Education Office

Fermilab is committed to enhancing mathematics and science education and stimulating science literacy. Laboratory education programs serve students from prekindergarten to graduate research scientists in training.

The mission of the Fermilab Education Office is to strengthen primary and secondary school education by using Lab resources to improve teaching and learning in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. Programs will be a catalyst for change and a resource to schools and districts nationwide.

The Fermilab Education Office will provide precollege educational opportunities based on:

  • Needs of students and educators.
  • Laboratory staff and facilities and areas of expertise.
  • National, state and local initiatives and standards.
  • Educational research and best practice.
  • Cutting-edge ideas in science, education and teacher development.
By providing educational opportunities for all, the programs will:
  • Promote a life-long interest in science.
  • Raise scientific literacy.
  • Encourage young people to consider careers in science.