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Office Of Information & Technology (OI&T)

System of Records (SOR)

36VA00 - Veterans and Armed Forces Personnel United States Government Life Insurance Records-VA

System location:
Active records are located at the VA Regional Office and Insurance Centers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and St. Paul, Minnesota. Inactive records are stored at various servicing Federal Archives and Records Centers and at the VA Records Processing Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Information from these files is also maintained in automated files at the VA Benefit Delivery Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Information from the automated files in Philadelphia is available to all VA Regional Offices, except Manila, Philippines, through the ITS (Insurance Terminal System) which provides direct access to the records via video display terminals. Duplicate copies of certain manual and automated files are maintained at other locations in accordance with Federal and VA policy on security and vital records. Address locations of VA facilities are listed in VA Appendix 1 at the end of this document.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:
Veterans (not including dependents) who have been issued life insurance under one of the following: Title 38, United States Code, Chapter 19, Government Life Insurance programs; U.S. Government Life Insurance and National Service Life Insurance (includes Reopened Insurance under section 725, Service Disabled Veterans Insurance under section 722, and Veterans Special Life Insurance under section 723).

Categories of records in the system:
Life insurance records (or information contained in records) may include: (1) Applications for insurance (applications may contain the name and address of the veteran applicant, date of birth, social security number, military service number and dates of service, VA file number, plan of insurance, disability rating, medical information regarding disability, method of payment, amount of insurance requested); (2) beneficiary and option designation information (e.g., names and addresses of principal and contingent beneficiaries, share to each and option of payment, designated estates and trustee); (3) insurance contract information (e.g., authorization of allotment payment, authorization for deduction from VA benefit payments; authorization for deduction from employee payroll; paid dividend information); (4) cash value and policy loan and lien information; (5) a listing of lapsed actions; (6) records of premium payments; (7) reinstatement information; (8) premium status and retired status of policy; (9) total disability life insurance applications (these applications include medical history of insured); (10) court-martial orders; (11) copies of personal papers of insured (e.g., birth certificate, marriage license, naturalization papers); (12) correspondence to and from the veteran; and (13) employment information.

Authority for maintenance of the system:
Title 38, United States Code, Chapter 5, section 501, and Chapter 19.

Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such uses:

  1. The record of an individual who is covered by this system may be disclosed to a member of Congress or staff person acting for the member when the member or staff person requests the record on behalf of and at the request of that individual.
  2. Any information in this system may be disclosed to a Federal agency, upon its official request, to the extent that it is relevant and necessary to that agency's decision regarding: The hiring, retention or transfer of an employee; the issuance of a security clearance, the letting of a contract, or the issuance or continuance of a license, grant or other benefit given by that agency. However, in accordance with an agreement with the U.S. Postal Service, disclosures to the U.S. Postal Service for decisions concerning the employment of veterans will only be made with the veteran's prior written consent.
  3. Any information in this system may be disclosed to a State or local agency, upon its official request, to the extent that it is relevant and necessary to that agency's decision on: The hiring, transfer or retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the letting of a contract, or the issuance or continuance of a license, grant or other benefit by that agency; provided, that if the information pertains to a veteran, the name and/or address of the veteran will not be disclosed unless the name and address is provided first by the requesting State or local agency.
  4. Any information in this system may be disclosed to a Federal, State or local agency maintaining civil or criminal violation records, or other pertinent information such as prior employment history, prior Federal employment background investigations, and personal or educational background at the request of the veteran in order for the VA to obtain information relevant to the hiring, transfer or retention of an employee, the letting of a contract, the granting of a security clearance, or the issuance of a grant or other benefit.
  5. Any information in this system may be disclosed to a Federal agency, except for the name and address of a veteran, in order for the VA to obtain information relevant to the issuance of a benefit under title 38 U.S.C. The name and address of a veteran may be disclosed to a Federal agency under this routine use if they are required by the Federal agency to respond to the VA inquiry.
  6. Any information in this system, except for the name and address of a veteran, which is relevant to a suspected violation or reasonably imminent violation of law, whether civil, criminal or regulatory in nature and whether arising by general or program statute or by regulation, rule or order issued pursuant thereto, may be disclosed to a Federal, State, local or foreign agency charged with the responsibility of investigating or prosecuting such violation, or charged with enforcing or implementing the statute, rule, regulation or order issued pursuant thereto.
  7. The name and address of a veteran, which is relevant to a suspected violation or reasonably imminent violation of law, whether civil, criminal or regulatory in nature and whether arising by general or program statute or by regulation, rule or order issued pursuant thereto, may be disclosed to a Federal agency charged with the responsibility of investigating or prosecuting such violation, or charged with enforcing or implementing the statute, regulation, rule or order issued pursuant thereto, in response to its official request.
  8. The name and address of a veteran, which is relevant to a suspected violation or reasonably imminent violation of law concerning public health or safety, whether civil, criminal or regulatory in nature and whether arising by general or program statute or by regulation, rule or other issued pursuant thereto, may be disclosed to any foreign, State or local governmental agency or instrumentality charged under applicable law with the protection of the public health or safety if a qualified representative of such organization, agency or instrumentality has made a written request that such name and address be provided for a purpose authorized by law.
  9. Except for beneficiary and option designations, any information in this system including the name and address of a veteran may be disclosed to any nonprofit organization if the release is directly connected with the conduct of programs and the utilization of benefits under title 38 (such disclosures include computerized lists of names and addresses).
  10. Except for medical information and beneficiary and option designations, insurance contract information (e.g., name, address, status of the account, dividends paid, cash value, and policy loans) may be disclosed at the request of a veteran to an attorney acting under a declaration of representation, a VA-approved claims agent, an insurance agency, a trust officer, or to employees or members of an accredited service organization, or the to Red Cross so that these individuals or organizations can aid veterans in the preparation, presentation, prosecution of claims under the laws administered by the VA. The name and address of a veteran will not, however, be disclosed to these individuals under this routine use if the veteran has requested the assistance of an accredited service organization, claims agent, trust officer, the Red Cross or an attorney.
  11. The name and address of an insured veteran and the amount of payment may be disclosed to the Treasury Department, upon its official request, in order for the Treasury Department to make payment of dividends, policy loans, cash surrenders, maturing endowments and insurance refunds.
  12. The name and address of an insured veteran, date and amount of payments made to the VA including specific status of each policy (e.g., premiums paid in, dividends paid out, cash and loan values) may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), upon its official request, in order for the IRS to collect tax liens by withholding insurance payments to satisfy unpaid taxes. This purpose is consistent with title 26, United States Code, section 7602.
  13. Any information in this system may be disclosed to the Department of Justice, upon its official request, in defense or prosecution of litigation involving the United States Government.
  14. The name and address of an insured veteran, the discharge date from the military, and medical information concerning grounds for total disability of an insured veteran may be disclosed to the Office of Serviceman's Group Life Insurance (OSGLI) at the request of the veteran in order to aid OSGLI in the verification of a discharge date, the issuance and maintenance of insurance policies to veterans and retired reservists participating in the Veterans Group Life Insurance and Serviceman's Group Life Insurance Program and to pay death benefits on these claims.
  15. The name, address and other identifying information such as a social security number or a military service number may be disclosed to the Department of Defense (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps); the Department of Transportation (Coast Guard); the U.S. Public Health Service, Commissioned Officers Corps; and the Department of Commerce, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration); upon their official request, for use in order for these departments to establish and maintain allotments from active and retired service pay for VA insurance premiums and loan repayments.
  16. The face amount and cash and/or loan value of an insurance policy, verification of an existing insurance policy, and the name and address of an insured veteran may be disclosed at the request of the veteran to a Federal, State or local agency, in order for these agencies to assist veterans applying for Medicaid, Medicare, nursing home admittance or welfare benefits to the extent that the information is relevant and necessary to the agency's decision regarding these benefits.
  17. The name and address of a veteran and military service information (e.g., dates of service, branch of service) may be disclosed to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), upon its official request, in order for the AFIP to conduct research for specified official purposes.
  18. The name(s) and address(es) of a veteran may be disclosed to another Federal agency or to a contractor of that agency, at the written request of the head of that agency or designee of the head of that agency for the purpose of conducting government research necessary to accomplish a statutory purpose of that agency.
  19. Any information in this system including the nature and amount of a financial obligation, may be disclosed to a debtor's employing agency or commanding officer, upon its official request, in order to assist the VA in the collection of unpaid financial obligations owed the VA so that the debtor-employee may be counseled by his or her Federal employer or commanding officer. This purpose is consistent with 5 U.S.C. 5514, 4 CFR 102.5, and section 206 of Executive Order 11222 of May 8, 1965 (30 FR 6469).
  20. Any information in this system, including available identifying data regarding the debtor, such as the name of the debtor, last known address of the debtor, name of the debtor's spouse, social security account number of the debtor, VA insurance number, VA loan number, VA file number, place of birth and date of birth of the debtor, name and address of the debtor's employer or firm and dates of employment, may be disclosed to other Federal agencies, State probate courts, State drivers license bureaus, and State automobile title and license bureaus in order to obtain current address, locator and credit report assistance in the collection of unpaid financial obligations owed the United States. This purpose is consistent with the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 89-508, 31 United States Codes 3701-3718) and 4 CFR parts 101-105 and with 38 U.S.C. 3701(b)(6).
  21. Any information concerning the veteran's indebtedness to the United States by virtue of a person's participation in a benefits program administered by the VA, including personal information obtained from other Federal agencies through computer matching programs, may be disclosed to any third party, except consumer reporting agencies, in connection with any proceeding for the collection of an amount owed to the United States by virtue of a person's participation in any benefit program administered by the VA. Purposes of these disclosures may be to (a) assist VA in collection of title 38 benefit overpayments, overdue indebtedness, and or costs of services provided individuals not entitled to such services, and (b) initiate legal actions for prosecuting individuals who willfully or fraudulently obtain title 38 benefits without entitlement. This disclosure is consistent with 38 U.S.C. 3701(b)(6).
  22. The name and address of a veteran, other information as is reasonably necessary to identify such veteran, including personal information obtained from other Federal agencies through computer matching programs, and any information concerning the veteran's indebtedness to the United States by virtue of the person's participation in a benefits program administered by VA may be disclosed to a consumer reporting agency for purposes of assisting in the collection of such indebtedness, provided that the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3701(g)(4) have been met.
  23. Any information in this system such as notice of renewal, reinstatement, premium due, lapse actions, miscellaneous insurance instructions, disposition of dividends, policy loans and transfer of records may be disclosed to VA Federal fiduciaries of incompetent veterans in order to advise the fiduciaries of current actions to be taken in connection with ownership of U.S. Government life insurance policies and to enable them to properly perform their duties as fiduciaries.
  24. Any information in this system may be disclosed to a Federal grand jury, a Federal court or a party in litigation, or a Federal agency or party to an administrative proceeding being conducted by a Federal agency, in order for the VA to respond to and comply with the issuance of a Federal subpoena.
  25. Any information in this system may be disclosed to a State or municipal grand jury, a State or municipal court or a party in litigation, or to a State or municipal administrative agency functioning in a quasi-judicial capacity or a party to a proceeding being conducted by such agency, in order for the VA to respond to and comply with the issuance of a State or municipal subpoena; provided, that any disclosure of claimant information made under this routine use must comply with the provisions of 38 CFR 1.511.
  26. Identifying information, except for the name and address of a veteran, may be disclosed to a Federal, State, County or Municipal agency for the purpose of conducting computer matches to obtain information to validate the entitlement of a veteran who is receiving or has received veterans insurance benefits under Title 38, United States Code. The name and address of a veteran may also be disclosed to a Federal agency under this routine use if they are required by the Federal agency to respond to the VA inquiry.

Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system:

Records are stored on magnetic tape, microfilm, microfiche, disks, and paper documents including computer lists and punched cards.

All manual and automated insurance records are retrievable by the insurance file number, using name, social security number, VA file number, and date of birth as additional identifying information.


  1. Physical security.
    1. All VA facilities are protected by the Federal Protective Service or other security personnel. All file areas are restricted to authorized personnel on a need-to-know basis. Areas containing paper records are protected by a sprinkler system. Paper records pertaining to employees and public figures, or otherwise sensitive files, are stored in locked files. Microfilm records are stored in a locked, fireproof, humidity-controlled vault. Automated records which are not in use at the Benefit Delivery Center are stored in secured, locked vault areas.
    2. Access to VA Benefits Delivery Center is restricted to Center employees, custodial personnel, and Federal Protective Service or other security personnel. Access to computer rooms is restricted to authorized operational personnel through electronic locking devices. All other persons gaining access to computer rooms are escorted by an individual with authorized access.
    3. At Regional Offices and at Regional Office and Insurance Centers, the video display terminals are protected by password access. Electronic keyboard locks are activated on security errors. A security officer at each facility is assigned responsibility for privacy-security measures, including review of violations logs and local control and distribution of passwords.
  2. System Security.
    1. At the Benefits Delivery Center, identification of magnetic tapes and disks containing data is rigidly enforced using manual and automated labeling techniques. Access to computer programs is controlled at three levels: Programming, auditing, and operations.
    2. The ITS (Insurance Terminal System) uses the VA data telecommunications terminal system known as the Benefits Delivery Network (BDN) which provides computerized access control for security purposes. This system provides automated recognition of authorized users and their respective access levels and restrictions through passwords. Passwords are changed periodically and are restricted to authorized individuals on a need-to-know basis for system access or security purposes.

Retention and disposal:
Records are retained and disposed of in accordance with disposition authorization approved by the Archivist of the United States. The primary record, the insurance folder, is retained at the VA Regional Office and Insurance Center until it has been inactive for 36 months; at which time it is retired to a servicing Federal Archives and Records Center for 50 years retention and destroyed.

System manager(s) and address:
Director (00), VA Regional Office and Insurance Center, 5000 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101.

Notification procedure:
Any individual who wishes to determine whether a record is being maintained in this system under his or her name or other personal identifier, or who has a routine inquiry concerning the status of his or her insurance under this system may contact the nearest VA Regional Office. Requests concerning the specific content of a record must be in writing or in person to the VA Regional Office and Insurance Center at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or St. Paul, Minnesota, where the insurance folder is maintained. The inquirer should provide full name of the veteran, insurance file number, and date of birth. If insurance file number is not available, the social security number, service number, VA claim number, and/or location of insurance records. Address locations of VA facilities are listed in VA Appendix 1 at the end of this document.

Record access procedures:
Individuals desiring access to, and contesting of, VA records should write to the VA Regional Office and Insurance Center at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or St. Paul, Minnesota.

Contesting record procedures:
(See Records access procedures above.)

Record source categories:
The veteran or someone acting on the behalf of the veteran; other Federal agencies, State and local agencies, VA records; VA and private physicians, VA and private medical facilities, accredited service organization representatives, VA-claims agents, and the Red Cross, VA Federal fiduciaries; financial institutions, beneficiaries; the Retail Credit Corporation, commercial insurance companies, undertakers and the general public.

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