in the domestic and international markets through official third party inspections, verifications, and certifications.
The Commodity Inspection Division has a staff of about 75 core employees and, during the harvest season, employs approximately 80 additional seasonal employees. Staff are based in Salem and in several field offices including Hermiston, Hood River, Medford, Klamath Falls, Milton-Freewater and Ontario.
What we do
Division staff are experts in state, federal, and international requirements for all of Oregon's major crops including seeds, tree nuts, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Staff work closely with members of Oregon's agriculture industry to provide information and technical assistance, enabling access to markets. Many staff members are trained auditors and may provide independent third party audits and process verification, as required by markets. Audits, and all other services, are available on a voluntary fee-for-service basis.
Specific functions of the division include shipping point inspection of fresh fruit and vegetables, official seed sampling for testing to meet foreign and domestic requirements, and programs to ensure the proper labeling of seed and produce. Audit programs provide for voluntary certification-good agricultural practices (GAP) and good handling practices (GHP)-for growers and packers of fresh fruits and vegetables. The division provides export certification for grass seed and straw; inspection and certification of hops; and an inspection program for grain warehouses.
Major accomplishments
Fiscal Year 2006
  • Inspected 3.16 billion pounds of produce for processing and 1.3 billion pounds of fresh fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts.
  • Certified for export 218 million pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables, including more than 18 million pounds of apples, 29 million pounds of hazelnuts, 33 million pounds of onions, 70 million pounds of pears, and 10 million pounds of potatoes.
  • Certified 218 million pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables for export.
  • Led the nation in audits for the Federal/State National Auditing Program for Good Handling Practices (GHP) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). A total of 75 audits were performed on facilities and farms with more than 19,000 acres certified for GAP. This voluntary program was developed and implemented at the request of the agriculture industry.
  • Worked closely with USDA-Animal Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to develop a pilot program designed to ease the exporting of Oregon products. This program allows industry-employed staff with ODA training and oversight, to inspect hazelnuts and onions. The inspected product is officially recognized by APHIS for export certification. This pilot program reduces inspection costs to the industry, while improving efficiencies to ODA
  • Sampled more than 8,300 lots of seed for official testing and verification as required for phytosanitary export certification.
  • Seed sampling program gained recognition from the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), allowing officially recognized samples to be taken. This furthers the agency's ability to help the seed industry move product. (ISTA is an internationally recognized seed sampling and testing process, required by many foreign markets.)
  • Worked cooperatively with other divisions to provide full service product export certification including sampling, testing, and phytosanitary certification of seeds, tree nuts, fruits and vegetables.
  • Provided workshops to help the industry comply with seed laws.
  • Provided one-stop sampling, testing, and certification to the seed industry to help the seed industry market products, domestically and internationally, in a timely manner.
  • Administered Oregon's Sod Quality Seed and Endophyte Forage Seed Tagging programs. Annually more than 229,000 tags are issued to certify seed is free of endophyte fungus, and/or meets Oregon sod quality seed standards. Both programs are voluntary and are used to increase the market share and price of Oregon seed.
  • Maintained a cost effective Origin Certification Program, allowing Oregon hay, straw, and grain shippers to meet the requirements of California's exterior quarantine for cereal leaf beetle.
  • Sampled, graded, and certified nearly 37,000 bales of hops in 2006 for Oregon's hop industry.
  • Conducted an identity-preserved program, helping the industry gain market access and market advantage in national and international markets.
  • Developed and implemented a pilot program for certification of weed-free forage and straw. This project was coordinated with the Plant Division's Weed Control Program and certified more than 900 acres in 2006.
  • Develop and implement electronic certification, providing real-time information to producers and handlers for marketing of product. Electronic certification would also reduce CID support staff workload, providing increased efficiency and greater administrative streamlining.
  • Provide additional value to Oregon products through verification, inspection, and certification programs to meet industry demands.
  • Integrate the Plant Pathology Laboratory into the CID Division, providing a greater measure of seamless service that includes sampling, testing, and certification.
  • Expand alternative inspection programs to include programs that reward companies with proven performance records, thereby increasing efficiency while reducing required oversight and cost to all parties.
  • Provide an educational mechanism for Oregon producers and handlers to meet retail requirements for certification of processes as required by their customers. Areas addressed would include Good Agricultural Practices, Good Handling Practices and Sustainable Agriculture.
  • Increase consumer confidence in the Oregon seed industry through regulatory and service programs.
New challenges
  • The challenge of moving Oregon commodities internationally and domestically continues to grow in complexity because of stricter requirements, more difficult work-plans, and a growing list of pests.
  • Wholesale produce vendors, with specific process audit requirements, frequently require audits from outside the area, and sometimes outside the country. Travel time and expense, added to the audit cost, greatly increase the overall expense, cutting further into the profit margin of producers.
  • It is increasingly expensive for the agriculture industry to make needed infrastructure changes to facilities and practices in order to meet market demands.
Major issue
Access to foreign markets and development of stateside markets. Resources to address non-tariff barriers, market development, and product introduction.
ODA response
Helping producers gain and maintain access to foreign and domestic markets is the primary function of the division. Generally, this is accomplished by working with the industry to understand their needs and the needs of their customers and developing and/or adopting certification schemes that satisfy these demands. Many certification services are long standing and traditional while others are new, innovative and proactive to market demands.
A good example of how this has worked is with the division’s efforts to provide phytosanitary certification of Oregon commodities to meet requirements of importing countries. This is done by Commodity Division inspectors through a cooperative agreement with USDA-Animal Plant Health Inspection Service. The agreement enables ODA to inspect and certify that Oregon products are free from pests or diseases that would otherwise prohibit movement into a foreign country.
In 2005 alone, more than $157 million worth of Oregon fruits and vegetables was able to be exported because of the inspection and phytosanitary certificates written by the Commodity Inspection Division. That includes nearly 125 million pounds of Oregon pears valued at $32 million, and 36 million pounds of Oregon hazelnuts valued at $26 million.
Another certification provided is the Good Agricultural Practices/Good Handling Practices program (GAP/GHP). This involves voluntary audits of processes designed to minimize the potential for microbial contamination in fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This is a relatively new USDA Federal/State program still evolving to meet changing industry needs. In 2005, nearly 24,000 acres of Oregon blueberries, onions, potatoes, cherries, mint, and pears were certified by ODA under GAP/GHP with a value of nearly $82 million.
Oregon agricultural producers needing to meet market demands and conditions benefited from traditional services provided by the division, including Third Party Inspection and Shipping Point Inspection. ODA provided unbiased official sampling, grading and certification, to satisfy dealings between buyers and sellers. Without these key services and programs, Oregon agricultural commodities would not be able to enter various markets.

Food Safety Division
Photo of Ron McKay
FSD administrator, Ron McKay
“We all play a part in food safety—the grower, the processor, the retailer, and the consumer. Everyone has to do their job in order to ensure a safe food supply.”
—Ron McKay, Administrator

To ensure Oregon consumers receive a safe, wholesome and properly labeled food supply.
The Food Safety Division has seven employees in the Salem office and 33 field inspectors located throughout the state.
What we do
The division monitors food production and distribution by more than 9,000 licensees for compliance with food safety laws and regulations. The division covers all aspects of food production and distribution except food service and wholesale meat slaughtering and processing. The division also assists in educating food companies and the public about food quality and safety concerns.
The Food Program provides sanitation inspection, equipment testing, consultation, label review and product grade monitoring for a wide variety of license types. Licensees include retail establishments, food processors, warehouses, bakeries, non-alcoholic beverage plants, domestic kitchens and egg handlers.
The Dairy Program assures safe, wholesome milk and dairy products through compliance with strict inspection, sampling, and equipment testing programs for dairies and milk processors. The program enables Oregon milk to be marketed in other states. Interstate marketing is regulated by the National Conference of Interstate Milk Shippers.
The Meat Program conducts inspections of meat sellers, slaughterhouses (USDA inspected facilities), non-slaughtering processors, stationary custom slaughters, mobile slaughters, and custom processors. A Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program is now implemented in all firms under USDA inspection.
Shellfish Program assures the safety of Oregon commercial and recreational shellfish and compliance with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards for interstate shipment of shellfish. This is done by monitoring 11 certified shellfish growing areas in Oregon bays and beaches and inspecting shellfish dealers' plant sanitation. Analysis of water and marine biotoxin samples is provided by ODA's laboratory in Portland.
Major accomplishments
Food Program
  • Performed 13,064 inspections on 7,928 licensed food establishments, including retail stores, food processors, bakeries, warehouses and locker plants in 2006.
  • Performed 750 contract inspections for FDA in each of the 2005 and 2006 contract years.
  • Protected consumers by participating in recalls of several different products during the past year. The recalls involved cheese with Listeria monocytogenes, ice cream products with undeclared allergens, produce with E. coli O157:H7, and lead in chocolate candies.
  • Responded to 464 complaints on food quality, foodborne illness and personnel practices in 2006.
  • Two ODA staff received training to complete FDA contract audits. The Food Safety Division will be required to complete audits and receive certification during the next contract period. Staff also attended training on juice HACCP, dairy processing, and the state's Drinking Water Program. The training allows us to contract with the Oregon Department of Human Services-Public Health Division to perform surveys and inspections for the Drinking Water Program, thereby reducing the number of regulatory agencies inspecting food firms.
  • Hired and trained two new field staff, filling all positions within the division.
  • Nearly completed implementation of a new field inspection computer program to allow staff to electronically report and transfer data from the field. This required a thorough review of all information in the system and how it was used. The new inspection program will provide more information to the field staff and be easier to use.
  • Updated the food regulations (Division 25) by adopting the 2005 version of the Code of Federal Regulations and repealing the organic regulations that are no longer needed because of the USDA National Organic Program.
  • Responded to the industry's desire for consistent interpretation of the Food Code by standardizing ODA's inspection process in the retail food program.
  • Staff continued to participate in national industry conferences such as the Conference for Food Protection, Interstate Milk Shippers Conference, and the Interstate Shellfish Shippers Conference.
  • Provided frequent outreach and consumer education on food safety issues through media interviews, public presentations, and other venues.
Dairy Program
  • Performed 1,098 inspections of dairy producers, Grade A dairy plants, and dairy product plants in 2006.
  • Collected more than 1,286 milk samples to be tested for antibiotics, bacteria and standards of identity in 2006.
  • Conducted 224 tests on pasteurization equipment belonging to licensed dairy processors in 2006.
  • Continued to meet the requirements of the Interstate Milk Shippers (IMS) Program by inspecting all farms and plants at the required frequencies. In addition, all pasteurization equipment was tested at the required frequency of four times per year. This allows interstate shipment of Oregon dairy products.
  • Continued to enforce the state's law banning raw milk sales in Oregon by removing product from sale when violations occurred. ODA has also worked with public health officials to provide outreach and education to the public on the hazards of raw milk.
Shellfish Program
  • Issued recreational shellfish harvest closures along the Oregon coast, due to marine biotoxins (domoic acid). These closures, to protect consumer health, were done as part of a monitoring, sampling, and testing program administered by ODA.
  • Issued recreational shellfish advisories for flood waters and contaminate spills, throughout the biennium.
  • Issued commercial shellfish harvest closures due to the presence of marine toxins or elevated fecal bacteria levels, caused by heavy rain events. Also conducted sanitary surveys and monitored water quality in commercial harvest areas, to comply with FDA standards.
  • Completed the collection of pre-season crab viscera samples and submitted them for domoic acid testing. These sample results, along with information from the states of Washington and California, allow ODA to advise the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the crab industry regarding the appropriate opening date for the crabbing season.
  • Updated shellfish regulations, adding a definition for oyster seed and adopting the 2005 National Shellfish Sanitation Program Model Ordinance.
  • Collected 1,175 samples of water and 385 samples of shellfish to be analyzed for bacteria and marine biotoxins.
  • Complete the new field inspection computer program to include electronic transfer of data, eliminating the need for double entry procedures.
  • Continue working with federal and state agencies to reduce the likelihood of a food related bioterrorism event, and prepare a response to such an event. Specifically, working with Oregon Emergency Management (OEM), ODA will coordinate its response with other federal, state, and county agencies in the event of a problem at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation or the Umatilla Army Depot. Coordination and communications will be critical in responding to any significant event. Division activities will be coordinated with the agency emergency management coordinator.
  • Complete implementation of the new licensing system (L2K) and the Customer Relations Information Management System (CRIMS) Project.
  • Begin using FDA's new data entry system for contract inspections, and train staff to enter the information.
  • Adopt the 2005 version of the Federal Retail Model Food Code.
  • Work with the Farmers' Market Association to strengthen food safety oversight at farmers' markets and other temporary food sales events.
New challenges
  • The complexity of inspections, and the amount of time necessary to conduct them, continues to increase as a result of mega-mergers, and new processing and food service activities in the retail food industry.
  • The new allergen labeling requirements are in effect. This will require informing the industry of labeling requirements.
  • The diversity of Oregon's population is increasing. Language barriers make it difficult for the division to effectively communicate food safety requirements.
Major issue
Direct marketing, certification, and access to local food markets for smaller growers.
ODA response
Protecting the food supply through inspection is an obvious benefit of the Food Safety Division’s efforts. Less obvious to the public, however, is the behind-the-scenes work done by inspectors to proactively assist producers and processors who want to participate in direct farm marketing activities such as farmers’ markets.
In recent years, Oregon’s dairy industry has greatly expanded its product offerings, particularly in the production of specialty and artisan cheeses. Many of these cheesemakers want to market to the consumer directly but need to know the requirements and how to get started. Oregon State University has been conducting a class for new, small cheese plants. ODA’s Food Safety Division has been participating in the class and informing students of the regulatory requirements even before they begin processing of the cheese. That helps cheesemakers avoid potential problems down the line.
The education of the processor is part of a long-time mission of the division. Inspectors have routinely worked with new businesses on plan review, process evaluation, and making sure the label and packaging is meeting all requirements– even before these new businesses begin operating. Again, the investment of time by the inspector saves the businesses potential problems down the road. This also makes it easier for these growers to market their product properly whether it is at a farmers’ market or at a more traditional retail outlet.
Finally, the Food Safety Division continues to work with Oregon’s farmers’ markets directly to help them prosper while ensuring food safety to their customers. Specifically, discussions are underway on potential regulatory amendments and perhaps licensing of vendors that will effectively deal with food safety issues at farmers’ markets.

Measurement Standards Division
Photo of Russ Wyckoff
MSD administrator, Russ Wyckoff
"Weights and measures jurisdictions provide the national infrastructure that regulates over $4.5 trillion in transactions annually."
—Russ Wyckoff, Administrator

To prevent fraud by ensuring that weighing and measuring devices used in commerce are accurate and correctly used; prevent fraud through transaction verifications and by checking packaged products for correct contents and labeling; ensure that motor fuels meet national standards for quality, and provide official and traceable mass, volume, and length calibration services.
The Measurement Standards Division has 30 employees, 10 based in the Salem office. Field staff are strategically located throughout the state to ensure equity in the marketplace for Oregon's metropolitan and rural communities.
What we do
Almost every commodity imaginable is traded in some form of measurement, whether by weight, length, count, or liquid measure. The division is involved in almost every consumer transaction in Oregon, to help ensure fairness from producer to consumer. The division assures consumers that the weight or measure of food and nonfood products, services, or commodities purchased in Oregon is correct.
Division inspectors routinely examine more than 53,000 commercially used scales, gasoline and diesel fuel pumps, and liquid and vapor propane meters. The division's Transaction Verification Program conducts audits of packaged products, assuring consumers in Oregon receive the amount of product that they are paying for. The Measurement Standards Division monitors gasoline and diesel motor fuel quality sold in Oregon by routinely screening gasoline for octane requirements, sampling diesel fuels, examining motor fuel dispensers for correct labeling, reviewing the fuel delivery documentation for required information, and checking for the presence of water in the fuel storage tanks.
The state of Oregon's legal standards for mass and volume are maintained in the Measurement Standards Division Metrology Laboratory. The division's metrologists make sure that the weights and measures field standards used by division staff and equipment repair service personnel are accurate.
Major accomplishments
  • Remained very active in the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) with Oregon being represented on the Board of Directors and Specifications and Tolerances Committee. The NCWM is the nation's consensus body that develops model weights and measures regulations adopted by Oregon and the rest of the United States.
  • As one of only eight states authorized to do so, the division performed National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) field evaluations on large capacity weighing devices such as floor mounted, single animal, livestock, axle-load, vehicle, and hopper scales.
  • Successfully completed the division's second National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) on-site audit. The laboratory continues to meet all National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and (NVLAP) Echelon I environmental parameters. The Oregon MSD Metrology Laboratory maintains its NVLAP Echelon I accreditation for mass calibrations and is one of only a few state metrology laboratories with this NVLAP accreditation. NVLAP accreditation ensures that the MSD Metrology Laboratory is able to perform the high precision weights and measures calibrations required in today's highly technical world.
  • Worked closely with Oregon farmers' markets, helping them with scale certifications and providing information on correct methods of sale for produce and other items. Division field inspectors attended farmers' market meetings to provide information to vendors and to examine their scales to ensure accuracy.
  • Routinely screened gasoline to verify octane levels and periodically sampled diesel fuels. This process included reviewing the fuel delivery documentation, checking for needed labeling on fuel dispensers, and probing storage tanks for the presence of water. During the past year, the division screened nearly 3,500 gasoline samples. This ensures that over two billion gallons of gasoline and diesel sold to consumers in the state of Oregon each year meet national quality standards.
  • Examined commercially used weighing and measuring devices (scales, gasoline and diesel meters, etc.) to make sure they are legal-for-trade, operating correctly, and free from fraud or misuse. These unannounced inspections at businesses throughout Oregon help assure that both businesses and consumers receive accurate measurement and that there is equity in the marketplace.
  • In addition to routine inspections, division field inspectors investigated approximately 140 consumer complaints last year. Complaints were related to firewood quantity, gasoline quality and quantity, and product packaging and labeling requirements.
  • MSD staff refined the screening procedures for quantity compliance audits of packaged food products. Packaged product audits help ensure that consumers are receiving the quantity that they pay for.
  • Met with retailers to explain screening procedures of packaged products, results found, and to assist with solving any errors. Also provided in-store demonstrations and training.
  • Assisted the alternative fuel industry in locating dispensers suitable for use with biofuels, including E85 and biodiesel fuel.
  • Designed and built a test unit for high flow alcohol meter testing.
  • Adopted nationally accepted labeling and fuel quality standards for biofuels, including biodiesel and ethanol.
  • Worked with industry representatives to update Oregon's Administrative Rules by adopting the latest versions of NIST Handbook 44, NIST Handbook 130, and NIST Handbook 133. The handbooks are used by all US states, and adopting the latest version helps Oregon maintain uniformity with other jurisdictions.
  • Work with industry on devices suitable for use with E85 and biodiesel now present in the marketplace.
  • Educate weighing and measuring device service agencies regarding Oregon's weights and measures regulations.
  • Explore alternative examination methods that allow the division to meet industry needs, while the number and complexity of weighing and measuring devices increases.
  • Continue promoting consumer and retailer awareness through educational programs on measurement accuracy, labeling requirements, and product sale methods.
  • Continue to meet the ever-growing metrological needs of Oregon businesses.
  • Continue to develop Measurement Standards Division Web pages, thus increasing information, forms, and online services available to consumers and businesses.
  • Continue working with industry and consumer groups to ensure equity in trade and to bolster consumer confidence in Oregon's products.
  • Ensure that motor fuels purchased in Oregon meet national quality standards.
  • Work with e-commerce industries to ensure fairness for online businesses and consumers.
New challenges
  • The division requires a secure and stable funding source in order to ensure equity in the marketplace through inspections done with adequate frequency.
  • Responding to the needs of business and consumers statewide has become more challenging given division resources. This may require prioritizing responses based on the economic impact of the issue or problem.
  • The number of weighing and measuring devices used commercially in Oregon has continually increased.
  • The complexity of technology utilized in weighing and measuring devices has required increased inspection time by the division.
  • It has become increasingly difficult for the division to contact appropriate officials in retail operations due to a high number of mega-mergers that have established corporate offices outside of Oregon.
  • New marketing trends require creative inspection procedures such as test purchasing to verify transactions.
  • Increased demand for alternative fuels has outstripped the infrastructure to deliver those fuels, such as storage facilities and approved dispensers.
  • The motor fuel industry requires education on fuel dispensers that are compatible for use with alternative fuels coming into Oregon's marketplace. In addition, the industry needs to learn the necessary requirements for properly retrofitting existing dispensers for use with alternative fuels.
Major issue
Renewable energy development, in which local producers can participate and benefit.
ODA response
Renewable energy in the form of alternative motor fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel is good for not only agriculture but also benefits consumers and the environment. Renewable energy provides an alternate source of fuel that is cleaner burning and more environmentally friendly, while making Oregon less dependent on foreign oil. Farmers may also have more cropping options with opportunities for refineries located within the state. However, with most new opportunities come distinct challenges and questions.
Currently, there is a lack of approved devices for dispensing alternative fuels in Oregon and the rest of the US. The Measurement Standards Division, like its counterparts in other states, is allowing the distribution of fuels with higher ethanol concentrations and biodiesel through stand alone dispensers that are properly retrofitted for these products and that use a dedicated storage tank. This approach allows distribution of the products while giving time to manufacturers of retail motor fuel dispensers to get new devices approved for dispensing E85 and biodiesel products now in the marketplace, in a manner similar to the dispensing of other available fuels.
The division will continue to work with the National Conference of Weights and Measures, the National Type Evaluation Program, manufacturers, and all industries involved to resolve current issues while still providing consumer protection and equity in the marketplace. The end result should be good for agriculture and the state as a whole.

Natural Resources Division
Photo of Ray Jaindl
NRD administrator, Ray Jaindl
“Land and water will always be the building blocks for Oregon agriculture. Managing them properly is the key to sustainability of those resources and the industry.”
—Ray Jaindl, Administrator

To conserve, protect, and develop natural resources on public and private lands so agriculture will continue to be productive and economically viable in Oregon.
The Natural Resources Division has a Salem-based staff of 25 and a field staff of nine. Water quality specialists, including livestock water quality specialists, are located in Grants Pass, Eugene, Bend, Pendleton, Baker City, Ontario, Tillamook, La Grande, and Salem. Technical specialists to support these positions provide expertise in hydrology, GIS, riparian lands, and enforcement.
What we do
The Natural Resources Division is dedicated to protecting and improving Oregon's natural beauty, with clean air and clean water for future generations, while ensuring the viability of our many important agricultural commodities. This is accomplished by implementing watershed based management plans, preventing water pollution from Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), coordinating the efforts of the state Soil and Water Conservation Commission (SWCC), providing administrative oversight and financial support to Oregon's 45 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), administering the smoke management and research programs, addressing land use issues relative to farmland, and managing oyster plat leasing in the state estuaries. Program efforts focus on assisting landowners and operators with conservation and economic decisions that conserve, protect, and develop Oregon's natural resources.
Major accomplishments
Water Quality Program
  • Continued implementing 39 agricultural water quality management area plans and administrative rules across Oregon. Staff worked closely with SWCDs to annually develop scopes of work that describe how ODA funds will be used to implement area plans and rules. Other implementation activities include compliance investigations of water quality concerns, extensive outreach and education programs about water quality improvement practices, and biennial reviews of area plans and rules.
  • Water quality specialists provided individual assistance to landowners and operators to assist with conservation and compliance issues.
  • Collected riparian land condition monitoring data for 14 regions during the biennium as part of a rotating data collection process for all 39 regions. Evaluated other agencies' water quality data collected from agriculturally-influenced watersheds, tracking agriculture's effect on water quality.
  • Conducted farm-scale effectiveness monitoring of several best management practices used by agricultural operations.
  • Coordinated with the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) to increase the number of Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) technical assistance agreements with SWCDs, from five to eleven. The division worked closely with Oregon CREP partners, including OWEB, USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA), USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the Oregon Department of Forestry, and multiple SWCDs to review the program and sponsor procedural and technical trainings to improve program delivery and effectiveness.
  • Established a statewide program advisory committee consisting of farmers, ranchers, agencies and industry representatives, to provide assistance to ODA in evaluating the water quality program and to identify opportunities for improvement.
Confined Animal Feeding Operations Program (CAFO)
  • Continued regulating all livestock operations to satisfy state water quality laws and the Federal Clean Water Act. ODA currently registers CAFOs that meet both federal and state definitions to the Oregon CAFO General Permit (permit). The permit, adopted jointly by the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) and ODA, meets the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
  • Registered 589 operations to the CAFO General Permit and one operation to a CAFO Individual Permit.
  • Continued to meet quarterly with the CAFO Advisory Committee, which is comprised of farmers, ranchers, and industry representatives.
  • Successfully completed the sixth and seventh years of "performance-based" CAFO inspections, improving relationships between ODA and the regulated community. Performance-based inspections allow CAFOs greater flexibility in management and help facilities comply with water quality laws.
  • The CAFO Program conducted 610 routine inspections of permitted facilities in Fiscal Year 2005.
  • CAFO inspectors conducted several hundred follow-up and educational review inspections with permittees and prospective CAFO operators. The inspectors assist operators with compliance reporting, record keeping and submission, and operational reviews.
  • CAFO inspectors provided detailed, individual assistance to permitted facility operators in the development and implementation of their Animal Waste Management Plan (AWMP). Inspectors must review and approve all AWMPs. All permitted facilities were required to prepare and submit an AWMP to the department prior to July 1, 2006. The inspectors review the AWMPs routinely with operators and inspect the facilities according to the items listed in the approved AWMPs.
  • Continued to present the Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Environmental Stewardship Award to acknowledge dairy producers who are doing an excellent job of protecting water quality.
Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) and Oregon Soil and Water Conservation Commission (OSWCC)
  • Enabled Oregon's 45 SWCDs to provide technical assistance to landowners and managers by distributing state and federal funds under grant agreements to SWCDs. Technical assistance included conservation planning, project design, construction inspection, and application of projects that implement local Agricultural Water Quality Area Management Plans and the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. SWCDs also secured grant funds for projects and conducted educational outreach and monitoring programs.
  • Administered the filing procedures for SWCD director elections.
  • Worked with USDA, the Oregon Association of Conservation Districts (OACD), and agricultural organizations to maximize use of conservation cost-share and incentive programs available in the USDA Farm Bill.
  • Provided state leadership and coordination of the CREP Program, a cooperative state and federal program that compensates landowners for managing riparian areas for trees, shrubs, and native vegetation. More than 800 miles of streams were protected under the CREP program during the 2005-2007 biennium.
  • Implemented a statewide program to conduct operation reviews with SWCDs. The program objective is to minimize risk and potential liability to directors, employees, boards, and ODA, while helping districts improve accountability and comply with laws and rules.
  • Updated and published guidebooks, references, and training materials.
  • Developed a new SWCD Web site that provides templates, tools, and example policies, and publications that support operational reviews and increase district capacity across the state.
  • Provided assistance to six districts in the development of local option tax proposals.
  • Provided training to districts on board operations, district management, public contracting, personnel management, and financial management.
Smoke Management Program
  • Provided oversight of all field burning in the Willamette Valley during summer burn season.
  • Maintained the ODA Oregon Weather Center Web page, which contains the daily burn advisory and weather forecast.
  • Provided meteorological services to Jefferson and Union counties during the 2005 and 2006 field burning seasons.
  • Provided approximately $157,000 for field burning alternative research in 2004-2005 and $159,000 for field burning alternative research in 2005-2006.
  • Maintained e-mail subscription service to notify the public of the potential for field burning in their general area.
  • Along with the Bonneville Power Administration and the Pacific Power Corporation, worked with growers during the 2005 and 2006 seasons to develop alternative burning strategies to prevent smoke columns from interfering with high voltage power lines and towers.
Land Use and Oyster Plat Leasing programs
  • Provided technical assistance to farmers, and local regional and state agencies, on several land use proposals. Examples include proposed expansion of urban growth boundaries in Woodburn, McMinnville, Junction City, and Tangent.
  • Monitored ongoing actions and issues related to the implementation of Measure 37.
  • Participated in the SB 82 "Big Look" process, evaluating the statewide land use program.
  • Worked with the farming community and Metro to establish a process that will require consultation with, and address the concerns of, the industry regarding proposed open space land acquisitions in the Portland metro region.
  • Proposed re-zoning of land in the Milton-Freewater area for planned development of the local wine grape industry.
  • Continued regional planning efforts in Lane County, the Bear Creek Valley and the Portland metro region.
  • Provided assistance to the Governor's Industrial Lands Task Force.
  • Represented ODA in continuing efforts to address issues involving the mining of aggregate and agricultural lands.
  • Assisted in developing requests for USDA and state weather-related disaster declarations.
  • Processed applications for new oyster plats.
  • Continued monitoring protocols, evaluating the effectiveness of the Water Quality Program.
  • Collaborate with various agricultural communities throughout the state on biennial reviews of water quality management area plans and rules.
  • Assist SWCDs with implementation of water quality management area plans. This assistance includes effective education and outreach so that agricultural landowners know about the state's Agricultural Water Quality Program and its local impact.
  • Maintain the inspection, enforcement, and compliance assistance program for permitted CAFOs.
  • Implement new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CAFO regulations through education, outreach, permits, inspections, compliance assistance, and enforcement.
  • Provide a lead role in coordinating voluntary, incentive based, USDA Farm Bill assistance programs, such as the CREP Program.
  • Work with OACD, SWCC and NRCS to raise professional capacity of SWCDs.
  • Provide training and assistance to all 45 SWCDs on effective district operations, long-range business plans, conservation easements, financial management, and legal compliance.
  • Continue to provide reliable weather forecasts for the grass seed and dairy industries, and explore opportunities to provide meteorological services to other agricultural sectors.
  • Explore options for online field burning registration..
  • Identify agriculture's role in achieving state air quality goals.
New challenges
  • As a result of new state and federal CAFO regulations, all permitted facilities must prepare and submit an AWMP for review and approval, thereby creating a new workload for division staff.
  • The agriculture industry is increasingly required to be proactive on environmental issues, largely due to the prospect of litigation. The division is working cooperatively with interest groups to develop successful proactive approaches in two key areas-agriculture's response to air quality issues and fish habitat needs in Oregon.

Major issue
Regulatory challenges and the continually tightening environmental standards (costs) in Oregon and the US versus other nations.
ODA response
Nationally, Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are increasingly being scrutinized for air emissions that may contribute to global warming and haze, and cause health problems. With nearly 600 registered CAFOs in Oregon, ODA’s Natural Resources Division has been interested in working with others to proactively respond to the increased scrutiny.
In the fall of 2005, several environmental groups petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revoke its approval of Oregon’s air quality permitting program and the state implementation plan because of the existing exemption of agriculture operations. If Oregon does not address the inconsistency between state and federal law, EPA may revoke its approval and impose a federal air quality program on the state. In addition, the courts could dictate a solution that might not work as well for Oregon. Concurrently, EPA will conduct studies on representative CAFOs nationwide to determine type and quantity of air emissions.
ODA and Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) began discussions in 2005. Representatives from ODA, DEQ, wheat, dairy, grass seed, beef, nursery, swine, and poultry operations have been working together for most of 2006 to proactively design a solution that works best for Oregon. Environmental groups also attended some of the meetings. The work group’s primary objective was to ensure that Oregon has the statutory authority required by the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA) for agricultural operations.
The group drafted Legislative Concept #806 for the governor to submit to the 2007 Legislature on behalf of ODA and DEQ. The concept gives both agencies authority to implement federal air quality standards for agriculture operations in Oregon.
In the end, the collaborative and proactive efforts of ODA’s Natural Resources Division and all parties working on this issue, will result in protection of Oregon air quality from potential negative impacts caused by large CAFOs while, at the same time, allow those CAFOs to continue operating.

Pesticides Division
Photo of Chris Kirby
Pesticides Division administrator, Chris Kirby
"Activities of the Pesticides Division impact Oregonians in many ways, from the ability to produce a wide variety of crops, to protecting people and their property from the adverse affects of pests."
—Chris Kirby, Administrator

To protect people and the environment from any adverse affects of pesticide use, while maintaining the availability of pesticides for beneficial use, and to assure that effective fertilizer products are provided for agricultural and consumer uses.
What we do
The division regulates pesticide products that include much more than just "bug killers" (insecticides). These products also include disinfectants (anti-microbials), "weed killers" (herbicides), "mouse baits" (rodenticides), plant disease controls (fungicides), "slug baits" (molluscacides) and plant hormones (plant growth regulators). Among the users of these products are hospitals, farmers, exterminators, and households. Regulated plant nutrient products include fertilizer, mineral, amendment, and lime products and have among their users farmers, grounds keepers and home gardeners.
Major division activities include: product registration; pesticide user examination and licensing; investigation of pesticide product content, distribution, and use; management of the Oregon Pesticide Use Reporting System (PURS); and, participation in the Oregon Pesticide Analytical and Response Center (PARC).
The division has a total of 21 full time positions, including four managers, five pesticide field investigators, eight pesticide technical staff, two fertilizer technical staff, and two support staff. One of the pesticide field investigators is based in Hermiston, working throughout Eastern Oregon. Another pesticide field investigator is based in Central Point, working the Southern Oregon area. All other staff are based in Salem.
Major accomplishments
Pesticide product and fertilizer registrations
  • Registered all 10,681 pesticide products offered for sale or distribution in Oregon in 2005. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determines the uses and restrictions of each pesticide product. Those requirements are contained in the product labels, and are filed as part of the registration process.
  • Requested special authorizations from EPA for specific pesticide use. With the vast diversity of crops in Oregon, the presence of potentially devastating pests and diseases may require use of pesticide products with an Oregon Special Local Need or Emergency Exemption. These authorizations allow the use of a product on crops not listed on the EPA approved label. In 2005, there were 33 new Special Local Need registrations and 23 Emergency Exemption authorizations issued.
  • Issued 26 experimental use permits to facilitate data development. Data submitted and reviewed include product toxicity to humans and wildlife, economic impact, environmental fate, efficacy, phytotoxicity, worker protection, use, and cropping patterns.
  • Registered 3,702 fertilizer products in 2005 including 941 agricultural mineral products, 409 agricultural amendment products, and 70 lime products.
Pesticide investigations
  • In Fiscal Year 2006, responded to 298 complaints of alleged pesticide misuse and assessed potential violations through the division's pesticide compliance section. Staff from the Salem headquarters, along with field offices in Central Point and Hermiston, provided timely response to compliance issues involving state and federal pesticide regulations.
  • Enforcement actions taken included 20 civil penalties totaling $163,526. There were also 64 advisory notices issued, 84 notices of violation, and 38 referrals to EPA.
  • Compliance personnel continued to be an extremely valuable resource for disseminating technical information, and providing regulatory education and compliance assistance.
Pesticide user examination and licensing
  • In Fiscal Year 2006, certified and licensed certain pesticide users, including 4,982 private pesticide applicators, 1,688 public pesticide applicators, 783 commercial operators, 1,057 commercial pesticide trainees, 105 public pesticide trainees, 221 pesticide dealers, and 750 pesticide consultants. Certification and licensure is obtained by successful completion of examinations to demonstrate a quantifiable level of knowledge of pesticide related information.
  • Associated activities include
  • writing certification examinations.
  • preparing examination study guides.
  • supervising examination centers.
  • grading examinations.
  • evaluating educational sessions.
  • recording training session attendance for individual licensees.
  • processing license renewals.
  • providing pesticide technical information to the public and licensees.
  • developing and distributing education materials.
  • Administered 4,567 examinations and accredited 1,313 recertification sessions.
  • Negotiated and monitored agreements with 16 educational institutions throughout the state to administer pesticide user examinations.
  • Licensed retail outlets that distribute restricted use pesticide products and provided information on distributor responsibilities under state and federal laws.
Pesticide Analytical and Response Center (PARC)
  • Re-established overall administrative functions of PARC within the Pesticides Division. PARC reviews claims of adverse health, environmental harm, or damage associated with pesticide use. A specific board, comprised of representatives from eight state agencies and one member of the public at large, oversees PARC activities. The board also utilizes experts from Oregon State University Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, and the Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology (CROET) at Oregon Heath Sciences University. Data collected by PARC is used to develop educational materials aimed at reducing pesticide exposure. Information is disseminated to interested parties through periodic reports and staff presentations at training sponsored by PARC or member agencies. Primary functions of the board are to
  • collect incident information.
  • mobilize expertise for investigation.
  • identify trends and patterns of problems.
  • make policy or other recommendations for action.
  • report results of investigations.
  • prepare activity reports for each legislative session.
  • PARC had not been funded since January 2003. The 2005 Oregon Legislature provided full funding of PARC, from General Funds, for the 2005-2007 biennium. Funding was made available for consultations by Oregon State University and the Oregon Department of Human Resources.
  • Pesticide Use Reporting System (PURS)
  • Completed development of PURS. The 2005 Oregon Legislature provided full funding for PURS during the 2005-2007 biennium. New contracts were negotiated with the contractors who worked on PURS during the 2001-2003 biennium. These contracts include the development and implementation of the household pesticide use survey component of PURS, computer software for internet-based pesticide use reporting, and computer system quality control.
  • The household pesticide use component was conducted for calendar year 2006 and is scheduled for the first six months of calendar year 2007.
  • The internet-based pesticide use reporting system was deployed for pesticide user preview in November and December 2006. This system was deployed in January 2007 to collect, store and sort information for calendar year 2007.
  • Licensed 159 fertilizer manufacturers/bulk distributors in 2005.
  • Conducted 11 marketplace inspections, took 34 product samples for analysis on nutrients and heavy metal content. Found nine samples in violation for nutrients.
  • Enforcement actions include stop sale, use, or removal orders on 31 companies and 81 products. Issued eight notices of violation and one civil penalty in the amount of $500.
  • Contracted with Oregon State University to review the standards specified in administrative rules for allowable levels of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and lead in regulated products. The review supported continuing the existing standards.
  • The Fertilizer Research Committee funded three research projects to examine the impact of regulated products with non-nutritive metals (arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and lead) on Oregon crops and soils. These projects included examining published literature as well as conducting field and laboratory research. Field sampling, including soil collection for laboratory experiments, were conducted in the Klamath Falls, Corvallis, Hermiston, and Pendleton areas. Data from these projects will provide more accurate information of Oregon conditions and facilitate evaluations of standards for non-nutritive metals in regulated products.
  • Developed and distributed pesticide newsletter throughout the biennium.
  • Improved communication with licensees, other pesticide users, and the public through enhanced Web site resources, updated brochures, Internet recertification opportunities, and relevant certification examinations and reference materials.
  • Reorganized responsibilities among existing management, technical, and support staff to provide additional resources for specific program components (water quality, endangered species protection) without decreasing services in other components.
  • Increase educational opportunities for pesticide users, including households, to assure that the use of pesticides does not harm people or the environment.
  • Improve the safety of pesticide use through monitoring and investigating specific pesticide use practices.
  • Manage a comprehensive pesticide use reporting system that collects and organizes reliable information on all categories of pesticide use in Oregon, including use by households.
  • Increase the sampling and analysis of fertilizer products for claimed nutritive contents and for potentially harmful materials.
New challenges
  • Availability and allowable use of pesticide products are subject to product registration and labeling actions taken by US-EPA.
  • New US-EPA requirements are being implemented for the storage of pesticide products.
  • Federal court decisions may further limit how pesticide products may be used.
  • Handling, distribution, and use of pesticide and fertilizer products have increasingly become affected by homeland security issues.

Major issue
Plant protection research, material availability, and cost in a state that produces mostly “specialty” crops.
ODA response
Efforts by the Pesticides Division to obtain “Special Local Need” pesticide product registrations and “Emergency Exemption” authorizations for use of pesticide products on specific crops have allowed Oregon agricultural producers to successfully manage pest and disease problems specific to their crops.
As an example, each year since 1998, the division has requested EPA to grant emergency exemptions to allow use of the pesticide product INDAR 75WSP (active ingredient fenbuconazole) for control of mummy berry disease on blueberries grown in Oregon. The cancellation of a long-standing pesticide product for mummy berry disease control had created an emergency for Oregon blueberry growers. According to research conducted by Oregon State University, the other products available for this use would have provided only about 50 percent control of the disease. By having these emergency exemptions granted, grower income has increased an average of $3,600 per acre per year. During this time, data required by EPA has been obtained so that INDAR 75SWP is expected to have national registration for mummy berry disease control in blueberries beginning with the 2007 growing season.
In all cases, these efforts include the division working with agricultural producers to identify difficult-to-control pests, researchers to identify pesticide products and techniques for the control of those pests, pesticide product manufacturers to support additional users of their products, and EPA to gather information for evaluations necessary to obtain the needed registrations and authorizations.

Plant Division
Photo of Dan Hilburn
Plant Division administrator, Dan Hilburn
“Invasive species come in several forms. Whether an insect, weed, or disease, Oregonians would rather not have to coexist with these invaders.”
—Dan Hilburn
To protect Oregon's agricultural industries and natural environment from non-native insect pests, plant diseases, and weeds; to enhance the value of exported nursery stock, Christmas trees, seeds and other agricultural products through inspection and certification; to coordinate statewide noxious weed control efforts; and to protect at-risk native plants.
The Plant Division has 25 Salem-based staff and 25 field employees who work at satellite offices in Portland, Eugene, Redmond, and La Grande, or who work from their homes. About 50-60 seasonal positions are filled each summer.
What we do
Plant Division programs protect Oregon from harmful invasive species, provide inspection and certification of agricultural products, coordinate noxious weed control efforts, and protect at-risk native plants. The Plant Health and Insect Pest Prevention sections focus on exclusion, detection, and eradication of non-native insect pests and plant diseases. Oregon-grown seed crops, fruit trees, and blueberry plants destined for export markets depend on the testing and certification services of the plant health laboratory. Similarly, the nursery section opens markets for Oregon-produced nursery stock and Christmas trees by providing inspection and certification services.
Protecting Oregon from harmful non-native weeds is the focus of the noxious weed control section. Program strategies include providing leadership and coordination to local, county, state and federal weed control efforts; administering grants through the State Weed Board; implementing biological control programs; detecting new invaders and implementing eradication programs; and providing technical information and public outreach.
The Plant Conservation Section focuses on protection of threatened and endangered plants native to Oregon. Activities include developing and implementing conservation plans; providing support to state and local agencies (and the general public) in dealing with native plant protection issues; and cooperating with federal agencies on conservation decisions for Oregon plants.
Major accomplishments
  • Conducted nearly 7,000 inspections and issued a like number of state and federal phytosanitary certificates for growers of nursery stock and Christmas trees who exported to more than 70 foreign countries.
  • Placed about 23,000 gypsy moth and Japanese beetle traps statewide annually in 2005 and 2006. A gypsy moth infestation in Eagle Creek was eradicated in 2005. A large gypsy moth infestation delimited in Bend in 2006 was traced to an e-Bay auto purchase. An Asian gypsy moth from China or Korea was detected in St. Helens, along the Columbia River. A Japanese beetle infestation associated with a cargo trucking facility on Swan Island was detected; eradication treatments were implemented and continued in the area of air cargo facilities at Portland International Airport.
  • Continued Phytophthora ramorum (sudden oak death) eradication efforts in forests near Brookings. Since 2001, approximately 130 acres of infected forest have been cut and burned. This interagency effort involves staff from ODA, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of Forestry, and US Forest Service.
  • Tested and certified nurseries for P. ramorum to preserve markets for nursery stock. Approximately 52,000 samples from 1,034 nurseries were tested in 2005; 80,000 samples from 1,393 nurseries in 2006. The infestation rate remains below 1 percent.
  • Treated an infestation of exotic woodboring beetles in The Dalles in both 2005 and 2006. Continued surveys for exotic woodboring insects resulted in the capture of over 40,000 specimens in 2006, including several non-native species never before trapped in Oregon.
  • During the biennium, the Oregon State Weed Board distributed $1.5 million in noxious weed control grants from Measure 66 lottery funds. Over the same period the Nursery Research and Advisory Committee distributed approximately $395,000 for nursery-related research.
  • Implemented recovery plans and management actions for a range of state and federally protected plants, including Peck's milkvetch, Malheur wire-lettuce, Cook's desert-parsley, Howell's mariposa lily, northern wormwood, and Oregon semaphore-grass.
  • Led the US in biological control efforts, with 75 species of biocontrol agents introduced to combat 29 species of noxious weeds and exotic insect pests. Progress against purple loosestrife, diffuse knapweed, and yellow starthistle is becoming more evident.
  • Monitored grasshopper infestations. Detected populations above eight per square yard on 65,000 acres in 2005 and 113,000 acres in 2006. Staff provided technical support for suppression projects.
  • Inspected 558 seed fields in 2006 for over 100 diseases. This is a 6.3 percent increase in inspections from 2005.
  • Conducted the fruit and ornamental tree virus certification program with two-dozen nurseries participating. Approximately 12,000 samples were tested for viruses each spring in 2005 and 2006.
  • Made progress battling giant hogweed, first detected in 2001 and found at 62 sites in the state. In 2006, only 34 sites were noted to have plants; two sites were officially declared eradicated of giant hogweed after five years with no detection.
  • Worked with industry, USDA, and OSU to monitor and control blackberry rust, which was discovered in 2005 on the south coast damaging Himalayan blackberry. By the end of the year it had spread throughout western Oregon and impacted some Evergreen blackberry crops. Damage was much less in 2006.
  • Participated on an interagency committee to review issues related to regulation of biopharmaceutical plants. This committee recommended that Oregon adopt a cooperative regulatory system involving USDA, ODA, and the Oregon Department of Human Services. A policy paper is available on the ODA Web site.
  • Ensure that division efforts focus on exclusion, early detection, and rapid response to harmful invasive species that threaten the economic viability of Oregon's agricultural industries.
  • Keep overseas markets open to Oregon exports of vegetable seed, grass seed, fruit trees, Christmas trees, and ornamental plants through pest- and disease-free certification.
  • Implement biological controls for harmful, non-native insect pests and weeds. Currently targeted species include purple loosestrife, diffuse knapweed, yellow starthistle, cereal leaf beetle, and cherry bark tortrix.
  • Work to reduce economic impacts related to threatened and endangered native plant species by protecting and restoring vulnerable populations and habitats.
New challenges
  • In 1986, the Plant Division conducted surveys for five major insect pests. By 2006, the number of targeted surveys for major insect pests threatening Oregon had grown to over 30 species.
  • Biosecurity concerns have increased dramatically as the threat of terrorist attacks on agriculture has been exposed. At the same time, globalization of trade and travel without sufficient safeguards has increased the risk of accidental introduction of harmful species.
  • Existing resources to address new invasions have been stretched thin. Services supported by user fees, such as nursery and Christmas tree plantation inspections, are being maintained or improved. The general fund, however, has not kept up with an increasing need for surveys and control projects. Federal funds have supported more and more of these surveys in recent years.
  • Noxious weeds continue to be more problematic in areas without active county weed control programs. Securing reliable base funding for local noxious weed control programs remains a challenge.
  • Partially restored state funding is facilitating a long overdue review of the Oregon Threatened and Endangered Species List for plants, providing the opportunity for much-needed updates to a list that has remained unchanged since 1995.

Major issue
Resources to combat invasive species and their impacts on local agriculture and ecosystems.
ODA response
Four programs within ODA’s Plant Division have a long history of successfully excluding invasive species from Oregon. These efforts have protected Oregon’s natural resources and native species while also protecting the agriculture industry’s ability to market its products.
Specifically in the last two years, the Nursery and Christmas Tree Section and the Plant Health Section have worked with industry to provide inspection and certification of nursery stock for P. ramorum (a.k.a. sudden oak death). As a result, Oregon nursery stock is able to continue being marketed throughout the country, and any detection of P. ramorum has been contained and quickly eradicated.
Through aggressive detection and control or eradication efforts, the Noxious Weed Control Section has successfully contained giant hogweed, kudzu, purple starthistle, Paterson’s curse, and distaff thistle, among other invasive plant species. These A-rated weeds have the potential to become extremely harmful to Oregon’s agriculture and environment. ODA will continue to focus on these new invaders until their seed banks are exhausted and they are eradicated.
The Insect Pest Prevention and Management Section has quickly detected introductions of Japanese beetle and gypsy moth, and successfully eradicated new infestations. ODA has been a national leader in development of identification aids for exotic woodborers, aiding ODA’s own early detection and rapid response to exotic woodborer incursions, such as the granulate ambrosia beetle introduction at the railroad tie treatment plant in The Dalles the past two years. Early detection and eradication of invasive insects by ODA continues to protect Oregon’s agriculture and environment, and to increase the value of Oregon’s nursery, Christmas tree, and other agricultural products.

Performance Measures
The purpose of this report is to summarize the agency's performance for the 2005-07 biennium. View a complete report of ODA's performance measures.

ODA directory
Farm mediation hotline 800-347-7028 do-mediation-expert@oda.state.or.us
Invasive species hotline 866-468-2337 invasives-info@oda.state.or.us
Shellfish safety hotline 800-448-2474 fsd-expert@oda.state.or.us
Smoke complaint hotline - Eugene 541-686-7600 nrd-smoke-management@oda.state.or.us
Smoke complaint hotline - Salem 503-986-4709 nrd-smoke-management@oda.state.or.us
Administration and Support
ODA Information Office 503-986-4550 info@oda.state.or.us
Administrative Services 503-986-4580 asd-office-manager@oda.state.or.us
Laboratory Services
Katy Coba, Director 503-986-4552 kcoba@oda.state.or.us
Lisa Charpilloz Hanson, Deputy Director 503-986-4552 lhanson@oda.state.or.us
Lauren Henderson, Assistant Director 503-986-4552 lhenders@oda.state.or.us
Dalton Hobbs, Assistant Director 503-872-6600 dhobbs@oda.state.or.us
Bruce Pokarney, Communications 503-986-4559 bpokarne@oda.state.or.us
Agricultural Development and Marketing 503-872-6600 agmarket@oda.state.or.us
Animal Health and Identification 503-986-4680 ahid-office-manager@oda.state.or.us
Commodity Inspection 503-986-4620 cid-expert@oda.state.or.us
Food Safety 503-986-4720 fsd-expert@oda.state.or.us
Measurement Standards 503-986-4670 msd-info@oda.state.or.us
Natural Resources 503-986-4700 nrd-expert@oda.state.or.us
Pesticides 503-986-4635 pestx@oda.state.or.us
Plant 503-986-4636 plant-pest-disease-expert@oda.state.or.us
Associated programs
Oregon Century Farm and Ranch Program 503-297-5892 orcentury@juno.com
Oregon Commodity Commissions 503-872-6600 kanderso@oda.state.or.us
Oregon Invasive Species Council 503-986-4660 invasives-info@oda.state.or.us
Pesticide Use Reporting 503-986-4635 pestx@oda.state.or.us
Pesticide Analytical and Response Center 503-986-6470 parc@oda.state.or.us
Soil and Water Conservation Districts 503-986-4700 lojua@oda.state.or.us
State Board of Agriculture 503-986-4550 mmacgreg@oda.state.or.us

2005-2006 Oregon Agriculture & Fisheries Statistics

The value of agricultural production in Oregon has reached an all time high of $4.3 billion. Oregon produces more than 220 different agricultural commodities.

The new ag statistics bulletin is now available from the ODA Information Office. This 100-page booklet, produced cooperatively by the USDA Oregon Agricultural Statistics Service and the Oregon Department of Agriculture, provides production statistics for hundreds of Oregon ag products.
Order your free copy by calling 503-986-4550, or view the publication online at http://www.nass.usda.gov .
2007 Ag Progress Awards Dinner
Save the date!
  • March 22, 2007
  • Oregon State Fairgrounds

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Page updated: May 23, 2007

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