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IHS Pharmacy Program 

Acquisition of Medications
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Medicare and Medicaid
Patient Education Links
Pharmacy Associations
Pharmacy Billing
Pharmacy Program Updates
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Residents Resources
Schools of Pharmacy

Clinical Questions, resources to find answers  - Link to IHS Clinical Questions page. Online links to many commonly used references.   URL:  02-19-2002
VA Drug & Pharmaceutical Prices  - From the Pharmacy Benefits Management, Strategic Healthcare Goup, Dept. of Veterans Affairs.   URL:  05-01-2001
IHS Profile, year 2001  - This one-page reference document provides basic information about the agency that is a useful reference when describing the agency in your advocacy efforts.   URL:  04-12-2001
IHS Budget and Performance Related Documents FY 2002  - Links to all pertinent IHS budget documents released April 10, 2001.   URL:  04-12-2001
RX FactStat  - Tablet identification   URL:  03-19-2001
FDA New Approvals & Revised Package Inserts  - Link to sign-up for the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research e-mail service. Receive daily or weekly updates on new drug approvals or package insert changes. Also links to CDER home page.   URL:  02-13-2001
Pharmacy Links Gateway **** - Well organized hot links to everything you want to find about pharmacy including: associations, schools, pharmaceutical companies, journals, books, databases, hospital, federal and more. Includes US and international.   URL:  02-10-2001
Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 17th ed, April 1999  - Free electronic access to the full text version. Opens to table of contents. Most recent version available electronically as of 2/2001.   URL:  02-10-2001
Indian Health Service: Leader in Pharmaceutical Care  - US Pharmacist article by LCDR Scott Giberson on primary care pharmacy programs within the IHS.   URL:  01-21-2001
ANMC Pharmacy Home Page  - Pharmacy Operations, Clinical Information, Procedures, Technician Information...   URL:  01-07-2001
RXHOPE  - This service, which is fast, simple and almost brand new, is sponsored by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PhRMA). Unlike few others that would provide the service at a charge, does it all for free. The procedure for applying for medication assistance is as simple as entering your request on the "Patient Assistance Request Form". Once completed, your request is sent directly to the pharmaceutical company for processing.   URL:  07-31-2000
Merck Manuals Online  - Search this up to date electronic copy of the Merck Manuals.   URL:  07-10-2000
PHS Pharmacy Professional Advisory Committee  - Current information and issues of interest to pharmacists throughout the Public Health Service   URL:  05-17-2000
Pharmacist's Letter  - Online subscription to Pharmacist's Letter   URL:  03-27-2000
Medical Letter Home  - Online subscription of The Medical Letter   URL:  03-27-2000
VA Dept of Pharmacy Website **** - home page for the Pharmacy Benefits Management, Strategic Healthcare Group, Dept. of Veterans Affairs. Formulary, clinical practice guidelines, treatment protocols, prime vendor info., etc.   URL:  02-02-2000
Medline  - Provide an easy way to search the 11 million references and abstracts in the MEDLINE database.   URL:  08-11-1999
Pharmacoeconomic Center  - Sponsored by the Department of Defense. P&T reviews, disease state reviews,etc.   URL:  08-11-1999
New Drugs  - New drugs and indications. Sponsored by the PSL consulting group.   URL:  08-10-1999
Drug Formulary  - Drug formulary, with cost comparisons and antibiotic use guide sponsored by the Medical College of Wisconsin.   URL:  08-10-1999
Intelihealth  - Patient handouts. Intelihealth is a joint venture between Aetna Healthcare and Johns Hopkins.   URL:  08-10-1999
IHS Pharmacy Intranet Home ***** - Available to domain users only. Visit the most comprehensive IHS Pharmacy Resource Center.   URL:  08-10-1999

MS Word DOC File Medicare Fraud, Waste and Abuse Training Requirement - Medicare regulations require the Part D drug plans to assure that all pharmacies train their employees upon initial hire and annually about fraud, waste and abuse and that pharmacies keep documentation of this training. (DOC - 31.5K)
 Training_Requirement_for_Pharmacy_and_Billing_Office.doc Author: <RADM Robert Pittman> - March 30, 2008.
MS Word DOC File Medicaid Tamper Resistant Prescription Requirement - Beginning April 1, 2008, all written prescriptions for Medicaid recipients must be on paper with at least one tamper-resistant feature as outlined by CMS(DOC - 31.0K)
 Medicaid_Tamper_Resistant_Prescription_Requirement.doc Author: <RADM Robert Pittman> - March 28, 2008.
MS Word DOC File IHS National Pharmacist's Council, meeting minutes, November 20, 2001 (DOC - 60.5K)
 NPC112001_Minutes.doc  - November 20, 2001.
MS PowerPoint PPT File The Budget Process - Presentation by Keith Longie to the National Pharmacy Council on the budget process(PPT - 170.5K)
 The_Budget_Process.ppt Author: Keith Longie, ISAC Co-Chairman
MS PowerPoint PPT File RPMS Point of Sale Pharmacy Billing System - look in presentations folder for new presentation from Information Technology and Program Support Conference, Albuquerque, June 12, 2001(PPT - 67.0K)
MS Word DOC File IHS National Pharmacy Councel Stretegic Plan, May 2001 (DOC - 172.5K)

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This file last modified: Wednesday August 20, 2008  7:49 AM