Doppler Lidar Observations of Nocturnal Flows from a Tributary Valley near Vancouver, B.C.

R. M. Banta, P. B. Shepson (Purdue University), J. W. Bottenheim (Atmospheric Environment Service) and K. G. Anlauf (AES)

[Radial [Geometry

Figure 4. Lidar across-flow cross sections (from volume scan) showing nonuniform outflow--core of outflow jet contained cleanest air. (a) Radial velocity (m/s-1) left and lidar backscatter (dB) right for two distances from lidar. Strongest flow toward lidar (downvalley) is shaded, and dirtiest air (highest backscatter) also shaded. (b) Geometry of cross sections (A-B) relative to elevation-scan sequence.
ETL / Review / Doppler Lidar Observations of Nocturnal Flows from a Tributary Valley near Vancouver, B.C. / Figure: Introduction, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Findings