
Plants: Hardwood Trees
Magnoliopsida > Rosales > Rosaceae > Prunus virginiana L.
Synonym(s): common chokecherry, Virginia chokecherry

46 records

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Image Descriptor Description Photographer
5350013 Bark Keith Kanoti
5147048 Cultivar 'Canada Red' The Dow Gardens Archive
2127082 Flower(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
0806013 Flower(s) Pike and San Isabel National Forests, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0008069 Flower(s) Paul Wray
0008070 Flower(s) Paul Wray
1459104 Flower(s) Steve Dewey
5243024 Flower(s) Richard Old
5350024 Flower(s) Keith Kanoti
5382475 Flower(s)

Flowers and foliage

William M. Ciesla
5350023 Foliage Keith Kanoti
1462002 Foliage Underside of a leaf USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive
1462004 Foliage Underside of a leaf USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive
1462006 Foliage USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive
1462018 Foliage USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive
1462032 Foliage USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive
0008313 Foliage Paul Wray
0008314 Foliage Paul Wray
1375178 Foliage Terry Spivey
1375179 Foliage fall foliage Terry Spivey
1375180 Foliage fall foliage Terry Spivey
1555203 Foliage John Cardina
1555204 Foliage John Cardina
1555198 Foliage

with fruit

John Cardina
2127083 Foliage Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5243023 Fruit(s) Richard Old
1555207 Fruit(s) Ken Chamberlain
1555199 Fruit(s) John Cardina
1555200 Fruit(s) Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
0806014 Fruit(s) Pike and San Isabel National Forests, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0008188 Fruit(s) Paul Wray
1555196 Fruit(s) Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
1555197 Fruit(s) Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
5349094 Fruit(s) Keith Kanoti
1219183 Fruit(s) Bill Cook
1459103 Plant(s) Steve Dewey
1208061 Plant(s) single shrub growing in typical habitat Dave Powell
1555205 Plant(s) Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
1555201 Plant(s)


Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
1555202 Plant(s)


Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
1555208 Plant(s)


Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
1555210 Plant(s)

in flower

Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
1555211 Plant(s) Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
2127084 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1555212 Seedling(s) Ohio State Weed Lab Archive
0008482 Twig(s)/Shoot(s) Paul Wray

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