??O o #6?36 By Assemblyman Monagan HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. Relative to creating the Assembly Science Advisory Council. XHEREAS, The growth and rapid changes in the environment, living conditions, and social structures in California have placed upon the Legislature the need to make critical public policy decisions of great com- plexity; and WHEREAS, It is essential that sound decisions and planning on complex social, economic and environ- mental issues be based upon the best information and ad- vice available, including contributions to public policy formulation from the research and activities of natural and social scientists and the academic community; and WHEREAS, The Legislature is concerned that critical problem areas are in need of basic, applied and developmental research, and that ft is essential that maximum use be made of scientific developments in public programs and policy formulation; and, WHEREAS, There is a need to create new instru- ments and procedures to enable the Legislature to call the attention of the scientific and academic community 1 . to such critical problem areas and,to define and resolve the range of serious current ati future problems facing our state; and WRERBAS, The most effective use of scientific developments in public programs and the encouragement of research on public problems of concern to the Legis- lature require direyt and continuous commuhication between the Legislature and the scientific and -academic community; now, therefore, be it Resolved z the Assembly of the State of m- California, That the Members establish a Science Advisory Council, as a function assigned to the General Research Committee, the purpose of the Council being to provide the Members with information on scientific and techno- logical developments and to: (a) Make possible the practical application of such developments in attacking the serious problems facing our state; (b) Assist the Legislature in evaluating the effects of changes brought about by technology and sci- entific advance on political, social and economic organ- ization and the environment; (4 Communicate to the scientific community broad areas of legislative concern in which there is a need for basic and applied research; and (d) Bring to the public policy' formulation process the advice, counsel, technical judgment and ex- t pert assistance of outstanding members of the scientific 2 community; and be it further Resolved, That the Science Advisory Council shall consist of not less than five nor more than twenty persons-, appointed by the Chairman of the General Re- search Committee, with both broad and specific knowledge of research and developments in the social and natural sciences; and be it further Resolved, That a subcommittee of the General Research Committee be established to assist in directing the work of the Science Advisory Council consisting of the Chairman, or Vice Chairman if so designated by the Chairman, of each Assembly Standing Committee, with the ' Chairman of the General Research Committee acting as the subcommittee chairman. -3- . . . ` - _ - ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS RELATING TO PROPOSED SCIENCE ADVISORY COUNCIL I. General Research Committee - Speaker, Chairman Has general supervision of activity of Council. Speaker appoints Council members. A. Subcommittee on Science Advisory Council (all Committee Chairmen or Vice Chairmen) 1. Directs work of Council. 2. Develops specific problem areas for Council to consider and periodically reviews progress. II. The Science Advisory Council - A. Membership: Flexible - minimum of five and maximum of 20. Begin with five as a nucleus and add more when appropriate. B. Selection of members: 1. 2. 3. 4. Fields of selection to be based on priorities of activity of Council. Persons with recognized specialty but broad prospective. Persons with contact with broad range of research and development activities and sensitivity to public policy issues. Choose from a) Public and private academic institutions b) Industry cl Scientific and research organizations (e.g. RAND) d! Foundations e) Include persons involved in administration of research C. Meetings: Monthly - one or two days each. Special. events such as symposia, seminars, etc. D. Compensation: Expenses. Other provisions to be determined. E. Staff: Professional and secretarial staff will be pro- vided through the General Research Committee as necessary. iv -l- .\. _, - . . - . . * F. Functions of the Council: 1. Provide continuous communication channel between Legislature and academic community. 4 b) Provide Assembly with information from the scientific community that is affecting or will affect public policy decisions. Communicate legislative needs to the scientific community, including the encouragement of out- side research in areas of legislative concern. 2. Lend expertise to reviewing research and program development activities of various Assembly staffs with the hope of eventually proposing potential criteria to evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of policy making operations.' 3. Provide nucleus`of technical advisory groups on specific problems and advise Legislature on priorities and outside assistance relative to specific legislative investigations. -2-