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1998 White House Conference on Social Security



DECEMBER 8, 1998

Location: Marriott Wardman Park Hotel (Cotillion Ballroom unless otherwise noted)

8:45-9:30 Opening Session With President Clinton, Vice President Gore, and Members of Congress. (Open Press)
9:50-10:50 Panel -- The Challenges of Social Security Reform: Why We Need To Act Now, the Budget Surplus, and Social Security Reform (Open Press)
11:00-12:00 Panel -- The Challenges of Social Security Reform: Impact of Reform on Different Segments of the Population (Open Press)
12:00-1:30 Lunch Break.
1:30-3:00 Panel -- The Challenges of Social Security Reform: Private Market Options. (Open Press)
3:15-4:45 Off-the-Record Breakout Sessions to Provide Conference Participants the Opportunity to Speak Directly With Key Administration Officials and Members of Congress. (Closed Press)

DECEMBER 9, 1998

The White House

The second day of the White House Conference on Social Security will focus on educating and building relationships between key Administration officials and Members of Congress. Therefore, only Members of Congress and Administration officials are invited to the workshops.

9:00-12:15 Two Workshops to Educate Key Administration Officials and Members of Congress on the Important Issues in Social Security Reform. (Closed Press)
12:30-1:15 Closing Session With President Clinton and Members of Congress at Blair House.


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