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Section 1: General Information
Section 2: Statutory Background
Section 3: Mapping & Technical Resources
Section 4: Local Government
Landslides: Helpful Resources
Welcome to the Department of Land Conservation and Development's (DLCD) Landslide Hazards website.
This site provides information on landslide hazards to a variety of users, from elected officials to local government staff to members of the general public. Our goal is to increase awareness of landslide hazards and the damaging impacts they can have on people and property. The site describes the various approaches that can be taken to reduce the landslide risk and includes examples of regulations that can apply to development in areas potentially subject to landslides.

Section 1: General Information
GENERAL INFORMATION provides an introduction to landslide hazards, examining different types of landslides and the various factors that can trigger them. This section also includes a description of major landslide events and their impacts.

Section 2: Statutory Background
STATUTORY BACKGROUND provides a summary of Oregon laws that apply to landslide hazards and focuses primarily on Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 7 and Oregon Senate Bill 12. The laws serve as the foundation for local ordinances that regulate development in areas subject to landslide hazards.

Section 3: Mapping & Technical Resources
MAPPING AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES provides access to technical resources related to landslide hazards, including examples of landslide hazard maps, links to state department websites that contain additional information on landslide hazards, and other sources of information.

Section 4: Local Government
LOCAL GOVERNMENT provides direction to local governments in the regulation of development in areas subject to landslide hazards. Included in this section are an examination of existing landslide hazard ordinances that can serve as models and a discussion of innovative techniques that can be used to decrease the risk to persons and property threatened by landslides.
Materials on the Landslide Hazards website were compiled by the Lane Council of Governments and developed by Douglas County under a grant from the Department of Land Conservation and Development.

Landslides: Helpful Resources
Please go here.

Page updated: August 10, 2007

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