This cm be described in terms of an announcement in the 1963 catalogus along the following lines: *`A ful! tuitlrrlr scholarship (present value &1,260 per year) Is avall- able from funds of the Joseph P. KMnedy Laboratories for Molecular HedI- cim, (sea p* t~xls catrlogue) Pot a first-ymr medical student of outstanding qualiflutions and intwests IR pursuing a career in medical research bearing on the etiology of mental retardation. The indicated fields of scientific activity include molecular biology, heredity, neuro- biology or developmentsi medicine. The scholar would also be expected to qualify for appointment as a part-time and s-r research assistant ln the Kennedy Laboratories during his medical studies, The scholar may not accept eny employment during hlr medic111 studies that does not dfrect- ly further his career in medIcal teseerch. The award is rcmswlrble annually on evidence of continued high perfotnunce towards those gorls." Such a scholarship may help greatly to steer students Into the Stanford program, and to dramatize our concern for deveIoping talent in this field. It would first becane operative in September, 1963, and would entail a morel conrnitment for the five-year perlod beginning then, but at a rata of only %I,260 per year, fortunately not taxable to the student. The medical ednrisslons offi- informs m that about six highly swilfiad applicants each year badly need financial atd of thts kind beyond the availability of current income from scholarship funds. Actually, evdn tire students must f&i1 to apply to Stanford in the first place out of flnancioi discouragement. As this is not really an endowed schofarshlp and to avoId the corn-- piications of a new egreement for a pi lot experiment, It is formulated as a schoirrshlp from the Kennedy Laboratory fu,nd rather than the hmdat ion. We have time to decide whether to continue the prograsP with n4w starts in succeeding years --hopefully the President's program for national medical scholarshIps my erase the need for it, if Congress can eventually be perru4dad to adopt it.